Posts Tagged ‘questions’

VIQVI: Real People Edition

I know, usually the vast majority of Vitally Important Questions of Vital Importance that I receive are from my many adoring spambot fans, but lately I’ve gotten a few questions from real people!! Exciting!!

Caitlin M. writes about my last spam post:

How come you get so much spam? I don’t have any. Should I be jealous?

I think one of the main reasons for your lack of spam is that your blog has exciting Captcha technology, while commenting on mine just requires that you type in a (not even necessarily legit) email address. Captcha is designed to keep out just such spam traffic as I am obviously enjoying! Blogger probably sees this as a good design feature–you don’t have to spend time managing your spam folder!–but you are clearly missing out on some vague and misspelled compliments and non sequiturs about handbags.

Also, spambots are apparently way more interested in sarcastic reviews of Sam Neill movies than beautiful pictures of gardens and insightful word-snapshots of life. You just have to provide the content your target audience desires, and if you want to shift your target demographic from thoughtful friends and family to advertising robots, then you’re going to have to buckle down and watch Merlin II like I did. It won’t be easy, but it’s the only way.

Brian R. writes about Ten Years of Journals:

Wonder what a chart of worries over time would look like.

Wish granted:

Look at the sharp decrease in worrying about school right after high school! lol IB and your stress-stomachaches

Rachel K. writes:

I can haz blog post about the crazy new pony hair I saw on facebook?

She’s talking about this:

The blue and purple are maybe too dark to see in this shot

And I WISH I could write a blog post just about this, but ever since he got back from Aveda, Steven has just been working! Like he thinks his job is more important than rainbow hair! What a loser! Anyway, now it’s getting dark, but he promises there will be an amazing rainbow photoshoot tomorrow!

Not to mention pictures of the amazing costumes I am making for this weekend!! You haven’t even seen my new hat yet! I’m not going to say it’s more exciting than rainbow hair, but it’s probably at least 80% as exciting.

Vitally Important Questions of Vital Importance Round 2

After the wild success of my first venture into the realm of advice columnist, I’ve decided to continue blessing you with more of my wisdom.

My next question comes to me from Roque S. of The White House. Roque writes:

Is every meal you eat in North Carolina in the form of a cupcake?

This is what I had for lunch yesterday.

So, yes.

Sydney Greenstreet of Topeka writes:

Now that Netflix is dividing into two, how will the Sam Neill Netflix Marathon proceed??

NEVER FEAR, Sydney, the Sam Neill Netflix marathon will persevere through ANY obstacle! Neither snow nor wind nor silly name changes will stay me in my quest to gently mock every Sam Neill movie in existence on Netflix/Qwikster/whatever. Also, that’s not even happening anymore, so we’re fine. Check back later today for another exciting update!

And lastly we have two questions from “Lonely in Carrboro” who writes:

So, there’s this girl… and I see her downstairs sometimes. How do I tell if she likes me? Second question is the same, substituting puppy for girl.

The only sure way of discovering if a girl likes you or not is passing her a note saying “Do you like me? Circle one: Yes No Maybe”. Thousands of years of evolution have perfected our human courtship ritual into this single efficient and wondrous act. Unfortunately, puppies can’t read, so for that you are just going to have to take a shower in bacon.

You’re welcome!

Vitally Important Questions of Vital Importance

It’s been brought to my attention that I am an expert in some things (zombies, Sam Neill movies) and also know a little bit about a lot of other things (sewing, Daylight Saving Time). Plus, I am totally willing to tell other people what to do! These qualities all qualify me to answer questions in my very own advice column! You don’t have to deny your secret longings anymore; I know you’ve all been waiting for this day!

My first question comes from Brian R. of Texas. Brian writes:

If there were zombie sheep, or hypothetically any zombie animal species, would they only lust after the brains of members of the same species? This is important e.g. if a certain jobless young man has dreams of someday moving to New Zealand but wants assurance that if the extremely large sheep population there were to suddenly all become zombies, he would not be at risk. Thanks!

Zombie animals are a hotly debated topic amongst those of us who may or may not frequent zombie preparedness forums. Max Brooks, my personal favorite zombie expert, calls shenanigans on this in no uncertain terms:

Brooks, M. (2003). The zombie survival guide: Complete protection from the living dead. New York: Three Rivers Press, pg 4.

Yeah, my copy of Zombie Survival Guide is highlighted in parts, but you don’t hear me lecturing you about your lack of preparedness, so…

In World War Z zombies will consume animals if no humans are available, but in the remake of Dawn of the Deadthey won’t even do that: the zombies completely ignore a dog winding its way through their horde. The Resident Evil series is on the other side of this debate, where the virus in question manages to mutate and infect dogs and birds. However, the Resident Evil series also includes random telepathy and this:

Don't even get me started on the ridiculousness of Mila's outfit

The virus in Resident Evil can apparently not only infect humans and animals, but also somehow manages to kill all plants and water on the planet. So I tend to pretty much ignore the whole thing as a fever dream and not a good source for zombie knowledge. Another movie reference that I think is relevant, particularly when discussing sheep and New Zealand is this masterpiece:

There are 40 million sheep in New Zealand... and they are pissed off!

The sheep are infected with a virus that makes them crave human flesh, and bitten humans will become sheep-men creatures, which pretty much describes a sheep version of the zombie virus jumping species. However, like in most zombie movies, the main people to be punished are hippies and evil scientists, so unless those are the jobs you’re applying for in New Zealand, I would say you’re probably safe. I don’t really buy zombie animals as a thing.


Science does. I know it’s not as fun to turn to science for answers as it is B-movies and books erroneously shelved in the humor section, but there are a lot of species of insect that can be controlled by parasites. Even some forms of crab and maybe even humans? Okay, the human one is not even a huge deal, the parasite may by more likely to make men angry and women outgoing–the scientists might be confusing the parasite with alcohol. And even in many of the animals the controlling parasite doesn’t often KILL its host until the very end. There’s not really any reanimating going on here, so I would deem it zombie-like at best.

So, Brian from Texas, the short answer is, you’re safe unless you buy Resident Evil as a valid source of information. Or until the zombie virus mutates horribly!

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