Archive for the ‘Things I’ve Made’ Category

13 Adventures: #3 Servery Challenge: Orange Edition

When my parents came up for Thanksgiving, they brought two giant sacks filled with oranges and grapefruit. Even though I feel like I’ve been eating delicious Florida citrus with every meal, we still have so much left. Which is why today’s adventure was a Servery Challenge: Orange Edition in which each dish had to use up oranges.

As might be expected, I just messed around with the basics, and Steven tried to find the fanciest recipe possible. Sure, his took twice as long as mine, but it was also twice as spicy.

Since I am all about pineapple on pizza (although sadly I find Canadian bacon gross), I thought it would be interesting to try orange on pizza! I wasn’t able to find any examples of this online to make sure I wasn’t crazy, but this was an adventure(!) so I was not to be dissuaded. Besides, I know how to make pizza already, so whatever.
The easiest recipe I know is one for this pizza crust/flatbread that I got out of a teen cooking book. I love teen cookbooks because they try to be accommodating, not pretentious, and usually have awesome pictures. I like this recipe because you don’t even have to let the dough rise:

2 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 cup olive oil
3/4 cup milk

Mix together until a dough! Then spread on a flat pan! Top with things! Bake at 425 degrees for 15-22 minutes until done! Cook length will depend on dough’s thinness.

I don’t remember if the original recipe was written in entirely exclamation marks like that, but it should have been. I chose to top my pizza with: two oranges and 1/4 of a red onion, cut up, feta cheese, walnuts, and spinach. It looked like this:

Next time I would probably put the spinach on top after cooking

Steven made a fancy Persian rice dish whose recipe I can’t remember because it was extremely complicated. However, it had a lot of tasty spices, including ginger and curry, and two kinds of nuts: almonds and pistachios. It used up at least 3 oranges! Yay!

The orange peel ended up being almost candied and way tasty!

Competitive cooking is the best kind of cooking!!

13 Adventures: #2 Trimming the… Stairs

For my second adventure, I decided it was time to decorate for Christmas! I think the summer I moved to North Carolina, my mom got kind of weepy and put together this Christmas box of a few Christmas decorations, mostly ornaments that were “mine” and some new ones too. She gave me this big speech about how now I would have to decorate my own house and have Christmas for myself etc. For about a month, I thought this meant I was not allowed to come home for Christmas anymore because Now I Was An Adult or something, which seemed weird. But then I ended up going home for Christmas anyway, so the Christmas box never got opened last year. This year I decided I would use my decorations, especially since we’ll be here till practically Christmas itself! Plus, it would totally count as an adventure without leaving the house and venturing in the freezing rain.

I am not really big on Christmas trees. It feels weird having a tree in the house and the strong smell often makes my allergies freak out. Plus, this one time in Florida, there were fly eggs in our tree and I spent all of Christmas killing forty-seven flies (I counted them as they fought a battle of wits with my fly swatter and lost). Plus, messy and small apartment. So we decided to decorate the stairs!

I wish I had taken a before shot, because then you would see why “let’s decorate the stairs” wasn’t even really a choice we made–it was so obvious that we didn’t even discuss it. When we moved in, the stair banister was ugly and white and large. That very day–before we even had a bed–I decorated it with all of the scarves I own (it looked like a rainbow caterpillar)–and giant light strands were the first thing I bought at Target to further bling it out. And to add light to our dark living room. Anyway, the stairs have always been a crazy work of art, and if anything they look slightly more dignified now.

I had some rope Christmas lights–which I’ve discovered BLINK AT VARYING SPEEDS, you have no idea how happy this makes me–plus the things in my Christmas box. And some scarves I left on because they were the right colors! Here are some badly lit pictures! Read the rest of this entry »

New Project: The Crayon is Mightier

So because I decided, crazily, that I don’t have enough self-imposed responsibilities on top of all the school/work/interning stuff, I’ve started a tumblr called The Crayon is Mightier to showcase my art. Yes, little known fact: I am an artist. I mainly work in crayons and coloring books. Pretty much exactly like a four-year-old except with hilarious captions. Here is a sample of my work:

Side bonus of this project: I get to teach true science facts.

