Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

True History of William Marsh Rice Campaign

I’ve finally integrated the many snippets of research the True History of WMR Campaign has been putting together over the years into one, easily readable document. Anytime we here at the Campaign come across more WMR legends, facts, or sources, we’ll be updating there! Exciting!

For instance, here’s Robert the Bruce and WMR during their most recent battle over the title of World’s Most Powerful Cyborg:

Rough draft of a graphic novelization of the life of WMR drawn and written by James Fox

Better post this quick; only four minutes left!

Did you know my blog is 3 years old today?? IT IS!

Now I’m all nostalgic for making fun of Wiess cabinet members. Clearly I need to call Jeremy Caves and demand he give me a lecture about the best way to use a shower timer or something.

Life Update: January 2, 2012

Dear the Internet,

Happy New Year! What’s new with you? Here’s what’s up with me:

1) I had my first trip to the emergency room on Thursday! How exciting! I cut my foot pretty badly on the glass out of a picture frame (why are those things so sharp??) and rather than attempt reattaching it, the doctor decided to just remove the part I’d almost cut off anyway! My dad took some pictures at the time, possibly because he thought being annoyed at him would distract me from the pain of getting part of me cut off, but I’m not going to show you those. You’re welcome. Here is my foot now, four days later:

I included my non-injured foot so you could see the difference

It’s not a huge wound, but apparently you use the side of your foot a lot more than you think, because I’m still hobbling kind of funny. It’s getting better though! And they assured me that the nail would grow back only slightly wonky. I’m pretty sure this is my foot’s revenge for me airing my past grievances about its size to you.

2) Steven made hoppin’ john for New Year’s yesterday, and it was delicious!

He did a great job, despite distrusting ham!

If you didn’t have hoppin’ john yesterday, or at least black eyed peas, you pretty much missed your chances for a lucky 2012, sorry.

3) Remember that letter project I did last January? I’ve decided to do it again this year! Because it was super fun last time! Watch your mailboxes!!

Unfortunately, I'm out of stylish cloud envelopes

4) Here is a Christmas present hat montage for your amusement:

This one came with a scarf!! Thanks, Grandma!!

Penguin and pom poms!!! Thanks, Mom!!!

Totoro totoro! Totoro totoro! Thanks, Secret Santa!!!


Man-Footed: How I Learned to Stop Fearing Shoe Shopping and Own It

I have big feet. I’ve been a women’s size 11 since the 9th grade. The most common response I get when I tell people this is a confused “Really?” I guess maybe they’re expecting ridiculous looking clown feet that stick out weirdly, and mine don’t look particularly odd or disproportionate. I’m about 5’8, which is around two inches shorter than two of my best friends, although my shoe size is one larger. But, really, if you look at the numbers the difference isn’t that dramatic. Size 11 shoes are about 10.625 inches long and Size 10 shoes are usually about 10.25 inches. One of many unsympathetic shoe salesladies in the ongoing misery that was my highschool shoe shopping experience told me that the average woman wore size 7, which is about 9.5 inches long. That’s only a difference of 1.125 inches! 1.125 hated inches that had me wearing men’s (size 9.5) shoes throughout highschool. Sneakers are pretty gender neutral so probably no one could tell, but I knew and felt like a man-footed freak. I know because I wrote it in my journal at the beginning of each school year after another tearful shoe shopping trip.

"I AM A MAN-FOOTED FREAK!!!!" underlined nine times in purple gel pen.

And, of course, it got even worse when I actually had to shop for shoes specifically made for women. Like, say, for prom. I guess I was lucky that I was only Size 11, which seems to be generally the upper limit of shoe size you can find at all at stores, even if pickings are slim. Still, forget shopping at any store where a sample of one shoe is out on display and the employees have to fetch particular sizes from the back–it will always, even today, be a parade of almost Cheese Shoppian disappointment. The only places my poor, determined mother and I would have any luck were stores like Rack Room Shoes or Shoe Carnival, where the entire inventory is out in giant stacks for you to peruse, sometimes with the “unusual” sizes like 11 marked with a bright sticker. My strategy, honed through many such outings, is to never look at the shoes, instead hunting only for that sticker. I think if you have more “normal” sized feet you’re allowed to do it the other way, but I’ve learned it’s the best way to avoid disappointment, especially back then when higher sizes were even rarer. Often I would be choosing between only two or three shoes in the entire store, and if I didn’t like the color or height or stupid beading, too bad. I started to loathe all of the cute, sparkly shoes for sale in the stores at the mall my friends liked to shop at, because, even in catalogs, the highest size offered was always size 10. I remember getting the dELiA’s catalog in the mail and just despairing over the beautiful, perfect shoes I could never wear since it always said “Sizes 5-10”. Now, of course, I would be suspicious of buying anything from a company that plays so fast and loose with capitalization, but, at 14, it was heart-breaking.

