Posts Tagged ‘meta’

My blog is probably cooler than you think

Did you know my blog has a “random post” button? I made Steven install it for me months ago because sometimes I like to get nostalgic.

You can access in Night View by clicking the yellow star above the “P” in “Plaid.” Day view, click the only cloud above the word “Plaid.”

Also, if you want to switch styles, click the furthest yellow star to the right, or the baby cloud near the top of the “d” in “Pladd.”

I wonder what the odds are of not getting a post about Sam Neill.

Happy 4th Birthday!!!!!

Today this blog is 4 years old! Which is basically middle aged in Internet years! I’m really surprised and pleased that something that started as an innocent suggestion from a tearful list serv rep could last this long! To celebrate, I made these amazing cupcakes!!

As adorable as they are delicious!! Happy birthday, blog!!

As adorable as they are delicious!! Happy birthday, blog!!

Also, here is the blog version of a clipshow:

The Best of the Plaid Pladd

Roadtrip: The Epic Journey, May-June 2009

Weirdly Steven and I never got a photo together that whole month, so here are Trixie and I intimidating a buffalo

Weirdly Steven and I never got a photo together that whole month, so here are Trixie and I intimidating a buffalo

The roadtrip posts are still some of my favorites ever, possibly because they are the most legitimately exciting thing that has happened since this blog began. I particularly like when we were still dedicated enough to take videos in the early days of the trip, even if they were about pecans. Not only did we get some great pictures and have some great adventures, but I confirmed that I could spend 8000 miles and 21 days with Steven Wiggins without either of us abandoning the other in Montana.

He's a good guy

He’s a good guy

That Time A Goddess Girls Author Commented On My Blog, June 2012

I’m actually a big fan of all of Steven and my joint book reviews about this tween girl greek mythology series, and I think Steven likes reading them too, despite all of his grumbling to the contrary.

Someone could learn a lesson from Medusa

Someone could learn a lesson from Medusa

My evidence for this is that yesterday we were driving somewhere and he asked, “So when does the next Goddess Girls book come out?” You asked for it, Steven, I am #3 on the hold list.

I start owning being man-footed, December 2011

I don’t write serious posts very often, and, before this one, I’d never really thought about how much anxiety I had tied up in my big shoe size. It still stands out to me as one of my favorite posts I’ve ever written, maybe because of the way it made me feel more than the words themselves.

Also, this picture is really great

Also, this picture is really great

Every Chocovine Challenge

We’ve had 4 Chocovine challenges so far (Original, Raspberry, Espresso, and Whipped Cream). Each one has brought laughter, tears, and occasional indigestion.

You know the one I mean

You know the one I mean

A while ago one of my uncles told me “I bought some of that drink you like so much, that chocolate wine stuff, and I tried it. It was terrible” and I was like “You can’t believe everything you read on the Internet.”

I hope we have four more years of awesome adventures together!!

Happy 400th Post!!!

This is my 400th post on this blog! And next Monday it’ll be the Plaid Pladd’s 4-year anniversary!! I know lately I haven’t been as faithful about updating as in the early days, but at least I’ve stuck it out fairly consistently, even when I don’t have that much to say. I haven’t decided how to celebrate 4 years yet; possibly some kind of blog clip show where we reminisce about the posts that changed our lives? I’m thinking of that time Thomas made me drink Sun Drop mixed with Espresso Chocovine, obviously, since my tastebuds still have not recovered. What are your favorite Plaid Pladd Blog memories? Share them and I will compile a glowing tribute for Monday!! Get excited!!

In other awesome milestone news, I finally finished the first draft of the book I’ve been writing for the past 2 years, and working on for the past 12. It’s a little over 600 pages long right now, and I think I’ll be dividing it up into 4 parts. There’s still one more (hopefully quicker) rewrite to go before it will be fit to be read by some awesome beta readers (could this be YOU? Let’s talk later–I can’t make promises about how long a manuscript you’ll have to read, but I can guarantee that it comes with baked goods). Then I don’t know WHAT will happen!!! Probably nothing, but it’s exciting to imagine.

