Posts Tagged ‘self-portrait’

James’ Visit + Patriciagenda Update!!

After a week, I’m proud to report that James Fox and I have crossed 28 items off the Patriciagenda!! That means that (for the moment) we’ve actually accomplished over half of the total 118 items on the Patriciagenda (62 complete vs. 56 incomplete). But, like the Constitution, the Patriciagenda is a hallowed, living document designed to change with the times, so I’m sure that statistic will be invalid soon enough. Here’s what we were able to accomplish this week!!

21. Read through our script!!! (any of them!)

This year our script was probably 1/4 montages

46. Play Liebrary
75. Find Alana the best North Carolina present!!!
76. Go to a bunch of free museums!!!

Including the one-room Cary History Museum!!

78. Umstead Park!
79. Canoeing??
83. Mellow Mushroom Pizza
84. James and Patricia both dare to try Gummy Bear Juice to see if it makes them bounce/defeat ogres

Also, we met some statues

85. Condiment-themed servery challenge! (more on this later)
87. Creepy cemetery visit!!!
88. CORN MAZE!!!!
90. Visit Steven at Work!!!
91. Cause all kinds of drama

Punch You In The Face Bike levels of drama!

92. COLOR!!!!
94. Get James pumped for NaNoWriMo in a training montage!!!!
97. James asserts his dominance over the fancy coke machine at hipster hot dogs

James could assert his dominance over anything

98. Find Toby a birthday present to celebrate his becoming a man in the eyes of the National Alcoholic Beverage Control Association
99. Patricia punches someone in her knitting class
100. Go on a hike!!!! Pretend we are Lewis and Clark (I CALL LEWIS!!!!)

James, naming everything in sight after him/William Clark

Me, failing to climb some rocks and lying on the floor instead, just like Meriwether Lewis

104. Prank calls with Rob!!!! (or TO Rob?)
105. Dramatically throw something into the sea/a body of water
107. Call people we know; sing to them
113. Name the scary giant spider to appease it

I dub thee, Shelob Jr.

115. Dessert Dip!
116. Mustache Consultation Session with Steven
118. Draw self-portraits!!!

Bam! We’re awesome

Baked Goods Self-Portrait Contest II: The Cupcakening

Due to the rampant success of the Cookie Self-Portrait Challenge, Steven and I were recently challenged to a rematch by Houston-area artist James Fox, who generously agreed to fly up for this showdown.

On the plus side, I finally had an excuse to buy a cupcake pan. On the downside, I am not very good at art in any medium, especially not frosting. I was therefore forced to make two cupcakes in the hope that quantity would finally win over quality. So my entries included:
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Servery Steven’s Kitchen Challenge: Self-Portrait Cookie Edition

In accordance with list item #70: Servery Challenge: Signature Drink Edition, THE 434 had its final Servery Challenge EVER this week. These always involve Top Chef-style timed challenges, but in the Servery and with some kind of “celebrity judge” (i.e. Brent or a prospie or Arya). My personal favorite was Servery Challenge: French Fry Structure Edition or possibly Servery Challenge: Soup Out of Not Soup Edition, in which I got Drew the Prospie to eat ice cream mixed with yogurt mixed with green beans in a thinly veiled poisoning attempt masked as “dessert soup”.

Yesterday I was so distraught at the end of our Servery Challenge days that I decided to challenge Steven Wiggins to a Servery Challenge-like contest in his kitchen: cookie self-portrait. The celebrity judge? Anyone reading my blog! For the first time ever, the challenge will be decided democratically instead of at the whim of Dr. Gustin or whoever.
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