Posts Tagged ‘crafty’

Treasures of Pinterest (aka- How NOT to suck at Gift Projects)

This month’s guest post was written by my sister-in-law, Melissa! She always gives creative homemade gifts! Enjoy!–PLADD


So to follow in the footsteps of Mom Ladd- when my darling Sister-in-law asked if I would be a guest blogger on here, at first I thought, ‘heck yes, this will be awesome! There are so many things I can write about!’. Then the feeling of pressure and dread crept in on many levels and I realized that while yes, this was awesome- I mean, the infamous Plaid Pladd Blog is nothing to be scoffed at, it was also sort of stressful since I would be writing something that would no doubt be judged by people much smarter than myself and thus writing anything that immediately jumps to mind would probably end in nothing but chagrin and a shriveled up IQ (also a supreme lack of cool points from the aforementioned SIL). I tend to the academic side of things just asking questions because I’m curious, but I doubt anybody wants to hear me ramble about the psychological and sociological implications of the BDSM community (no NOT the 50 shades version, thank Heaven), or the origin of Antisemitism, or legal practices in the Deaf Community, or the fact that you can now get served divorce papers via Facebook (!?!?!), or even Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 28 Op. 101  that just took up the last month of my life. No, you probably don’t want to read about any of those things.

Having said that, rather than giving into fear and backing out due to my lack of life from a seemingly never ending Music Literature course, I decided instead to do an overview of things you can do from pinterest that make pretty snazzy gifts. Adventure awaits- Enjoy!


Behold, a treasure trove of tantalizing tactile time wasters!

Behold, a treasure trove of tantalizing tactile time wasters!


This isn’t really to say that I have an unholy amount of copious free time, though around the holidays and in summer time I suppose I have had more time that usual… Anyways- most of you have at least heard of Pinterest as a crafting or interest hub where just about anything can be found. If not, you have most definitely heard jokes or seen silly articles on the many poor souls that thought they could master something deceptively tricky on the first go. Thankfully, the only things I have ever experienced in that department include smoothly decorating cake balls (I hate them… -_- ) and tie-dying fingernails with a water technique (t-total mess failure:  )

Though it is true I have spent more time on this site than is strictly necessary, what can I say: I’m a hoarder for recipes and craft ideas. This brings me to the meat of today’s scheduled babble: Craft time!

My Dad is great with math and wood working, Steve rocks a computer and isn’t totally incompetent in the kitchen, Mom sews like a beast, and now Tricia does everything with knitting needles I could never get the hang of, so I suppose it falls on me to be the jack of all trades in random crafting areas. I love to learn new things and try different techniques- especially when it means I already have Christmas, Birthday, or other special occasion gifts checked off. Personally I’d rather do homemade/personal gifts but c’est la vie- to each their own. In honor of that- let’s visit some favorites of mine.


#1: Anything to do with Mod Podge.
Super easy MP craft examples: magnets, coasters, and image transfers.


Behold: Crafting glue from Heaven.

Crafting glue from Heaven.


So far, I think I’ve stuck to relatively “basic” MP crafts, but they seem to have gone over pretty well. Don’t get me wrong- I’m not ridiculously gifted with any of this, but I think most people just make it out to be harder than it needs to be. There are SO MANY types of this stuff ($$$) out there, you can do just about anything from resurfacing shoes, to sealing outdoor furniture (and probably your average car…), and of course creating fun little crafts or gifts for any age. This stuff stinks so I don’t think anyone is ever in any danger of “eating the paste”, but hey, messy crafts are for big kids too, dangit!


First: Magnets

Don't judge my love of bumpersticker .jpgs

Don’t judge my love of bumpersticker .jpgs

These are super simple. Once upon a time many updates ago, Facebook had this fun little app called Bumperstickers. I used to share these pics back and forth with friends on a daily basis, and some of them were just too clever to lose when the app inevitably disappeared (as everything fun tends to do on FB). I saved most of mine and knew that one day I would craft with them- enter pinterest.


  1. Pictures cut down to size (2×2) and printed
  2. Equally sized canvases (get them at Michaels or Hobby Lobby)
  3. ModPodge and cheap foam brush
  4. Small magnets
  5. Hot glue/gun

You can obviously do this with any size photo or graphic, I just wanted to make magnets because these seemed perfect for the occasion. Print out your photos and cut them down to size. For me, since these weren’t being reverse transferred, I just had to slather everything down and wait. It can get sticky and take some patience, but really, no sweat. Coat your canvas or mounting surface well with MP, then align your photo on top and press down, smoothing as you go to make sure there are no air bubbles under the surface. Once your photo is thoroughly adhered, coat the top with another layer or two of MP and smooth it all over. Just make sure all of your edges are firmly pressed down and coated or things will peel and be ruined in the end. I personally liked to use the glossy finish for this kind of thing, but again- to each his (or her) own. When they’re all dry, turn them over and glue a magnet onto the back and voila! Quippy magnets!!  These of course are perfect to decorate your own home, or to give to friends or decorate the community fridge at work just to spice things up a bit. I toss them into care packages and gift boxes to surprise people and it never fails to be fun… unless you have one of the new refrigerators that isn’t actually capable of holding magnets on its stupid shiny surfaces… but I’m not bitter… grumble…


Next: Photo Coasters for all Occasions
Read the rest of this entry »


Previously: Costumes, Cutie Marks, and Freezer Paper Shirts

So I bought some supplies for making wings, since both of our costumes are of pegasus-ponies, but we ultimately decided they would be annoying to wear all day. So I had all these left over materials, and decided to jazz up my costume a little bit. First I learned how to braid five strands at once (I know, getting fancy!!) and made a bracelet out of some wing-fabric so I’d have something the color of Daring Do’s coat:

I know it’s not rainbow hair, but we can’t all be as cool as Steven

I used a kind of combination of this bracelet tutorial and this headband tutorial.

Speaking of headbands, I decided to make one using the above tutorial out of some old gray t-shirts of varying shades to match Daring Do’s grayscale color mane and tail:

My expression says, “Steven, you’ve taken 12 pictures already, please let this be the first non-blurry one” And it was!

And then I remembered, wait, no one will even see this headband anyway, because, OH RIGHT I BOUGHT THE BEST HAT EVER:

Sorry I don’t have a tutorial on how to get this yourself. I guess just try to be awesome like me?

Next: BronyCon Road Trip!!!

Sheet Dress: the Height of Classy

After shopping to no avail for something nice to wear to graduation, I decided to make my own dress, using the tutorial for the “Infinity Dress” found on rostitchery. Then, after abortive trips to the fabric store I decided my only option was clearly to make it out of my sheets. When am I going to need a rather worn set of extra long twin sheets again? And they were the right amount of stretchy. The result:

In retrospect, I probably should have washed them BEFORE sewing

In retrospect, I probably should have washed them BEFORE sewing

Oh well.


Unfortunately, after freaking out that you could actually see through the fabric, I made the top part–already oddly heavy–twice as thick. I’m not sure if it’s the best choice for the blinding desert sun that will be graduation since it IS EXACTLY LIKE wrapping my shoulders in a full sheet.

Although it does mean that for the past two nights I’ve been sleeping on top of my bare mattress in a sleeping bag. Oh, the memories.

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