Posts Tagged ‘Steven’

New Blog Design!

You have probably already noticed a change unless you’re reading this by RSS, but Steven Wiggins has been working tirelessly on weekends to get this blog redesign done! Yay!!! The coolest feature is probably that there are actually two new designs, one for night and one for day, which will change around 6 or 7 in the morning and at night Eastern time. If you want to see the other design, click the cloud above the D in Pladd (day view), or the yellow star in the top right of the page (night view). Exciting times!!

The stuff that used to be in the sidebar has either 1) been deemed unnecessary like “recent comments” or 2) been moved to the Archive page, where you can browse by date or category. I’ve cleaned up the categories a little bit too. Natch you can always search with the search bar or click on tags like always, since I know everyone loves to read vintage Plaid Pladd.

Also, if you highlight something on the page, it’s PINK!!! This is not something I asked for so it was even MORE amazing when I discovered it.

Now I have to take Steven out for celebratory fancy chocolate! It’s important to reward your in-house developer/designer/tech support at frequent intervals.

Servery Challenge: Sushi Edition

To celebrate Rob’s extremely brief pass through Carrboro for an interview, we had a new Servery challenge last weekend!! Steven is a pro at making sushi rice, so we decided to see exactly how far you could push its deliciousness with a Sushi Servery Challenge! Unfortunately, I was too busy being outraged for a lot of the competition to remember what people named theirs, so I’ve had to make some up:

1. Mexican Roll–Patricia

Scrambled eggs, salsa, sushi rice, seaweed

I was legitimately shocked when this ended up tasting kind of good. Maybe because all you could really taste was the salsa. I would eat this again, actually.

2. Minimalist Roll–Joe

Craisins, Rice, Seaweed

Joe seemed to suffer from a fit of indecision while waiting to wrap his roll and ended up only putting dried cranberries in. So it tasted pretty much like sushi rice with a little sweetness. Luckily I love sushi rice!

3. Pantry Attack Roll–Rob

Pretzels, peanut butter, sprinkles, Heath Bar Shell ice cream topping, rice, seaweed, probably some other things

This roll was ridiculous. Also, didn’t really hold together so it was hard to eat. In consequence, the bite of it I got was mostly pretzel and heath bar ice cream topping, which tasted okay. I’m not sure what all ingredients tasted together would have been like.
Read the rest of this entry »

A Slice of My Life

Naturally the entire reason I started a blog was because I assumed everyone was dying of curiosity about what it’s like to be me. Well, that, and because I hate seeing a list serv rep cry. Anyway, here are impressions of the last four hours of my life:

–While reviewing children’s non-fiction books that are older than 10 years, find Dave’s Quick ‘n’ Easy Web Pages, copyright 1999, which leads me to place numerous bets with myself about whether the numerous links it directs me to still exist. A sample:
Anything on Netscape: No
Angelfire: Yes?
Alta Vista: Yes
Geocities: No. Sad face.

–Completely baffled a dad when I instantly found the book he wanted just as he was about to despair. I described this event in loving detail on the blog I’m keeping for my advisor to grade, but all you really need to know is that someone else recognized that I have MAGICAL LIBRARY POWERS. And that my advisor clearly did not know he would be getting an epic saga when he assigned me to blog my field experience log.

–With my whole iPod to choose from, Trixie decides to only play The A*Teens on the way home. I go with it, since, for some reason, I still know all the words to all of their songs. I’m momentarily ashamed, then decide it is further proof that I am awesome.

–Steven has made Thai curry for dinner! It is even tastier because he also did all the dishes.

–Now I am updating my blog downstairs while listening to the quiet yet vehement cursing of Steven working on websites up in his office. Maybe he needs Dave’s Quick ‘n’ Easy Web Pages? It’s so quick, they don’t even have time for two-thirds of the letters in “and”! And the cover blurb is from the co-founder of Netscape! Maybe for his birthday.

