After shopping to no avail for something nice to wear to graduation, I decided to make my own dress, using the tutorial for the “Infinity Dress” found on rostitchery. Then, after abortive trips to the fabric store I decided my only option was clearly to make it out of my sheets. When am I going to need a rather worn set of extra long twin sheets again? And they were the right amount of stretchy. The result:

In retrospect, I probably should have washed them BEFORE sewing
Oh well.
Unfortunately, after freaking out that you could actually see through the fabric, I made the top part–already oddly heavy–twice as thick. I’m not sure if it’s the best choice for the blinding desert sun that will be graduation since it IS EXACTLY LIKE wrapping my shoulders in a full sheet.
Although it does mean that for the past two nights I’ve been sleeping on top of my bare mattress in a sleeping bag. Oh, the memories.