Posts Tagged ‘Steven’

The Best Cider Ever

Yesterday was our first wedding anniversary! I prepared a delicious feast of warm things, because it was really cold and raining outside.

Anyway, one of the recipes I found was a four hour slow cooker apple cider recipe! If you have a slow cooker, there’s no reason not to try this. If you don’t have one, how do you eat on weekdays? You could probably also make it in a pot on the stove.

First you take about 8 cups of cider from the store and put it in your slow cooker with six sticks of cinnamon:

I may have pretended they were olympic divers as I threw them in

Then you take an orange, poke holes in it with a toothpick, and fill those holes with cloves!

The weirdness of how it looked and felt was only eclipsed by its weirdness after cooking

Then cook on low for four hours, until it smells delicious and you’re super cold!

Steven had his with rum and a cinnamon stick, but I went for plain.

But there was nothing plain about it! Delicious and spicy and warming from the inside out! This is a recipe I will definitely be making again. Like maybe everyday this winter? We’ll see.

Also, since it was our anniversary, we finally lit this cool Halloween candle we got as a present! The spooky skeleton bride and groom seem perfect, but the best part is the red insides that drip down gradually like blood!

So romantic!!! And gross

Way more exciting than eating freezer burned cake!

Servery Challenge: Condiments

I know how you feel. It’s been almost six months since our last servery challenge! How can this be? How have we gone so long without seeing blurry pictures of questionable concoctions? Don’t worry, that streak is now at an end!

You all know Servery Challenge rules. 10 minutes. 4 competitors. 1 victor. The others face the dual risk of shame and food poisoning. This time the challenge was to create this best condiment (tested with french fries). It had to have at least three ingredients, and voting took place by secret ballot. Here are the entries:

Taco Frito by James

Name: Taco Frito
Creator: James Fox
Ingredients: taco seasoning mix, Mexican 4 cheese blend, ketchup

It may look like a mutated French fry whose brains are exploding out of it, but this actually didn’t taste that bad if you could get over its texture and appearance. James learned the hard way that some kinds of cheese are just not made for melting.

Dillpocalypse by Steven

Name: Dillpocalypse
Creator: Steven
Ingredients: oil, raw egg, salt, pepper, dill, season salt

So Steven apparently tried to kind of make his own mayonnaise, and it ended poorly. It had the consistency of soup and the added excitement of wondering if you were about to get salmonella. No one wants to dip their fries in salmonella-dill-water, Steven.

Presto Pesto by Patricia

Name: Presto Pesto
Creator: Me
Ingredients: mayonnaise with olive oil, basil, garlic

I admit to being a little disappointed with myself for going with the easiest thing I could think of. My first thought was to go with a dessert-themed dip, but then I remembered the horror of the SquidStache and was too scared. I think I got the proportions a little off, and some people might say it was “too garlicky”, although I have yet to see scientific evidence that this concept even exists.

Hunka Hunka Burning Love by Rob

Name: Hunka Hunka Burning Love
Creator: Rob
Ingredients: vanilla yogurt, curry powder, chili flakes, hot sauce

This one definitely won most creative, and maybe even most surprising? When I was watching Rob make it, I was skeptical, but it wasn’t as bad as your taste buds imagined! I think if he had used regular instead of vanilla flavored yogurt it would have been more of a contender. As it was, the dip was definitely not unpalatable, but featured a strange aftertaste and a confusing mix of sweet and spicy.

After tallying the votes the winner was… Read the rest of this entry »

Goddess Girls: The Girl Games Super Special!!!

It’s Steven’s favorite time again!!! The maximum amount of time till the next Goddess Girls book!!! Actually, he complained way less about this one. I don’t know if it was because it’s super special or he’s just become inured to the pain.

300 pages of super specialness!!!

Summary of Amazingness
By Patricia
Remember a few books ago when Artemis got Zeus to agree that it was totally unfair that girls couldn’t participate in the Olympics?? It’s time for the girl version, the Heraean Games!! Goddess girls and mortals from all over the world have come to Mount Olympus Academy to compete and Artemis is going crazy trying to organize everything! Aphrodite and Persephone are busy passive aggressively fighting about a kitten named Adonis that Aphrodite found, plus trying to hide him from everyone because they’re not allowed to have pets! Plus, there’s this weird boy trying to ride Pegasus and Athena ends up accidentally helping him steal it, but it’s cool because they end up defeating a rampaging chimera. Between practicing for their events, worrying about their crushes, and trying to get along with the international goddess girls, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, and Persephone hardly have time for their friends! In the end, Aphrodite and Persephone learn to share, Artemis learns to delegate, and Athena learns that she can talk her way out of anything.