But for now, have to start preparing for Pi Day! Which, as you know, is serious business in the Ladd family.

Can you see this? I can’t

So I haven’t been able to access my blog since last Thursday. It just won’t load on any device on my home internet connection, wired or not (I’m typing this on my phone–it’s exactly as fun as you would expect). Steven says it’s probably a problem with some data center between our ip and whatever and I stopped listening to his explanation around then because all I heard was “Blah blah blah SOMEONE IS TRYING TO SABOTAGE YOU”. There are so many suspects. Let me see if I can format a list on this graspin interface:

Plaid Pladd’s Most Wanted
1. Brian Reinhart
Ugh I was going to link you to my Brian tag (“brian is a weather witch”) or maybe his blog but inserting a link is like a million times harder on my phone, so that is all you’re getting. Just know that Brian is often my nemesis (link to something about NaNoWriMo would go here) and one time lied to me about IKEA free meatballs. Clearly he is just jealous of my blog and wants to bring it down!!! Just because you don’t care enough to update your blog ever doesn’t mean you have to drag the rest of us down to your level, BRIAN.

Does that link even work? Whatever, my blog has a search function that everyone not me can utilize right now so you can find Bova if you want. She’s another suspect who I assume might be jealous of my blogging prowess. Plus she has a mystery commenter on her blog that she assumes is me, so she may be trying to get misguided payback? Misguided because it’s totally not me. Seriously, if I could make links or insert screen caps right now I would build my case in great detail since being mistaken for Mysterious Commenter is hurting my rep in more ways than potential Bova reprisals. Like I would ever listen to Cake? Or brag about what I’m listening to at the end of my comments like someone’s livejournal from 2002? I mean, I can see why the correct spelling and punctuation might make me an obvious choice, but other people care about grammar. Namely, old people, so I’m personally betting on Dr. Dodds. Send your internet attacks to H-Town, Bova, I am your friend!

3. Caitlin
Caitlin is another blogging friend who has expressed envy in the past about my amazing blog and all of the fabulous spam comments it generates. Caitlin seems kind of busy right now so she probably doesn’t have time for l33t internet hax but maybe that is JUST WHAT SHE WANTS ME TO THINK.

4. James Fox (one of them)
Awhile ago two people each claiming to be James Fox commented on my NaNoWriMo post. Or one person creating an elaborate fake fight with themself for some reason. Whatever, the point is, one or both of them trash talked me a year in advance for NaNoWriMo 2013 so maybe SOMEONE is having a hard time coping with the fact that I dominated at our annual competition again this year. Not cool, Fox or possibly Imposter!Fox. Not cool.

5. Steven Wiggins
Steven Wiggins is doing absolutely NOTHING to fix this dire situation despite the fact that he has also lost access to his personal email which is hosted on the same server or something. Is this complacency just the mark of someone too tired from slaving away in the website mines everyday to care about my blog troubles? OR is this the nefarious work of someone who can’t stand to hear about Sam Neill anymore????

6. Sam Neill
Dude, you should be THANKING me! I have raised Sam Neill Awareness among my immediate social circle by like 300%!!! Most of my family can now recognize you on sight and no one has confused you with Hugo Weaving in like three months. I’m sorry I sometimes make fun of your outfits or complain that you are in way too many Australian history pieces, but it is just my way. Mocking things is the only way I know how to show love. And hate. It gets kind of confusing, but for you it’s love, I swear!

7. Dark Wizards
You can never be too careful.

Anyway, since I have no idea how long this problem will persist and doubt that I will have the patience to actually leave my apartment and find somewhere else to Internet, please enjoy I Detonate Around Him, a tumblr James, Steven, and I started to make fun of 50 Shades of Grey.

Better post this quick; only four minutes left!

Did you know my blog is 3 years old today?? IT IS!

Now I’m all nostalgic for making fun of Wiess cabinet members. Clearly I need to call Jeremy Caves and demand he give me a lecture about the best way to use a shower timer or something.

New Blog Design!

