Posts Tagged ‘nanowrimo’

NaNoWriMo 2013!

So it’s not the end of November, but I’m calling my annual NaNoWriMo contest with James early on account of… well, it’s just embarrassing. I got to 50,000 words on the 15th, and finished up my story four days later. I haven’t heard anything from James in a week, but assuming he’s not going to write 41,000 words in the next 8 days I’m going to say results are pretty much the same as last year:


Well, maybe I went a little nuts on the 14th, but it was only because this year National Novel Writing Month felt like a chore I just needed to be done with. It wasn’t fun, and it was keeping me from stuff I actually should be writing, and like to be writing. This is my 6th year doing it, so I wasn’t worried about finishing–of course I’ll finish. Maybe it was because I once again went with a Pick Your Own Adventure style, which is fun in that people get in to reading it when you’re finished, but a little more of a headache from the creation side. So this might be my last year of NaNoWriMo, at least for the foreseeable future. I think it’s a great experience, especially for people who need that push to actually get writing, but it’s something I already spend all my time on–for work, for fun, while doing the dishes, while driving–maybe I need an intervention where I spend a month trying to stop.

Whatever, I didn’t mean to get all depressing on you. Here’s a wordle for your trouble:

As you might guess, this year there are ghosts

As you might guess, this year there are ghosts

Once again, Steven kindly used his skillz to make it accessible online, looking all sleek and fancy, so if you want to try not to die, feel free. There are 3 main parts, and also an alternate vampire punk storyline, because Rob and James Fox each responded to the very beginning by screaming “KILL HIM!!” at me in all caps, instead of the more conventional choices I provided. And I’m pretty easily coerced into things. Some things. Here are the best parts [spoiler alert?]: Read the rest of this entry »

NaNoWriMo 2012! Now with Audience Participation

I’m back!!! NaNoWriMo wrap up time!!!

For my fifth year of NaNoWriMo I decided to give James Fox a fighting chance by doing a confusing Pick-Your-Own-Adventure novel, but alas, I’m still just too talented:

Although James put up a much better fight than last year! One day, James. One day.

Here’s another chart, just because this is how I motivate myself:

Unlike previous years, my progress was much more sporadic, with days of slacking off followed by days of wild writing abandon. It’s hard to be disciplined when you’re also responsible for sending James multiple texts a day that just read “ARE YOU WRITING YOU CAN DO IT DON’T GIVE UP!!!” I know what you’re thinking, and, yes, it is amazing that we’re still friends.

Condescended version

I know usually I just give you a wordle and tell you it was “like reading the whole thing” but this year, you actually can!!! I figured because it was a Pick-Your-Own-Adventure, it might be fun to click your way through and attempt not to die (hahaha, good luck) so I forced Steven to make THIS!

Unlike crappy paper book versions of interactive stories, there’s a handy back button at the top and a “Start Over?” button at the bottom! Plus, it is super mobile friendly. Hours of fun are soon to be yours! Highlights to look for include:

Sometimes after you die, you can choose to come back as a ghost!
The part where you can just choose to keep reading random romance novel excerpts I’ve written for you
Inexplicable Captain Planet crossover
The part where you turn into a face-eating tiger
Sir Mix-A-Lot guest appearance

Get pumped

Also, I got rid of all the curse words that were in the original draft by replacing them with either “blast” or “malarkey” with a find and replace. Apparently that’s how they roll in Mazelandia.

November Apology

It’s time again for my annual November Apology for being bad at updating. I like to blame NaNoWriMo for this, but recent evidence suggests the problem goes further back. For instance, of the 14 years I’ve kept a journal, November is easily my least prolific month. May, the month during which I’ve written the most entries, has twice as many.

Of course I made a chart, do you even know me?

In fact, of the seven days on which I have never written a journal entry, 3 (or 43%) are in November:

Also a bunch of them are on the 6th for some reason.