13 Adventures: #1 Visiting Steven at Work!

So I know lately I have been kind of MIA and have broken my WITHOUT FAIL promise yet again (which, let’s face it, has been broken so often it’s pretty much just made of masking tape and hope now). My one excuse is: exams. But now they are over and I am relatively free until flying to Houston for Christmas! I have therefore decided to have an adventure EVERY DAY for the next 13 days!

This is less of an ambitious promise than it sounds, if you know anything about my personal definition of “adventure”. It’s all in how you tell it. I’m pretty sure I could describe a trip to the grocery store in such a way that you would be just waiting for the movie deal. And maybe I will sometime in the next 13 days if I run out of ideas.

Today’s adventure: visiting Steven at work! This isn’t something I do often at all, mostly because I have no time and because it’s an hour away. It’s a very pretty drive though, through the middle of nowhere and over Jordan Lake, which was really calm and clear today. The road snakes through the woods; the speed limit is pretty high but there are lots of turns so I always end up pretending to be The Stig1. Plus, a small amount of snow from last weekend is still hanging around in shady parts:

Not enough for a snowman, but enough to look nice!

Steven’s work is in the tiny–unbelievably tiny–town of Holly Springs, whose main claim to fame is that it also has the closest Sonic to our house. This is Steven’s office!

In Holly Springs, everything tries to look like your great aunt's house, even if it is a web design company!

And here is Steven’s personal office!

Notice the blank screen. I'm pretty sure he only pretends to work.

Then I took him to the only place to eat (besides Sonic) in Holly Springs, My Way Tavern! They have tasty “Cajun Fried Potato Slices”, which turned out to just be fancy potato chips! Things always taste better when they have fancy names.

And Steven always takes forever to decide!

It’s okay, it’s not his 13 Adventures. In fact, whenever I go to a restaurant this week, I’m just going to tell the waiter “BRING ME THE MOST ADVENTUROUS THING!” Definitely the only way to go. I will have to find an adventuring hat to wear tomorrow. What will tomorrow’s adventure be? EVEN I DON’T KNOW YET. I’m that adventurous, you have no idea.

The Great Pumpkin Hunt

Sorry for the late update; it’s November again and you know what that means. But more about that later.

Last weekend was Halloween! I was pretty excited because I love carving pumpkins. My favorite part is scraping out the insides, but I also like roasting pumpkin seeds and finishing lightyears ahead of Steven because he is artistic and I like to stick with things I know won’t look like a stabby four-year-old got a hold of them.

Until Saturday, I hardly had time to think about it being Halloween, I was so busy with school and work and things. Also, it was so hot outside I kept forgetting it was October. But then it was Saturday, time to finally buy a pumpkin and carve it!

The only problem was, there were no pumpkins left in all of Carrboro. I’m not joking. There were gigantic bins of pumpkins outside Harris Teeter all month but they were suddenly gone on October 30th. I went to two Harris Teeters, the Whole Foods, and the Boy scouts in front of that church on Estes, all of which had happy rows of pumpkins before, all empty the day before Halloween. Is it really required that you buy your pumpkin a week in advance? I was not aware of this rule. People sell Christmas trees up till Christmas eve! And fireworks the day of July 4th! If special Halloween candy was still mad overpriced at Harris Teeter the day before Halloween, pumpkins should have been too. Alas.

So, I gave up. This year would be the year I did not carve a pumpkin. Sadness.

Then on Sunday I woke up with renewed energy for the wild pumpkin chase. So what if I would get approximately no school work done this weekend? Some things are important, and carving pumpkins is one of them. After returning from another abortive grocery store trip, I happened to notice a woman in a parking lot with a truck and some pumpkins spread out on the ground. Success!!! Kind of sketchy success!!!

She also had three less than a month old kittens in a bird cage. Scientific discovery of the day: they were the most adorable thing ever. I’m almost positive I’ve never seen a kitten in real life before, not one that young and that cute. It’s probably because I’m moderately to deathly allergic to them, so my parents pretty much put a moratorium on me going anywhere near cats from a young age. I was okay with this, because the few I accidentally encountered at friends’ houses were pretty mean. I did not really get the deal with having a pet that seemed to either ignore or hate you. I have half of humanity for that. Also, I associate them with itchy eyes, not being able to breathe, and hives. So, you know, there’s that.