You have probably already noticed a change unless you’re reading this by RSS, but Steven Wiggins has been working tirelessly on weekends to get this blog redesign done! Yay!!! The coolest feature is probably that there are actually two new designs, one for night and one for day, which will change around 6 or 7 in the morning and at night Eastern time. If you want to see the other design, click the cloud above the D in Pladd (day view), or the yellow star in the top right of the page (night view). Exciting times!!

The stuff that used to be in the sidebar has either 1) been deemed unnecessary like “recent comments” or 2) been moved to the Archive page, where you can browse by date or category. I’ve cleaned up the categories a little bit too. Natch you can always search with the search bar or click on tags like always, since I know everyone loves to read vintage Plaid Pladd.

Also, if you highlight something on the page, it’s PINK!!! This is not something I asked for so it was even MORE amazing when I discovered it.

Now I have to take Steven out for celebratory fancy chocolate! It’s important to reward your in-house developer/designer/tech support at frequent intervals.

So far I’m thinking a phalanx of animated gifs, and giving everyone free unicorns

The Internet is Steven’s job, but it’s also what he does for fun. Usually when he talks about it all I hear is either:

“GRUMBLE GRUMBLE GRUMBLE backwards compatible GRUMBLE GRUMBLE IE IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE GRUMBLE GRUMBLE why am I the only one in the world who can spell GRUMBLE GRUMBLE code.”

or, the slightly more upbeat:

“GUESS WHAT??? {white noise} jquery {white noise} website {white noise} streamline {white noise} ostriches.”

Because comprehension AND empathy combined take too much energy and I am a weary grad student. I usually settle for apologizing for the Internet and/or humanity or saying “Yay! Good job! Can I have a sandwich?” A good mood is the secret to superior Steven Sandwich Making.

However, earlier this week I was able to comprehend a whole sentence, without caps lock or curly brackets. It was something like “I am reconfiguring like crazy! Major updates for your blog are coming! Tell me what you want it to do–literally, anything!–and I will make it do that!”


The problem is, when offered LITERALLY ANYTHING there is too much to choose from and I can’t even decide what to demand first. So you should totes help me think of LITERALLY ANYTHING that we can demand Steven make my blog do.

He is also going to change the design because this look is SO a year and a half ago.

1 So these may or may not have been his exact words, but I learned from my stint as Wiess Secretary that people rarely remember their exact words, so you can claim pretty much anything if you are willingly to claim it strongly enough. Or if it’s funny.

The Plaid Pladd Blog: A New Lease On Life

It’s sad but true: I do not have the adventures I once did. More to the point, I don’t have the time to do semi-strange things and then blow them entirely out of proportion until Josh Langsfeld is saving me from being knifed on a Houston city bus, etc. Since I’m actually working at a public library this summer, I thought I would have plenty of ridiculous stories to tell about crazy people who come in to hide amongst the stacks and loudly shout Star Wars quotes at random intervals (Seminole Community Library, Summer ’06) or the secret soup of library drama boiling in the backroom and behind every desk (Seminole Community Library, AT ALL TIMES). Unfortunately, the library I’m working at appears to be dangerously and unprecedentedly normal. The weirdest story I have is that Wednesday a woman asked me for nail clippers and then seemed sad that the library didn’t have those. Seriously, I can’t compete with The Road Trip with this.

In place of adventures, here is what I do with my time, ordered roughly in how much time I spend on it:

1. Complaining about grad school’s total inadequacy
2. Working at the public library
3. Working on my summer course in management
4. Reading
5. Cooking

Complaining gets top billing because I can pretty much do it while simultaneously doing any of those other things, plus while doing almost anything else (I’m a Tenth Level Whiny Complainer). Working at the public library is awesome, but has the aforementioned Lack of Crazy problems. My summer course’s goal seems to be to mention libraries as little as possible and to have as little to do with my actual life and job goals as it can, thus providing excellent fodder for #1, but not much help in the Cool Things To Blog About arena. That leaves reading (I work at a library) and cooking, two things which I usually don’t blog about because I see them as not of interest to my legions of fans, with a few exceptions. This is going to change.

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