Faithfulness to Original Mythos
By Steven
This one is a little harder to rate than previous volumes as it doesn’t actually follow any single myth. Plus, not much is known specifically about the Heraean Games of yore, so that doesn’t give us much to go on either. But, there are at least plenty of mythological shout-outs to acknowledge and rate, so let’s get started! First off, there are the foreign delegations (mixed mortal and divine). From the Amazons, we have Penthesilea and Hippolyta, both mythological queens and so in pretty good standing to compete. Fun fact: Hippolyta has more variations to her original tale than almost any other character in the series to date, all of which originally ended in her gruesome and tragic death and two of which blamed the murder on different characters in this book. Extra credit if you guess them both! Then come the Norse goddesses, Freya [Freyja] and Skadi [SkaĆ°i] (originally the patronesses of love/fertility and hunting/winter, respectively). Bonus points for Freya’s necklace, Brisingamen! Egypt also makes a showing with Satet and Neith, goddesses of floods/hunting and war/hunting (noticing a pattern here?) as does China in the persons of Mazu, goddess of the sea, and Wen Shi [Long Mu], mortal Mother of Dragons and post-mortem goddess of parents and children. Double bonus points for including her five snakes, though half a point off for not identifying them as infant dragons. The real fun is in the two traditionally Greek mentions: Bellerophon (and Pegasus, naturally) and Adonis. Here’s where my vote splits; their treatment of the Bellerophon myth is pretty close to the original where it counts, following his dream-sequence introduction to Athena, receipt of her golden bridle, capture of Pegasus, and [near-]suffocation of the Chimera. For that part, 9/10 points! Adonis, on the other hand, shows up as a black cat in the marketplace. We spend the whole book waiting for some dramatic reveal that will unmask him for the epitome of human masculine beauty which we know him to be, only to hit the end…and he’s still just a cat. Props for having Aphrodite fall for him, in a way, I guess. But yeah, no love interest? No life-death-rebirth action? How does Persephone figure into it? And what’s with the cat thing? We may never know.

Steven kept insisting that something like this was bound to happen, and I was like “You STILL don’t understand tween fiction, do you?”

Tween Girl Life Lessons
By Patricia
1) Just because you’re competing against someone, doesn’t mean you can’t also be friends!
2) If something is against the rules, just hide the fact that you’re doing it for awhile and everything will work out
3) Stealing is okay if you use the stolen goods to defeat monsters!!

Steven’s Favorites!
Character: Cerberus. For all his fierceness, he’s just a big ol’ softy with the kittens.
Part: The mail-order mixups! Nice to see that shipping hasn’t appreciably changed in the last 2,500 years.
Thing I Learned: Zeus has a nasty cat allergy, but is otherwise 100% immune to illness. Who knew?

Ladies of Ancient Greece: you really want to keep Zeus away? Just get a cat!

Patricia’s Favorites!!
Character: Penthe the Amazon girl! She totally hit on Artemis’ crush to distract her and give Penthe an advantage during archery!! Smooth.
Part: One of the competitions in the girl games is thumb wrestling!!! Yes!!!
Thing I Learned: Ms. Hydra’s many heads each represent a different personality trait. The pink one’s the most gossipy and the gray one worries too much.

Next Time: Pandora the Curious!!
Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6, Book 7, Book 8

Sam Neill Update: Playing Both Sides Edition

Sorry this took me so long! I actually watched an entire TV series!! It was only one season, but that’s still better than I usually manage. This project is now sitting at roughly 89% completion and 124 hours.

Happy Town (2010 TV series)

If you have a secret identity tattoo on your upper shoulder, stop wearing shirts with such weird necklines!

