Posts Tagged ‘letters’

Letter Conclusion!!!


31 days, 31 letters

So far I’ve gotten 4 replies!! But I am lazy and haven’t even mailed all of them yet so that number may change!

Writing to people on the basis of making my map look cool

Also to use up my 91 cent stamps

This week, among other things, I wrote a letter to the state of North Dakota from the state of North Carolina to point out that we both have North in our names so we should probably form a secret alliance against the other 48 states (read: chumps). It’s possible that I don’t have the jurisdiction to send such an invitation on behalf of my entire state, but, like the dishes, no one else was doing it, so I thought I might as well. I expect a favorable reply from the Roughrider State any day now.

Stay tuned for a Sam Neill update later today, Brian!

More than halfway there!

As you can see, I've been busy writing to my government representatives! Or at least their interns

Don’t worry; I have plans to contact the midwest to make this map look more exciting!

Letter Update + I’m famous in Korea!

I'm told there aren't really middle names in Korea, so I'm the only author on the cover with a middle initial!


Oh, and I also work here!

And then there’s this:

As you can see, I was somewhat confused about how to show a letter sent to an address within Chapel Hill

Life Update: January 10, 2012

Today I wore a shoe for the first time since the foot thing happened! It was very exciting! Still walking a little oddly but I am definitely on the mend!

Obviously I have been using my time to fulfill my January Vow to write a letter each day:

Some of my letters are apparently taking the scenic route

Unfortunately, I have been as yet unable to mail any of these letters since I am out of stamps and, until today, unable to go out and get more. Sorry for the hold up, massive pile of typewritten pages! You’ll be on your way shortly!

Yeah, that’s right. Spoiler alert: I’m writing all letters on my brand new typewriter! Get excited for endearingly poor punctuation and words oddly broken off because they won’t fit on one line and I don’t really get the auto-return function yet. Don’t you see that makes it more amazing? Of course you do. You can barely contain your excitement, I can tell.

Life Update: January 2, 2012

Dear the Internet,

Happy New Year! What’s new with you? Here’s what’s up with me:

1) I had my first trip to the emergency room on Thursday! How exciting! I cut my foot pretty badly on the glass out of a picture frame (why are those things so sharp??) and rather than attempt reattaching it, the doctor decided to just remove the part I’d almost cut off anyway! My dad took some pictures at the time, possibly because he thought being annoyed at him would distract me from the pain of getting part of me cut off, but I’m not going to show you those. You’re welcome. Here is my foot now, four days later:

I included my non-injured foot so you could see the difference

It’s not a huge wound, but apparently you use the side of your foot a lot more than you think, because I’m still hobbling kind of funny. It’s getting better though! And they assured me that the nail would grow back only slightly wonky. I’m pretty sure this is my foot’s revenge for me airing my past grievances about its size to you.

2) Steven made hoppin’ john for New Year’s yesterday, and it was delicious!

He did a great job, despite distrusting ham!

If you didn’t have hoppin’ john yesterday, or at least black eyed peas, you pretty much missed your chances for a lucky 2012, sorry.

3) Remember that letter project I did last January? I’ve decided to do it again this year! Because it was super fun last time! Watch your mailboxes!!

Unfortunately, I'm out of stylish cloud envelopes

4) Here is a Christmas present hat montage for your amusement:

This one came with a scarf!! Thanks, Grandma!!

Penguin and pom poms!!! Thanks, Mom!!!

Totoro totoro! Totoro totoro! Thanks, Secret Santa!!!


Dear Unknown Muggle: The Wizarding World Finally Reaches Out to Me

OMG YOU GUYS BEST LIBRARY FIND EVER! I was shelving books in the teen area when I picked up a folded piece of paper sitting on the edge of one of the shelves. Naturally, I opened it before recycling to see if it was filled with juicy gossip, but it was SO MUCH BETTER! Here is a scan:

Yes, that IS a rip in the paper labeled "Bloody Owl!"

I mean, I can’t say I’m surprised. Obviously if you’re going to take your magical family on a muggle vacation, you would end up at the Holly Springs Library. You can TELL this was written by an authentic English witch because she uses the word “bloody” TWICE and also “horrid”. My only point of confusion is that it is written in pencil on notebook paper instead of on parchment with a quill, but I assume it is all part of her undercover muggle disguise.

After years of picking up pieces of paper with chewed gum stuck to them in the stacks, I feel like this was the universe’s way of giving me a reward.

24 for 24

Tomorrow is my 24th birthday! Today is Steven’s 26th birthday, but who cares about that? If he wanted things to be all about him, he would have his own blog. In case you are still searching for the perfect present (and I assume the entire Internet will get me presents), here is a list of 24 things I like that might help.

1. Terrible Movies

You have to be in the right mindset to watch something like Night of 1000 Cats or Stick It! or Titanic II. Luckily, I am always in that mindset.

2. Terrible Books

I like to think that I’m a little more discerning about the books I read than the movies I watch, but then I remembered how much I like making fun of things that try to be Twilight. Plus this summer I am going to try to tackle the ridic book Anna Baron gave me in one act payment two years ago: The Black Jewels Trilogy:

Anna Baron knows how to give gifts


3. Prehistoric Animals

Like an ostrich, BUT DEADLY

Dinosaurs are cool and all, but I really like all the weird stuff that came after them. I think I have seen all the National Geographic and BBC specials on stuff like this, so if you could just get me an actual leptictidium, that’d be favorite.

4. Art

For the rest of this epic face-off between James Fox and Middle School Patricia click the link in the paragraph below!

I will freely admit to being terrible at most art, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. Whether it’s making up self-involved comics as a birthday present or making a pig mascot of a lemonade tin. I think my decided lack of artistic ability has taught me some great shortcuts that can easily fool people into thinking I’m competent.

Like coloring inside the lines

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