Luckily, things have gotten better. More stores are offering more choices in size 11! Even my old nemesis dELiA’s has an “extended sizes” section that offers sizes 11 and 12-13. There are far fewer choices but at least they’re recognizing that we larger-footed sizes exist. Lately I’ve bought a lot of shoes at Target, where I can usually find almost any shoe in their shoe department in my size! The day I bought my first pair of cute, girly flip flops it was a HUGE deal after a lifetime of wearing boring men’s sandals. I told the checkout girl all about it; she didn’t really seem to understand the immensity of the occasion. Apparently the average women’s shoe size has been increasing steadily, so hopefully shoe manufacturers will catch the hell up soon.

The three pairs of shoes I wear most often: blue men's athletic shoes my brother left here, converses, and black ballet flats from Target!

Recently, I went shopping for shoes for my wedding! At the Converse outlet store. It was the single greatest shoe shopping trip of my life!!! There’s no distinguishing between women’s and men’s converse; each box lists both sizes together and 9.5, my equivalent size in men’s, is a totally common size!!!! I could choose from any color and style in the entire store!!! It was the best day ever!!! Rob, who was with me, seemed really confused by my sheer exuberance, but probably just thought I was super excited to be getting married. Which I was!! But I was also fulfilling highschool Patricia’s dream of being able to shop for shoes like a normal person, being able to choose between more than three things, being able to find the perfect shoe for the occasion, exactly what I pictured in my head. And for it to be in my size.


So, things are getting better, but they’re still not great. I got to fulfill Highschool Patricia’s dream, but I still had to do it by being man-footed. Before deciding on Converses, I went into two Rack Rooms to look for more normal, strappy girl sandals or heels, and found a grand total of one pair between them both. True, if my heart was set on it, I probably could’ve found something that would have worked online, after expanding at least twice the time and effort of someone with stumpier feet, but why should I have to do that? At one of the Rack Rooms (the one with nothing) one of the salesladies asked me if I needed help and I explained that I wear size 11. She actually seemed quite apologetic and told me that she was sorry they were out of their admittedly very sparse stock in that size. I shrugged and said I was used to it, and she agreed saying “I know it must be hard to find shoes for you, I’m sorry”. But maybe I’ve matured since the bitter highschool years or maybe I’ve just gotten used to it, because all I said was, “I don’t mind. I’m sturdy.” Which is kind of how I’ve come to look at it. One of my best friends in high-school, trying to cheer me up, told me that she thought “man-footed” sounded like a term of endearment, and from now on I’m going to see it as such. Yeah, it’s a huge pain finding shoes in my size, but at least it’s harder to knock me over. At least I can go on hikes and do wicked kickboxing kicks and all the other amazing things my feet can do for me. Plus, I rock those man shoes so whatever.

Sure, dainty tiny feet are probably prettier, but, like my Viking ancestors, I was built to pillage some awesome loot and show those frost giants who’s boss. Which is just as good, and probably more fun, than being Cinderella and worrying about having feet small enough to fit into some prince’s (or society’s) silly expectations of femininity.

Honeymoon Adventures!

Brian pointed out to me this weekend that I have yet to talk about the adventures I had on my honeymoon!! I think he was being sly, but he should know that the Ladd way is to take people completely seriously until you win (ex: my dad refusing to acknowledge that the word ‘cool’ has more than one meaning for the past twenty years).

The theme of our honeymoon seemed to be conquering fears of heights! I didn’t think I had any fears about heights, but that was before being suspended thousands of feet in the air under a giant balloon and some fire. It’s scarier than you think!!

Hot air ballooning!

It was also really, really fun! It was surprising how still and peaceful the air is way up there, and how much you can hear! Dog barks kept filtering up to us–apparently seeing hot air balloons really freaks them out.

I was so happy that we got the rainbow colored balloon!

I was surprised by how small the basket was, especially the sides! They came up to just below hip height so I was terrified of accidentally falling out.

I'm clinging to the side for dear life and we're not even off the ground

We had to get up before sunrise and it was super cold!

Luckily there was a big fire above me to keep warm!

Unfortunately there are no pictures of Steven because I was too afraid to let go to grab the camera!!

It’s a lot like sailing, which I guess makes sense, but I hadn’t thought about it like that before. You can control your height, but not your direction, so we landed in a random yard. Super exciting!! Read the rest of this entry »

Thanksgiving: All Star Edition

You heard my rant about Thanksgiving last year. It essentially boils down to me not really liking most traditional Thanksgiving foods and refusing to eat them just for tradition’s sake. I wore a dress made out of paper bags and duct tape to my wedding reception, so you don’t even really stand a chance, Thanksgiving. Luckily, last year I became MASTER OF MY OWN THANKSGIVING and dragged the rest of my family with me.

Last year everyone attending made their favorite food (except my brother, who is deathly allergic to work) for the feast! This year, Steven and I are getting even more classy and amazing! Truly it is what I have always dreamed of, all the years I vowed to win my Thanksgiving independence. Steven and I decided to each pick an appetizer, main dish, and dessert and make them all!