The Show: Happy Town is actually Haplin, Minnesota, a small town where nothing ever seems to happen–or so they want you to think. A series of unsolved kidnappings still haunts the town, even though the last person was taken by “The Magic Man” years ago. The kidnappings were never solved, and the victims never found. But now they seem to be starting all over again! It’s one of those shows where everyone is a suspect and, even if they’re not The Magic Man, still has dramatic secrets anyway. The town matriarch who owns the bread factory and will do anything to preserve her family’s reputation, the newly-appointed sheriff whose dad seems to have gone crazy (with guilt?) and whose mom died under mysterious circumstances (OR DID SHE?), the newcomer to town who is clearly lying about her identity and knows more than she’s saying, some teens who are in love but their families hate each other, the owner of a pizza shop whose obsession with the Magic Man leads him to MURDER, the creepy new guy obsessed with old-timey movies and being mysterious, and a set of exciting old ladies who just want to woo him:

And protect themselves from The Magic Man the only way they know how

It was cancelled after only one season, and the series finale opens more questions than it answers. They do reveal the identity of The Magic Man, and though one of the actors claimed that, once revealed, the audience will think it was obvious all along, I kind of think the implications are impossible. Like… there are too many logistical problems. Plus, the main protagonist’s secret identity is never revealed, and the show’s vaguely supernatural obsession with an Old German Film called “The Blue Door” is never explained. We only see snippets of this film throughout the show, but it’s some serious Lost shit: characters who have died appear as actors in the movie and, upon viewing it, Rich Teen changes his mind from running away with his girlfriend to “That was the worst thing I have ever seen… I have to stay here. My place is here.” I turned to the Internet for answers, and all the ones people have come up with are kind of unsatisfactory and crazy, like that the film is purgatory or something. I hate when mystery shows start throwing in supernatural elements randomly. It seems kind of lazy to me.

Also, Amy Acker was there

Sorry for the rant. It’s been bugging me.

The Character: Of course Sam Neill plays Merritt Grieves, the vaguely creepy but super suave owner of this weirdly-placed olde-timey movie memorabilia shop:

Small town Minnesota is JUST the place for you! Clears not hiding something at all!

Sam Neill is really, really good at playing characters whose morals you aren’t quite sure of. I’m thinking of all the flashbacks of him in Crusoe and how I’m still not sure if he was going to be a bad guy or not in that. His mannerisms can be sinister, while at the same time he’s being completely charming. In Happy Town, he claims all the old ladies at his boarding house fussing over him is “the burden of being eternally dashing”. When asked by Evil Matriarch (who is crushin’ on him hardcore) if he wants her to show him around, he responds gallantly with “even more than I would like the ascot back in style”.

Basically the whole time I was like “AHHHHH YOU’RE SO AMAZING!!! But probably also evil? BUT AMAZING!”

Turns out, he was just pretending this whole time, and is actually a badass leather-jacket wearing guy who came to Haplin to catch The Magic Man, who kidnapped his son a long time ago… in England? This is where the “answer” to who the Magic Man is really breaks down.

What I Learned: Don’t trust strangers in hospital cafeterias–they will try to poison you for no reason.

You Should Watch If: You think you can figure out what the heck is going on, so you can explain it to me.

Victory (1996)

This cover looks way more exciting than it actually is

The Movie: So this guy, whose name is Axel (!), lives on an isolated island in the Dutch East Indies. There’s some rumors that he killed his former business partner, but they’re obviously not true because he’s clearly a quiet knight of chivalry. While visiting the port of Surabaya for some reason, he meets Alma, a woman/prostitute being kept in slavery by a guy who owns an “All female orchestra”, which is a barely-disguised front. Not wanting to be sold to the racist hotel owner, Alma asks Axel for help, and he smuggles her away to his secluded island home.


Incidentally, that’s Willem Dafoe, who I recognize from another, more fun Sam Neill movie:

Where his name was Elvis and he was badass

Like Daybreakers, he and Sam Neill are enemies, and also Sam Neill dies at the end.

The Character: Sam Neill plays Mr. Jones, a strangely particular criminal wandering around the world creating gambling rings and stabbing people when they can’t pay. He also hates women and the noise they make.

And looks like someone you’d want to punch

Racist hotel guy, trying to get them and their violence out of his place, tells Sam Neill’s assistant about the beautiful girl who was stolen from him by Axel, so Sam Neill and his plucky crew head out to the island to cause drama and burn stuff down.