So clearly this problem dates back to 1998, way before I ever heard of NaNoWriMo. Incidentally, since I know you’re curious, the date I’ve written the most journal entries (7) on, is a tie between February 6th and October 17th:

Anyway, this year is my 5th doing NaNoWriMo, so it’s a little less exciting. I write a lot, so I’m pretty good at churning out the required word limit every day. I decided to try to spice things up by writing a Pick Your Own Adventure novel, complete with so many grisly death scenes. This is more complicated and confusing, but actually makes it easier to write a lot of words. I’m already three days ahead.

The green bar is James

He was ahead of me, until the third day, and then never regained his lead. YOU CAN DO IT JAMES JUST GOTTA BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! In case you don’t remember why this is important:

Come on, James, if you can learn the Hoedown Throwdown, you can do this

Anyway, in the meantime, I managed to make a peach slump:

Peach and berry!

Slumps are kind of weird. I like that they don’t require an oven, and therefore seem like less work, but the way the biscuit topping is steamed in the pot on top of the fruit instead of baked gives it a weird consistency that Steven hated and I was just kind of meh about. Probably will not be slumping it again!

Also, this is the tree outside my window right now!!!

Fall!!! I love you!!!

So, yeah, I have stuff going on. Expect reports on how I am still MASTER OF MY OWN THANKSGIVING soon!

NaNoWriMo 2011!!

You probably remember that I do National Novel Writing Month ever year! This year I completed it with far less drama and heart break than usual, except towards the end when I realized Open Office, Microsoft Word, and the NaNoWriMo website apparently all count words differently.

Here is a pictorial representation of my novel, from Wordle:

NaNoWriMo 2011!

The word Percy is really big because she’s the main character! It’s short for Persephone. Crazy hippie parents, what are you going to do? I had a hard time deciding what part would best showcase its awesomeness in a random excerpt, but decided on this piece on the basis that it features my best idea ever:

“You’re disgusting,” she said to him as she pushed through the revolving doors. They were like normal revolving doors, but with a disco ball in the middle and a lot of flashing colored lights on the floor. Inside there was a reception desk made out of a giant stack of cookies and some stairs that were made of piano keys. Beside the stairs was a slide and a water slide, both apparently leading from some upper level. Before she could look around further a puppy ran up to her from a corral of them near the door where many others of different kinds and sizes were playing and wrestling. When she’d walked through, a motion censor had opened the automatic door to the puppy corral, allowing one to go greet her. Puppies as greeters were the newest thing, and also the best. The best ever.
Siegfried looked on jealously as she ecstatically rubbed the puppy’s belly and scratched behind its ears. “I’m puppy size!” Siegfried insisted. “But a giraffe!!!!” Percy ignored him.
“Welcome to Awesomesauce Publications Ltd, how can I help you?” the man behind the cookie reception desk asked. He was dressed like a roller disco version of Nicola Tesla, complete with roller skates that occasionally discharged badass currents of electrical energy between the wheels.

Puppy greeters, America! Make it happen!

Also, if you’re interested, here’s a look back at some past NaNoWriMo awesomeness: Read the rest of this entry »

It’s the little things

November is the worst month. Ever. It’s cold. It’s close enough to the end of the semester that I suddenly become all about writing research papers. Everyone has Christmas stuff out already, so that I get annoyed by December 1st. I dislike turkey. NaNoWriMo is making me crazy. Whenever anyone asks me how I am, I can’t even muster the strength to blandly lie and just go “Bleeeeeeh”.

So, here are some little things:

1) Ever since I got my netbook (after my laptop decided to fulfill its lifelong dream of being a refrigerator by keeping its fan on at all times) I have been using Steven’s computer when he’s not home to be able to a) see everything on a freakishly huge screen and b) use Microsoft Office products. This has the added benefit of getting to fill his Pandora gadget with Lady Gaga to break up all that LOTR1-themed Euro pop/metal. You’re welcome, Steven.

2) Compiling course evaluations in my head. Some classes, thinking about writing that 15 minute evaluation, no matter how inconsequential it will actually be to the Powers of UNC, is all that gets me through.

3) The True Meaning of Smekday by Adam Rex. I am a little more than halfway through this book, and it is AWESOME. Basically, aliens called The Boov conquer Earth. They oppress us, but it’s hilarious! Observe:

Gratuity Tucci, sassy eleven-year-old, is having none of that. Then she makes friends with an outcast Boov who has decided his “human name” is J.Lo. If that doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what will. Best alien invasion ever. I can’t wait to see how it ends.

