Posts Tagged ‘pictures’

Adventures in Leather Costumery (or, a comedy of construction errors)

Let’s start with the obligatory finished-product shot:

The finished product

The finished product

So this all started when I’d been thinking about picking up a new hobby (ostensibly to make some leather bits for my own costume this year) and Patricia mentioned an idea she had for a monstrumologist costume. What she came up with was something that could do bandolier duty, but go with the awesome khaki safari jacket and pith helmet at the same time. After a little digging, I came up with an old fashioned Sam Browne belt, onto which we could always strap other accouterments.

Sam Browne belt

Old school Czech military uniform, looking super dapper.

It’s a belt, two-tongued buckle, over-the-shoulder strap, and a little hardware. Can’t be that hard, right? (Famous
last words)

Here’s how it all came together…

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Mom Ladd Guilt Post

Two days ago I was talking to my mom and she said, “You know you haven’t updated your blog in a while.” And I was like, “That is not even one of my goals this year. In fact, I made a goal specifically so that other people would do it for me.” But Mom Guilt is a powerful force, so today I decided to post every picture I currently have on my phone, with explanations I’m attempting to remember.

This is Steven drinking a bloody mary at one of the restaurants on my list. He said it was amazing.

This is Steven drinking a bloody mary at one of the restaurants on my list. He said it was amazing.

This is my apartment complex's gym. I have no idea why I took a picture of it

This is my apartment complex’s gym. I have no idea why I took a picture of it

This is the dessert course from tea at the Umstead!!! Probably from when Brian was here?

This is the dessert course from tea at the Umstead!!! Probably from when Brian was here?

LOL this is from when I said "Brian, sit on that thing and I'll take a picture of you" AND HE DID IT

LOL this is from when I said “Brian, sit on that thing and I’ll take a picture of you” AND HE DID IT

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Snow 2015!

We’ve had snow before while I’ve lived in North Carolina (last year, for instance. or in 2010, which I have some nice pictures of). But this year was my first time trying to drive in it! Not really a fan of that, I’ve gotta say. Luckily today the library is closed, so I’m staying home and baking. I had to walk to the store to buy mini chocolate chips, and took some awesome pictures:

We got at least 6 inches!

We got at least 6 inches!

Poor just-planted shrubberies

Poor just-planted shrubberies

This tree looks much more blingy now

This tree looks much more blingy now

Trixie, not happy

Trixie, not happy

Clio, having a rave??

Clio, having a rave??

Clearly Steven is more used to the Frozen North since he remembered to put his wipers up.

Florida girls!!! Killin it

Florida girls!!! Killin it

Not many people have gone out yet, so these are mine

Not many people have gone out yet, so these are mine

Harris Teeter parking lot: a winter wonderland

Harris Teeter parking lot: a winter wonderland

It's hard not to sing Christmas carols

It’s hard not to sing Christmas carols

Luckily, Snow Command is on the case.

Closet Archeology

While foraging in the depths of one of our closets, I came across an entire box full of pictures from a past age. Specifically, 2001-2003.

Spirit week at school!! I was clearly the most spirited.

Spirit week at school!! I was clearly the most spirited.

Our mascot was the green devils. I wasn’t just randomly experimenting with facial hair.

My book being published!!

My book being published!!

It was a big day.

There's me holding sixteen pages of my book on one sheet

There’s me holding sixteen pages of my book on one sheet

Homecoming!! lol look how hollywood has fooled me into thinking it will be fun

Homecoming!! lol look how hollywood has fooled me into thinking it will be fun

SOON YOU WILL LEARN, Past Patricia. Soon.



A lot of these pictures showcase that I was really way too serious for my own good

A lot of these pictures showcase that I was really way too serious for my own good

... most of the time

… most of the time

The harsh North Dakota winter shouldn't stop you from asserting your dominance over stupid brothers

The harsh North Dakota winter shouldn’t stop you from asserting your dominance over stupid brothers

Also, hey, they weren't ALL of me

Also, hey, they weren’t ALL of me

Just most of them

Just most of them

This was the only one of me writing, which is kind of silly, since it was definitely what I was doing 70% of the time

This was the only one of me writing, which is kind of silly, since it was definitely what I was doing 70% of the time

In conclusion, I've always been kind of awesome and stupid and amazing

In conclusion, I’ve always been kind of awesome and stupid and amazing

What the Fashion: Waiting Room Critic

So I volunteer driving people who can’t drive to their medical appointments, and usually I just sit around in the waiting room reading a book. However, this one amazing lady who I drive pretty regularly brought the latest issue of Elle for me to read last time, perhaps because I usually show up in a t-shirt and zip-up hoodie. Are you trying to tell me something, Mrs. J? So I felt obligated to look through the magazine and see what tips I could glean about how to be more fashionable. I got a few weird looks from the other people in the waiting room, as I flipped through this giant magazine, laughed alot, and snapped pictures of different pages with my cellphone. Their attitude will change next time when I show up looking like:

It's like someone skinned a Lisa Frank tiger for its hideous neon coat

It’s like someone skinned a Lisa Frank tiger for its hideous neon coat

A gigantic coat that'll still leave your arms cold because the sleeves are mainly decorative (I guess?)

A gigantic coat that’ll still leave your arms cold because the sleeves are mainly decorative (I guess?)

Also, hammer pants are back!!!

Also, hammer pants are back!!!

Well, they are

Well, they are

But can they really compare to these sheer harem pants with embroidery around the ankles?