Yeah, use Sam Neill as a weapon of revenge, that’ll work out

Eventually, everyone dies except Axel, who, the narration tells us, leaves the island and begins to live again. So… thanks, dead Alma?

What I Learned: 1913 was a rough time to be in the Dutch East Indies

You Should Watch if: ehhh I can’t think of a reason, you shouldn’t. Sorry.

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (2010)

For some reason, Steven thought this would be good enough to bend his “No More Sam Neill” rule again

The Movie: So, cgi owls, guys! This movie was very loosely based on the popular Guardians of Ga’Hoole children’s book series by Kathryn Lasky. I think that was its main problem–the plot felt rushed and there was no time for any characterization beyond the most basic “here’s the bad guy”, “here’s the hero”, “here’s the comic relief”, and “here’s the love interest in the sequel”. The story follows Soren, a young barn owl, and his ragtag friends who escape from “The Pure Ones” and their attempts to build an owl master race and attempt the perilous journey to warn the “guardian” owls of Ga’hoole. Which is like a tree in the middle of the ocean? I don’t know, then there’s an owl war, Soren defeats the Pure Ones’ magical(?) anti-owl weapon, and may or may not kill his Pure One brother. The end!

The owl warriors wear intricate owl helmets and metal claws over their talons. Owl battle!

The Character: Sam Neill is the voice of Allomere, a great gray owl who lives in Ga’Hoole but is revealed to the audience to be in league with the Pure Ones!!! His traitorous ways will supposedly bring him kingship of Ga’Hoole, but, of course, the Pure Ones are like “we already got a king, bro” and once he leads the Guardians into their magical trap, the Pure Ones send bats to drag him away, presumably eating him alive. Way to go, Sam.


What I Learned: Owls can sense things in their gizzard. Including which way to fly, and the future. From now on I’m going to claim to “feel it in my gizzard” whenever I want to sound mysterious.

What Steven Learned: Just because something is about birds does not mean it will be good

You Should Watch if: you want to see pretty cgi of owls; you find the idea of an owl society as ridic as I do

Previously: Thomas Jefferson, Tennis Dad, and a Somber Narrator
Next: More William Dafoe, and a tiger

New Apartment!

The blog-worthy thing I was planning on doing today kind of fell through when, among other things, I had to spend way longer than expected at the post office. And not the fun Carrboro post office where everyone loves Mark Twain and teaches you dance moves while you wait in line. The Cary post office, where everyone’s annoyed and won’t stop talking about rising crime rates. But our new place isn’t all bad! Here are some good things about it! Or, at least, new things!

1. This park

Not pictured: the pedal boats

There’s this park near my house with lots of hiking trails that are really pretty!

In Carrboro this would have been a frisbee golf course, but whatever

2. Fireplace!

Complete with fun wedding pictures on the mantel!

3. Display Case!

So far I’m using it to keep my tea sets and other cool things

4. Bluebell!

Okay, this is more of a recent development for all of North Carolina, but still

Still don’t have them at either Harris Teeter or Food Lion. We finally found these at Walgreens.

5. New Book Case!

It was too small for any one section, so we decided to stock it with everything we had to read for school at some point

Mine is the top shelf and Steven has the other two. He’s a hoarder. I arranged my shelf in chronological order. Here are the titles if you’re curious: Read the rest of this entry »

Steven’s Hair Round 2: Spitfire

You probably remember that for the last two months Steven has had rainbow hair. But his roots were growing out, and some of the colors (particularly the green) had faded to look kind of weird so it was time for a change. Here are some before shots:

I wonder how often Rainbow Dash has to touch up her roots

This side looks better, but the yellow and orange have kind of become one

There was much debate about what he should do. Melissa was all for a full on Gilderoy Lockhart, but then he would have to wear only lavender-colored wizard robes, which would be kind of hard to play tennis in. Both Vinyl Scratch and Twilight Sparkle had color combos that would have looked really cool, but it turned out to be impossible to dye them on top of the yellow he already had going on. So, he decided on Spitfire!!

She’s the captain of the Wonderbolts!! They do tricks and fail to save people from dragons.

I think it turned out pretty great:


The back

This side has the most flames

I feel like I’m married to an anime character and it is awesome.

A Table Whose Name is Ingo

So last Saturday Steven and I drove to the Charlotte IKEA to find me a sewing table. Or at least a table that doesn’t involve sitting on giant pillows on the floor like our current model.