ANYWAY, these kittens were ADORABLE. They were making this pathetic little mewing noise like “Why are we in a cage? Why are we so cute? Take us home with you!” The woman selling the pumpkins was like “Do you want a free kitten?” And I said, “No, I’m allergic” but while looking longingly at them, so she made me hold one. Second, lesser scientific discovery of the day: kittens are the softest things EVER. They were some kind of Siamese/lynx mix, so they were gray and white and kind of stripey. The one she handed me tried to crawl up my sweater. But then all the places its claws touched my skin became all red and raised like mosquito bites that still haven’t fully gone away, so in the end, I think not taking home the adorable creature of death was a good decision.

Still, just so you know, kittens are way cute. Still not big on cats.

Then we carved pumpkins! As usual, I was done in record time! Mostly because mine always involve only carving five or six shapes. This year I decided to make use of some skewers we had left over from the dip party to give mine hair/a strange hat. It’s unclear which: Read the rest of this entry »

How I Met Steven Wiggins

When people ask me how Steven and I met, I explain what Screw Yer Roommate is1. Naturally since they haven’t experienced it for themselves, they have a hard time understanding how much of a non-date the setup is supposed to be. I really miss Rice sometimes just for the shock value, which usually happened like this:

Someone: How did you meet?
Me: Screw Date.
Someone: OMG WTF?

That never happens anymore. When I mentioned this disparity on facebook, Katelyn Willis pointed out to me that I am, in fact, a liar. My fun story about meeting on Screw Date is misrepresenting the facts.

The facts are these:
The very first time I saw Steven Wiggins was around 2:15pm, August 23, 2005, the Tuesday of the first week of classes, my freshman year and Steven’s first year as a transfer student. It was on a bench outside a second floor classroom in Rayzor Hall. I was pretending to read a book while peering sideways at the person next to me, who was apparently wearing cowboy boots. This was pretty exciting, because I had not expected Texas to really conform to Texas stereotypes at all, and was hoping that this cowboy boot appearance would prove me wrong and I would get to ride a horse or at least save the day with lasso tricks. I assumed that I would learn lasso tricks.

The first words he ever spoke to me were:

“Waiting for Classical Mythology?”

He claims to not remember this at all, and asks how I know that I didn’t talk first. Easy: Freshman Patricia hid her almost crushing shyness with an equally impenetrable barrier of nonchalance. And neither of those warranted talking to Cowboy Boots Guy. I don’t remember what else we talked about, probably because I only asked him questions, so he did most of the talking. I learned that he was a junior transfer from some college I’d never heard of and that he was a classics major. Later, when Rachel, who was in the same class, said, “Have you noticed that weird guy who always wears cowboy boots and that huge leather jacket?” I was able to respond definitively with “His name is Steven Wiggins, and he is maybe some kind of Dickens character gone Texan.”

I really can’t remember distinctly another time I spoke to Steven Wiggins, although Rachel and I did enough gossiping about him. Because, let’s face it, Classical Mythology was an oddly boring class. Each day we would set the chairs up in a circle, and then go around the room and each make some point about the reading. Usually, there were about five points you could intelligently make about the reading, which was hardly ever a full chapter even. Then the following comments would devolve into odd “connection” stories about people’s personal lives, movies they’d seen, or anime they’d written themselves. Gradually Rachel and I began to give everyone nicknames, mostly based upon whatever gimmick they habitually used to get their obligatory comment in. There was Manga Girl, My Boyfriend’s Mom Girl, The Author is Always Wrong Regardless Girl, and References Obscure Things No One Else Has Read Guy. When this got boring we would try to decide which god or goddess each person in the class was, and then which part of their body was the prettiest2.

Throughout all of this Steven Wiggins was mostly just Steven Wiggins, or sometimes Steven Wiggins, Esquire, I think because we couldn’t come up with an identity for him that was more ridiculous than the one he projected, which was something like the Great Gatsby. Some of the “Steven Wiggins quotes” I wrote down in my notes (since, let’s face it, I was not actually taking any notes) included: “Men are attracted to blondes because it’s a bright color; we like shiny things.” and “It’s like the difference between apertifs and before dinner drinks.”3 We would sometimes joke about him outside of class as we did about other people in the class to whom we’d assigned nicknames and rich yet fictitious backstories. I still can’t remember ever talking to him besides that first day.