Basically, I was sitting on a plane with crayons and a Planet Earth coloring book and realized that if I was going to color everything in it true to life, I would never get to use the many different shades of purple, and would pretty much run out of brown. Lame. So I decided to take it to the next level, and then share my unique vision with the world. I assume I will eventually acquire non-Planet Earth coloring books, but I’m okay making up alternate science facts for now.

Updating at midnight apparently whenever Tumblr feels like it, hopefully daily, 7 days a week. You’re welcome.

The Great Pumpkin Hunt

Sorry for the late update; it’s November again and you know what that means. But more about that later.

Last weekend was Halloween! I was pretty excited because I love carving pumpkins. My favorite part is scraping out the insides, but I also like roasting pumpkin seeds and finishing lightyears ahead of Steven because he is artistic and I like to stick with things I know won’t look like a stabby four-year-old got a hold of them.

Until Saturday, I hardly had time to think about it being Halloween, I was so busy with school and work and things. Also, it was so hot outside I kept forgetting it was October. But then it was Saturday, time to finally buy a pumpkin and carve it!

The only problem was, there were no pumpkins left in all of Carrboro. I’m not joking. There were gigantic bins of pumpkins outside Harris Teeter all month but they were suddenly gone on October 30th. I went to two Harris Teeters, the Whole Foods, and the Boy scouts in front of that church on Estes, all of which had happy rows of pumpkins before, all empty the day before Halloween. Is it really required that you buy your pumpkin a week in advance? I was not aware of this rule. People sell Christmas trees up till Christmas eve! And fireworks the day of July 4th! If special Halloween candy was still mad overpriced at Harris Teeter the day before Halloween, pumpkins should have been too. Alas.

So, I gave up. This year would be the year I did not carve a pumpkin. Sadness.

Then on Sunday I woke up with renewed energy for the wild pumpkin chase. So what if I would get approximately no school work done this weekend? Some things are important, and carving pumpkins is one of them. After returning from another abortive grocery store trip, I happened to notice a woman in a parking lot with a truck and some pumpkins spread out on the ground. Success!!! Kind of sketchy success!!!

She also had three less than a month old kittens in a bird cage. Scientific discovery of the day: they were the most adorable thing ever. I’m almost positive I’ve never seen a kitten in real life before, not one that young and that cute. It’s probably because I’m moderately to deathly allergic to them, so my parents pretty much put a moratorium on me going anywhere near cats from a young age. I was okay with this, because the few I accidentally encountered at friends’ houses were pretty mean. I did not really get the deal with having a pet that seemed to either ignore or hate you. I have half of humanity for that. Also, I associate them with itchy eyes, not being able to breathe, and hives. So, you know, there’s that.

ANYWAY, these kittens were ADORABLE. They were making this pathetic little mewing noise like “Why are we in a cage? Why are we so cute? Take us home with you!” The woman selling the pumpkins was like “Do you want a free kitten?” And I said, “No, I’m allergic” but while looking longingly at them, so she made me hold one. Second, lesser scientific discovery of the day: kittens are the softest things EVER. They were some kind of Siamese/lynx mix, so they were gray and white and kind of stripey. The one she handed me tried to crawl up my sweater. But then all the places its claws touched my skin became all red and raised like mosquito bites that still haven’t fully gone away, so in the end, I think not taking home the adorable creature of death was a good decision.

Still, just so you know, kittens are way cute. Still not big on cats.

Then we carved pumpkins! As usual, I was done in record time! Mostly because mine always involve only carving five or six shapes. This year I decided to make use of some skewers we had left over from the dip party to give mine hair/a strange hat. It’s unclear which: Read the rest of this entry »

Nostalgia Bus: Rice Roommate Forms

My brother called me today, asking for advice on filling out his Rice roommate form. This instantly brought back a tide of shame at how lame mine was, and I got it out to make him feel better about his own (I naturally pasted it into my journal after they gave it back to us senior year with “WHY ARE YOU BAD AT FILLING OUT FORMS?” written under it in giant marker block letters.) My only explanation is that I was still looking at it as An Important College Form, having spent a year filling similar things out, and so tried to be as serious as possible. Also, High School Patricia was the most boring person on the face of the earth. Except for that whole published novel thing, I don’t know.

