Posts Tagged ‘complaining’

The Plaid Pladd Blog: A New Lease On Life

It’s sad but true: I do not have the adventures I once did. More to the point, I don’t have the time to do semi-strange things and then blow them entirely out of proportion until Josh Langsfeld is saving me from being knifed on a Houston city bus, etc. Since I’m actually working at a public library this summer, I thought I would have plenty of ridiculous stories to tell about crazy people who come in to hide amongst the stacks and loudly shout Star Wars quotes at random intervals (Seminole Community Library, Summer ’06) or the secret soup of library drama boiling in the backroom and behind every desk (Seminole Community Library, AT ALL TIMES). Unfortunately, the library I’m working at appears to be dangerously and unprecedentedly normal. The weirdest story I have is that Wednesday a woman asked me for nail clippers and then seemed sad that the library didn’t have those. Seriously, I can’t compete with The Road Trip with this.

In place of adventures, here is what I do with my time, ordered roughly in how much time I spend on it:

1. Complaining about grad school’s total inadequacy
2. Working at the public library
3. Working on my summer course in management
4. Reading
5. Cooking

Complaining gets top billing because I can pretty much do it while simultaneously doing any of those other things, plus while doing almost anything else (I’m a Tenth Level Whiny Complainer). Working at the public library is awesome, but has the aforementioned Lack of Crazy problems. My summer course’s goal seems to be to mention libraries as little as possible and to have as little to do with my actual life and job goals as it can, thus providing excellent fodder for #1, but not much help in the Cool Things To Blog About arena. That leaves reading (I work at a library) and cooking, two things which I usually don’t blog about because I see them as not of interest to my legions of fans, with a few exceptions. This is going to change.

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