And so, about a year after I had been eying his cowboy boots, I decided that the most ridiculous person to set Rachel up on Screw Date with–we were going for As Ridic As Possible that year–was Steven Wiggins. We hadn’t seen him since the last day of Classical Mythology, didn’t know where he lived, or how this could be set up, but I joked about doing it occasionally in the beginning weeks of school. That’s when Rachel, crafty as she is, took matters into her own hands, called his cellphone number which she found on facebook, and set him up as a date for me. A masterly preemptive strike. She had to explain what Screw Date was to him, being Deep OC4, but it didn’t matter because someone was going on Screw Date with him, which would certainly afford numerous hilarious stories to be recounted afterwards.

Which led to this:

Screw Date '06. Steven will never know if I agreed to a second date solely because of the awesomeness of his pirate costume.

And gradually this:

November 1st, 2008: So engaged right now!

And in about a year5 it will lead to us getting married (sorry, no picture of that yet) in an awesome costumed Halloween way!

So when people ask me how Steven and I met, I don’t really feel like I’m lying when I talk about Screw Date. Here are my three reasons:

1) It’s a better story!
2) I’m such a pathological liar that I don’t notice when I’m doing it anymore.
3) I really don’t feel like I met Steven until then. Or maybe even after then. Even though I could recognize him on sight after that first day of Classical Mythology, I really don’t think I met him–the real him, not some boredom-induced, literary characteresque construct or the equally as pervasive Steven Wiggins-fabricated social identity, until much later, maybe even after Screw Date. I guess it gets down to your definition of the word “met”. If it’s The Exact Moment I First Saw Steven Wiggins (or, at any rate, his shoes), it would have to be 2:15pm on August 23rd, 2005. If it’s when I feel like I “met” him, met who he actually is, when everything began, then it would have to be Screw Date, or probably even later. I guess this gets into my own personal views about this difference between knowing someone and meeting them, or knowing who someone is on a basic identification level and knowing who someone is on a more personal level.

Okay, laugh, because yeah that sounds dumb and sort of weirdly metaphysical. I guess I’m just sensitive to the dichotomy of a public social persona/true personality and the convoluted interplay between the two. I don’t think I’m like this particularly anymore, but in the past I know I’ve been fairly close to people who, in reality, have known absolutely nothing about me. My fault for being guarded, masking shyness with almost excruciating nonchalance? Their fault for not caring enough to ask? Probably both. Everyone wears these personae to a greater or lesser extent, and I think Steven Wiggins, Esq., whom I certainly met at 2:15pm on August 23, 2005, was just a form of one. The real Steven Wiggins? I saw a few glimpses of him on Screw Date–he actually threw up in a bush around 1am from–and I quote–“not drinking enough Coke” (I know, auspicious, right?). But that’s the fun of a relationship, isn’t it? Taking the time and effort to figure that out.

Anyway, it’s my story, and I’ll tell it how I want.

  • 1Screw Yer Roommate is a Rice tradition where you set your roommate up with a blind date by contacting the prospective date’s roommate, a process made significantly harder now that facebook does not list dorm room number (I am told). The trick is that each date has a gimmick to find each other amongst the masses of people also trying to find their dates in the quad. One year Rachel and a slice of bread with peanut butter on it and had to seek the jelly half of the PB&J. Freshmen year we made Maggie play Marco Polo with her blind date (blindfolded in the quad–not for the faint of heart). Naturally there are usually a lot of cowboys.
  • 2This led to the creation of the nickname “Ben with Nice Ankles” mostly at Rachel’s insistence, since I am generally not a big noticer of ankles for whatever reason. Two years later, when I met this person again in another context, I helplessly blurted out “You’re Ben! You have Nice Ankles!” to his confusion.
  • 3What IS the difference, Steven Wiggins?
  • 4Deep OC=living extremely off-campus
  • 5October 29, 2011 to be exact