Here is the menu:

Cheese sticks (me)
Samosas (Steven)

Caprese Sandwiches (me)
Chicken Noodle Casserole (Steven)

Chocolate Mousse Pie (me)
Strawberry Shortcake (Steven)

There are so many benefits to such a meal! Besides its utter tastiness, there’s the great variety, and the fact that I won’t be buying the same things as everyone else at the store so it is slightly less stressful to go shopping. Plus, many of these things can be made ahead of time, so I don’t think we’ll be jockeying for oven or counter space too much! I’ll post pictures on Friday to show how awesomely it turned out!

Homemade Project: Bread

Since Steven and I got so many great kitchen presents for our wedding, I’ve decided to start a new project and try making things at home that we normally buy. I’m most excited to make my own condiments, but I thought I’d start with something I’m a little more familiar with: bread! Plus, apparently yesterday was National Homemade Bread Day, a fact that only public libraries and Yahoo Answers’ more boring cousin seem to be aware of.

Homemade bread is something my mom is famous for, but only on special occasions since it takes a lot of time. But it makes your house smell amazing!! The kneading process is a little more robust than other baked goods I’m used to, which is a nice little work out for your hands and helps to relieve stress and frustration. I would definitely recommend baking bread as a less expensive alternative to therapy! Plus, I knew our house was kind of cold for the dough to rise properly, which is how I discovered the thermostat was mysteriously set to 55! Thanks, homemade bread, for saving me from freezing to death!

Recipe: Mom Ladd’s Secret Honey Wheat!

Exhibit A: Deliciousness

Taste: Homemade bread is definitely softer and fluffier than the store-bought kind! It has a stronger taste, too; you can definitely eat it just fine without any butter or jam. Since it doesn’t have those preservatives, it won’t last as long, but since it tastes so good that’s never been a problem!

Cost: $0! I already had all the ingredients at my house already! The only thing you might not have lying around is whole wheat flour, which does come in small enough packs that you won’t have a lot left over with nothing to use it on. I still had some from Steven’s last bagel experiment. You also need bread pans, which I happen to have because my mom’s got my back!

Time: The dough has to rise twice for about an hour each time, and assembly outside of that is at least half an hour. Half an hour for baking and the two loaves took about three hours all together. Most of that time is waiting for it to rise, though, so you could totally do it while cleaning/watching Gossip Girl. Or both!

Again?: I would definitely do this again! Bread is, of course, super useful for any meal, either by itself or as part of some kind of amazing sandwich. But probably, like my mom, only on special occasions or weekends when I have nothing else going on. I’m going to try to make a commitment to do it more often, because I think my loaf pans are feeling neglected. We’ll see how long that lasts!

The Process:

I don’t know why I’m surprised by how relatively simple this process is; bread is one of the most common, simplest backed goods there is! Start by mixing the dry ingredients, mostly the two kinds of flour:

There's also some yeast and salt in there

Then add the honey and butter! Read the rest of this entry »

How to Have the Best Wedding Ever!

I got married!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the secret to having the best wedding ever (since I am clears an expert now): Don’t even bother being confined by a wedding checklist developed by an industry designed to trick you into needlessly parting with your money! You should really just think about what you want, what you would want if you had never had the traditional wedding crammed down your throat since you were six, and then just do whatever that is! I’m not against spending money, just against spending it on things you don’t care about. Like anything that isn’t cupcakes. Here are some examples:

The Ceremony
Ceremonies are boring, so my first idea was not having one at all! Skip straight to the party!! That idea made my mom sad, though, and Steven also wanted at least a little ceremony, so we decided to plan the most low key, fun, personal one possible. And we decided to only invite our immediate families, because they’re the ones that care the most anyway, right? Plus, having such a small, small ceremony gave us a lot more freedom when deciding location, timing, and even how the ceremony would go.

The next most important decision was who should marry us? Of course the answer is Rachel Kinney!!!!!!

Exhibit A: Rachel Kinney

She did such a great job! She’s in divinity school right now, so it was not that weird of a request, plus she was the one who set us up on our first date so it was pretty much perfect! We talked about how it should go beforehand; I think my exact instructions to her were “You say something, and then I’ll say something, and then Steven will say something, rings, MARRIED!” And that’s pretty much how it went. It was so awesome to have such a personalized ceremony, which basically just meant telling funny stories about each other! Instead of the usual “lawfully wedded wife” business, we got “Do you Steven take Patricia as your wife, best friend, and perpetual partner in crime?”

Spoiler Alert: he said yes

As you can see, the park we had it at was really pretty (and renting the nearby shelter was only $25 for the day, proving that venue costs don’t have to totally suck), and since the ceremony–even with giving every single person present a chance to say something–was mega short, there was lots of time to play on the equipment!!

Rachel is a spider monkey!!!

Wheeeeee!!!!! Who cares if my dress gets dirty? It was $60!!!

Also, the park has a tank.

A wedding tank

The Dress

As a bride, I know I am supposed to be absolutely obsessed with my clothes/hair/shoes/whatever. But the only thing I am really all about are the shoes:

Because, come on, I basically win at life

Read the rest of this entry »

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