Posts Tagged ‘parks’

New Apartment!

The blog-worthy thing I was planning on doing today kind of fell through when, among other things, I had to spend way longer than expected at the post office. And not the fun Carrboro post office where everyone loves Mark Twain and teaches you dance moves while you wait in line. The Cary post office, where everyone’s annoyed and won’t stop talking about rising crime rates. But our new place isn’t all bad! Here are some good things about it! Or, at least, new things!

1. This park

Not pictured: the pedal boats

There’s this park near my house with lots of hiking trails that are really pretty!

In Carrboro this would have been a frisbee golf course, but whatever

2. Fireplace!

Complete with fun wedding pictures on the mantel!

3. Display Case!

So far I’m using it to keep my tea sets and other cool things

4. Bluebell!

Okay, this is more of a recent development for all of North Carolina, but still

Still don’t have them at either Harris Teeter or Food Lion. We finally found these at Walgreens.

5. New Book Case!

It was too small for any one section, so we decided to stock it with everything we had to read for school at some point

Mine is the top shelf and Steven has the other two. He’s a hoarder. I arranged my shelf in chronological order. Here are the titles if you’re curious: Read the rest of this entry »

Carrboro Walks: Anderson Community Park

Right now I’m reading a book called The Lost Art of Walking: The History, Science, and Literature of Pedestrianism by Geoff Nicholson. Most people on Amazon apparently don’t like it very much, saying it meanders too much, and doesn’t seem to really have a point. Since this is pretty much the exact style of walking I most enjoy, I’m totally okay with that. Granted, I haven’t finished yet, so I’ll keep you posted. Maybe the difference is that the Amazon reviewers are all very serious walkers, and I am definitely a total amateur. I’d like to become better, eventually, but right now I’m stuck in the “pleasant 20 minutes to an hour ramble” stage. I think there have been a few times when I’ve walked with a picnic lunch in tow, and certainly many times a bottle of water. But I’ve never gone on walks so long that I would need things like equipment or supplies. No tents or rations or all weather gear. I’m not really into camping, so I don’t think I could ever be a serious hiker. Just day hikes for me, please. And even then, nothing to strenuous.

In fact, my favorite place to walk close to my apartment is probably the lamest ever compared to “real” walks taken by serious walkers. It’s a park conveniently located near Food Lion and the Post Office. It’s quite a large park, by Chapel Hill/Carrboro standards featuring a dog park, playground equipment, tennis courts, baseball fields, basketball courts, a frisbee golf course, and a 1.5 mile path around a largish pond where there are always at least some ducks. And sometimes a small child beating the water with a stick.

Moments before the assault

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