First Prof of the day on being a babyboomer: “Since I was born in 1947, I’m at the cutting edge of ruining your futures. Do well in my class so that I can continue to live like this: (picture of himself drinking wine)” I love it when people use powerpoint unprofessionally.
My new hobby: counting how many times I hear the word “metadata”. I already got sick of it during orientation so I figured I would masochistically track exactly how many times it’s said this semester by people who are only trying to sound pretentious. Luckily, I am now a graduate student, and not to be intimidated by buzzwords. Neo-classical post-colonial paradigm! Come on, guys, I was an English major. That’s like all we do.
Current “Metadata” count: 17
My tutoring group, asking me about myself to avoid working: “Why do you want to be a librarian when you’re so good at math?” I haven’t been told I was good at math since the ninth grade. Maybe I too could have been an SE with some POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT.
A giant snail with a flashlight in its mouth chasing a stick figure man over the Intro to Cataloging. No one said margin doodles had to make sense.
Number of people I’ve met so far who have heard of Rice before: 2. Way to go, “Who Knew?” Campaign. Way to go.