4) Coloring. And being happy that wordpress is not as temperamental as Tumblr.

5) Doing impressions of animals that are pretty much overlooked in the impressions world. Like the walrus. Or the sandpiper. Complete with exciting sound effects. The best part is leaping into Steven’s office and shouting “GUESS WHAT ANIMAL I AM!!!” I was surprised he got the walrus.

  • 1You’ll note that I’m nerdy enough to use the abbreviation LOTR but not nerdy enough to listen to German metal bands sing at least an entire freaking album about it. It can be a fine line.
  • National Novel Writing Month 2009: Epic Win!

    This graphic, the only semi-tangible prize, was SO WORTH IT.

    This graphic, the only semi-tangible prize, was SO WORTH IT.

    Granted, my main memories of Thanksgiving are of writing 17,000 words in two days, but still! Look at this picture I won!!! In case you were wondering, the novel ends with the three different Patricias plus random historical/alternate time line characters teaming up to USE THEIR IMAGINATIONS to defeat the Plutonians. Apparently illogical thought processes are their one weakness, making Middle School Patricia the ultimate contender.

    I can’t be bothered to post the entire novel on here, but here is the wordle art version of it:
    Wordle: NaNoWriMo 2009

    I like how PATRICIA dominates. Just like always. Click for larger image (i.e. to read any words that aren’t PATRICIA)

    National Novel Writing Month 2009: A Timeline

    I thought it was over forever last year. But then in October this happened:

    Start receiving “reminder” emails from the NaNoWriMo website. Roll my eyes.

    October 24th
    Read over “novel” from last year while procrastinating writing a paper. Feel bad about the lack of coherency.

    October 26th
    Decide to do National Novel Writing Month again, this time attempting not to fall back on random free association to meet word limit. I CAN write a 50,000 word novel that sticks to one plot. For varying definitions of “one plot”. And “sticks”. And “novel”.

    October 30th
    Convince James Fox to write one too in exchange for making him a character in my novel.

    November 1st–10pm
    Suddenly remember that it’s the first day of National Novel Writing Month. Stay up to begin novel. Decide it should be about Middle School Patricia traveling to the future by accident to meet me now. It can be deep and full of meaning and reveal things about my life and stuff.

    November 2nd
    Decide to occasionally write from Middle School Patricia’s Point of View to use up more words. Read the rest of this entry »

    National Novel Writing Month 2008: A Timeline


    See a class called “How To Write a Novel In a Month” while registering. Decide this is the class for me because 1) I like writing novels, 2) I like having no time to revise, and 3) I only needed one more credit hour.

    August–First Week of Class
    Discover this is a Martel Student Taught Course. Half the people signed up are Serious English Major Novelists, the other half seem to make up Rice’s Anime Club.

    August–Second Week of Class
    Discover the Serious English Major Novelists have dropped the class en masse. Learn about: how writing is a serious mystical art that puts your mind in tune with the gods; anime.

    September–Third Week of Class
    Begin bringing laptop and playing Mah Jong during class, which this week consists of watching a youtube fan video about Halo 2 or something. And always the constant hum of Anime in the background.

    September–Fourth Week of Class
    Listen to a girl’s novel idea about puppies that, when they lick you, they change your gender.

    Rest of September
    Skip class. See above.

    Try to think of ideas for 50,000 word novels that I could write way fast. Decide to just write about my summer job at the library in third person, artfully changing everyone’s name. Figure that will give me AT LEAST 50,000 words of ridic stories.

    November 1st
    Start novel. Decide this is going to be easy.

    November 5th
    Already 1000 words behind.

    November 10th
    3000 words behind. Introduce library trolls for variety.

    November 12th
    Library trolls aren’t working out. Change plot entirely so that it is now Me (Summer Intern) and the elderly assistant director against a horde of zombies and other book characters that have come alive and are attacking the library in the night.

    November 13th
    We team up with Napoleon. Excerpt:
    Read the rest of this entry »

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