I have other pictures of us sitting at the table, but this one is the best for obvious reasons.

My sometimes-nemesis Brian Reinhart once told me that he views IKEA as “the greatest triumph of modern capitalism”. For once, Brian Reinhart is right. This IKEA was so crowded! It was pretty much exactly like being at a theme park, complete with large lettered signs to help you remember where you parked. People had driven for all over just to cheaply buy furniture, and even though we waited in line for like 40 minutes at the check out, there was a festive atmosphere as people compared purchases and considered buying anything lingonberry flavored.

Also I spent the entire drive there singing along to Jonathan Coulton’s IKEA song:

That may be why I ended up with a table whose name is Ingo? I’m pretty sure oft-repeated, needlessly catchy ads completely work on me, even if they’re not necessarily meant as ads. I did look at the other tables, but this one seemed the right size and a little more sturdy. Steven assembled it for me in like 10 minutes:

Next time, Billy the Bookcase?

I’m pretty lucky Steven knows a lot about making furniture (the only downside to IKEA was listening to him mutter “I could make you this if my tools weren’t all back in Texas” at everything) because otherwise I would have thought “Done! Table time!” but he says we have to stain it or paint it and finish it or something so it doesn’t warp and absorb moisture. Of course my initial reaction when he asked what I wanted it to look like was “OMG PURPLE OBVS” but, who knows, I might go the classy adult route for my classy adult new apartment. Only time will tell.

BronyCon: Day 2

Day 2 of our trip was the first day of the convention!!! Super exciting!! At first, some of my wariness from the night before lingered:

But luckily it was short-lived:

It was super easy and fun to be a scientist! First, because I am one, no matter what lies Dr. Dodds tells you, and second because I was totally dressed for it:

Daring Do, like Indiana Jones, is probably at least nominally a scientist, right?

So I spent the rest of the trip giving Live Science coverage! Which, like most science, consisted of extrapolating from limited data and guessing at statistics. Science!!!!

Steven also looked super awesome because he found a way to also dye his mustache rainbow colors!

Sorry, ladies, he’s taken

All you have to do is paint it with washable Elmer’s school glue, wait for that to dry, and then paint it with washable kids’ paint! The glue layer gives the paint something to cling to, but since they’re both washable, it came right off at the end of the day with just water. It hardened to a prickly consistency Steven likened to a “rainbow Christmas wreath”, but as long as he was a little careful how he ate lunch, it stayed on great!

Here is a full costume shot:

Yeah, applique butt tattoo!!

Here’s the front of the convention center before they opened the doors:

And another:

The big red truck was pretty cool. The side of it had rotating ads and art, and it played My Little Pony music, both from the show and fan made.

Taken later in the day, when I needed a break from the polite but persistent crowds

I’ve seen every episode of this show at least twice, but I was still way out of my depth. At one point, everyone started singing along to a song I had never even heard before. I guess it was one of the many fan made character theme songs, and somehow everyone but me knew all of the words. It’s okay, as a scientist, I’m used to be an outside observer. Here are some science facts I discovered:

I even think this estimate might be a little too conservative, but when you take into account guys in college, Steven was probably one of the oldest fans there! Weird! A lot of the high school guys had brought their parents, so I always had somewhat baffled sitting companions on the outside steps.

Then, at lunch, I remembered the first rule of science:

I mean, I DO have an MS degree.


The afternoon went much better after that, especially since the last presentation of the day was from a clinical psychologist about his giant ongoing Brony Study!!! Click the link if you want to take the survey (for bronies and non-bronies alike) and further amazing pony and fandom science!

Give me a chi square value at the beginning of anything and my heart will just melt a little.

Sorry it’s not a better picture; we were sitting about halfway back, by a speaker for maximum listening comprehension

It was an interesting, though perhaps too wordy PowerPoint presentation about brony demographics and motivations as compared with the general population. Both scientists were wearing lab coats, and whenever the audience would clap for something, they’d look vaguely annoyed, like “Stop interrupting me, class, I’m trying to teach you something.” It was definitely my favorite thing we saw. Is that sad? NO THAT IS SCIENCE


Next: BronyCon Day 3
Previously: BronyCon Day 1

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