But can they really compare to these sheer harem pants with embroidery around the ankles?

Or this skirt made of plastic spoons?

Or this skirt made of plastic spoons?

Or this coat made of wallpaper from the 1970s?

Or this coat made of wallpaper from the 1970s?

This one just looks like you got dressed in the dark, drunkenly grabbing the two closest things to you on your bedroom floor

This one just looks like you got dressed in the dark, drunkenly grabbing the two closest things to you on your bedroom floor

Is this how you models keep so thin? Because that doesn't look nutritious

Is this how you models keep so thin? Because that doesn’t look nutritious

Elle, this is not the best way to combat hypothermia

Elle, this is not the best way to combat hypothermia

Okay, I would actually wear these

Okay, I would actually wear these

Or these dinosaur shoes!

Or these dinosaur shoes!

Or this suit that looks like a sequin factory threw up on you I DON'T CARE, I want it

Or this suit that looks like a sequin factory threw up on you I DON’T CARE, I want it

There's no way you're going to convince me that North Korea is fashionable, though, sorry

There’s no way you’re going to convince me that North Korea is fashionable, though, sorry

James’ Visit + Patriciagenda Update!!

After a week, I’m proud to report that James Fox and I have crossed 28 items off the Patriciagenda!! That means that (for the moment) we’ve actually accomplished over half of the total 118 items on the Patriciagenda (62 complete vs. 56 incomplete). But, like the Constitution, the Patriciagenda is a hallowed, living document designed to change with the times, so I’m sure that statistic will be invalid soon enough. Here’s what we were able to accomplish this week!!

21. Read through our script!!! (any of them!)

This year our script was probably 1/4 montages

46. Play Liebrary
75. Find Alana the best North Carolina present!!!
76. Go to a bunch of free museums!!!

Including the one-room Cary History Museum!!

78. Umstead Park!
79. Canoeing??
83. Mellow Mushroom Pizza
84. James and Patricia both dare to try Gummy Bear Juice to see if it makes them bounce/defeat ogres

Also, we met some statues

85. Condiment-themed servery challenge! (more on this later)
87. Creepy cemetery visit!!!
88. CORN MAZE!!!!
90. Visit Steven at Work!!!
91. Cause all kinds of drama

Punch You In The Face Bike levels of drama!

92. COLOR!!!!
94. Get James pumped for NaNoWriMo in a training montage!!!!
97. James asserts his dominance over the fancy coke machine at hipster hot dogs

James could assert his dominance over anything

98. Find Toby a birthday present to celebrate his becoming a man in the eyes of the National Alcoholic Beverage Control Association
99. Patricia punches someone in her knitting class
100. Go on a hike!!!! Pretend we are Lewis and Clark (I CALL LEWIS!!!!)

James, naming everything in sight after him/William Clark

Me, failing to climb some rocks and lying on the floor instead, just like Meriwether Lewis

104. Prank calls with Rob!!!! (or TO Rob?)
105. Dramatically throw something into the sea/a body of water
107. Call people we know; sing to them
113. Name the scary giant spider to appease it

I dub thee, Shelob Jr.

115. Dessert Dip!
116. Mustache Consultation Session with Steven
118. Draw self-portraits!!!

Bam! We’re awesome

1991 Reunion

I think I’ve mentioned before about how my preschool BFF and I were unknowingly reunited in grad school last year, mostly through my mom noticing that my current friend had the same name as my preschool friend. We lost touch when we both moved away from Charleston at the age of 4 or 5 and unknowingly became friends again when we sat next to each other in the same class in grad school! Clearly I had amazing taste in friends even in preschool!!! Anyway, one of the relics of our long history together is this amazing picture Megan’s mom saved:

Note Thomas in the background, being a potato

We tried to recreate this at our recent 1991 reunion:

As you can imagine, this recreation was fraught with difficulty

Thomas manfully attempted to mash himself up into a little potato-like ball, and Megan and I pretended to be short, but the 20 intervening years have made the illusion somewhat less than perfect. Plus, my apartment doesn’t have a fireplace or a big pink chair.

Also we couldn’t stop laughing:
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Servery Challenge: Sushi Edition

To celebrate Rob’s extremely brief pass through Carrboro for an interview, we had a new Servery challenge last weekend!! Steven is a pro at making sushi rice, so we decided to see exactly how far you could push its deliciousness with a Sushi Servery Challenge! Unfortunately, I was too busy being outraged for a lot of the competition to remember what people named theirs, so I’ve had to make some up:

1. Mexican Roll–Patricia

Scrambled eggs, salsa, sushi rice, seaweed

I was legitimately shocked when this ended up tasting kind of good. Maybe because all you could really taste was the salsa. I would eat this again, actually.

2. Minimalist Roll–Joe

Craisins, Rice, Seaweed

Joe seemed to suffer from a fit of indecision while waiting to wrap his roll and ended up only putting dried cranberries in. So it tasted pretty much like sushi rice with a little sweetness. Luckily I love sushi rice!

3. Pantry Attack Roll–Rob

Pretzels, peanut butter, sprinkles, Heath Bar Shell ice cream topping, rice, seaweed, probably some other things

This roll was ridiculous. Also, didn’t really hold together so it was hard to eat. In consequence, the bite of it I got was mostly pretzel and heath bar ice cream topping, which tasted okay. I’m not sure what all ingredients tasted together would have been like.
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