So far I’m thinking a phalanx of animated gifs, and giving everyone free unicorns

The Internet is Steven’s job, but it’s also what he does for fun. Usually when he talks about it all I hear is either:

“GRUMBLE GRUMBLE GRUMBLE backwards compatible GRUMBLE GRUMBLE IE IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE GRUMBLE GRUMBLE why am I the only one in the world who can spell GRUMBLE GRUMBLE code.”

or, the slightly more upbeat:

“GUESS WHAT??? {white noise} jquery {white noise} website {white noise} streamline {white noise} ostriches.”

Because comprehension AND empathy combined take too much energy and I am a weary grad student. I usually settle for apologizing for the Internet and/or humanity or saying “Yay! Good job! Can I have a sandwich?” A good mood is the secret to superior Steven Sandwich Making.

However, earlier this week I was able to comprehend a whole sentence, without caps lock or curly brackets. It was something like “I am reconfiguring like crazy! Major updates for your blog are coming! Tell me what you want it to do–literally, anything!–and I will make it do that!”


The problem is, when offered LITERALLY ANYTHING there is too much to choose from and I can’t even decide what to demand first. So you should totes help me think of LITERALLY ANYTHING that we can demand Steven make my blog do.

He is also going to change the design because this look is SO a year and a half ago.

1 So these may or may not have been his exact words, but I learned from my stint as Wiess Secretary that people rarely remember their exact words, so you can claim pretty much anything if you are willingly to claim it strongly enough. Or if it’s funny.

Last School Year Ever: Why My Week Has Sucked

Sorry about not posting yesterday; this week has been like a perfect storm of small amounts of tragedy that mix together to make a Long Island Iced Tea of despair.

–The bus route is going through its awkward teenage years, trying to reinvent itself, but remaining confused and unsure of what its peer group wants. At least, that’s how I’m interpreting its persistent, erratic behavior. The first day it was just massively late every time I tried to ride it, which is not that surprising on the first week of school. Then one afternoon at a random stop in the middle of the route, the bus driver told everyone to get off because she was done. It wasn’t an off-shift kind of thing–those happen at the end of the line–and we were all forced to wait FORTY MINUTES for the next bus–the two that should have come in the intervening time apparently having stopped off somewhere for after-school aperitifs. Or the happy times when the bus mysteriously fails to change direction at noon as it should, and I am forced to walk in a pack of my disconsolate cohorts along the side of the road. Walking in the sweaty, sweaty heat is kind of annoying, but not the end of the world. However, it’s throwing havoc to my carefully balanced schedule.

–My advisor is going on sabbatical the semester I’m supposed to be writing my Master’s Paper. Since I’m “aggressively competent” this will probably not adversely affect me to the extent it may some people, but it still means that I will 1) have to do a lot more work more quickly and 2) plead my case to the few remaining professors who care about things like public libraries or books way more aggressively than should be necessary. I mean, whose idea was it to only have two professors who are remotely interested in children and teens? I’m feeling the love.

–Once again, my classes only have vague relevance to my future career path. After yet another summer spent working in an actual library doing what I actually plan to pursue, this is even more aggravating than before.

–Our apartment is broken. We haven’t been able to use the shower for two days. Since Steven was going on one of his “if I wash my hair too much it’ll fall out” kicks even before that, it is a smelly, smelly world.

–Everything I eat or drink lately has a weird metallic taste. It took me forever to realize that I’m not dying of arsenic poisoning and that it’s just our dishwasher not washing the soap entirely off our dishes.

–I finished Hunger Games in like five hours yesterday and, despite loftily thinking myself immune to pop-lit trends, am now desperate to read the sequels. My choices are: wait three months on the library request list with all the other teen girls or pay money. I am in an agony of anti-BigBoxBookStore, cheapskate, frantic teen girl indecision.

–Steven keeps beating me at our jury rigged two-person version of Settlers of Catan. My honor is furious.

Hopefully I will at least be able to sort out the last two today.

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