Anyway, in an attempt to make myself feel better, I’ve decided to fill out the Rice Roommate Form again. I’m including High School Patricia’s answers to make the comparison of how awesome I’ve become even more poignant. I’ve skipped the stuff that hasn’t changed, like my birthday and how tall I am.

High School Patricia: Fairly average with a tinge of eccentricity
Like a sitcom except that it’s impossible to tell who is playing the Straight Man

High School Patricia: English literature, history
Library science, speculative zoology, mad science, adventure archeology

Reading, writing, library volunteer work, storytelling
Being too cool for school, watching bad movies, making cupcakes that look like dinner

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (High School Patricia apparently thought this was self-explanatory)
Running in the Family by Michael Ondaatje–I like a man who can complain about his family in poetry

Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail
Twilight with RiffTrax–“Like, what, and stuff?”

Apple pie (cold)
Steven-made sandwiches or improbably fancy chocolate

Carrboro–can’t beat seeing people walking ferrets on the street

Working in the children’s department of the library
Fighting crime, time travel, wearing a variety of stupid hats

Beatles, Great Big Sea, the Rutles
Lady Gaga, Jonathon Coulton, Jeremy Messersmith

Touring famous sites from English literature and having afternoon tea whenever possible
Hot air balloon paint ball war

Gordon Ramsay, because someone will have to cook the food, Eleanor of Aquitaine, because I want to know if she invented flossing, and Rhett Butler
Teddy Roosevelt, Silas J. Mariner, and Mark Twain. They know how to party.

My laptop, favorite pen, and Sydney (top hat and close personal friend).
Laptop, favorite pen, and Sydney (top hat and close personal friend)
This one also makes me sound lame, but, damn it, that pen cost like $200 and how else am I going to keep up this famous author facade?

Loyalty, honest, wit, intelligence
The ability to shoot laser beams with their eyes, sense of humor

Napoleon Bonaparte, because he had a very impressive hat
Marie Curie, to break Michael Curtis’ cold, Danish heart

I think High School Patricia was just confused about how to fill out forms/was morally incapable of lying on an official looking piece of paper, especially for comedic effect. Good thing I got over that one quick.

Things I’ve Made: Fruity Oaty Bars

Today I was so inspired by a letter from Roque, that I decided to actually honor my pledge of blog updates WITHOUT FAIL every Tuesday and Friday (other weeks I’m more inspired to maintain my reputation as a pathological liar). In this letter, Roque commented that “as far as I can tell, all of the food you eat in NC is normal meals morphed into cupcake form”. While this is mostly true, last week I tried and failed to construct the famous octopii-endorsed, shit-flipping-causing, Fruity Oaty Bar for our Serenity movie night.

After much debate, I decided to use this recipe, although I was especially bad about having the correct ingredients. I never seem to have the right size pan, and am horrible at remembering to double everything on the fly. Also, I randomly decided to pour snack mix on top. So here is my revised recipe (with notes about mistakes I made):

2 sticks unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups flour
2 cups oats
However much jam you have
1 package of Fruit & Nut mix with dried fruit and different kinds of nuts

1. Preheat oven to 350 and line whatever size pan you have with wax paper.
This part was fine.
2. Cream butter with sugar and salt. Add flour. Stir in oats.
This is the part where I realized my pan was too big, so I’ve doubled this recipe to match.
3. Press about 3/4 of the mixture into the pan.
4. Place jam in small saucepan and cook over lowest heat until it becomes liquidy, pourable, and looks vaguely like congealed brain or Halloween-style blood. Pour jam over pan.
I also underestimated how much jam I would need so it was more like a light dusting.
5. Sprinkle remaining dough and Fruit&Nut mix over jam.
6. Bake for 35 minutes. Cool in pan for 30 minutes.

Also, they cause fires.

The Secret Life of Planets: Redux

Over spring break I essentially went on a whirlwind author tour of Seminole’s schools. I visited the classes at the Seminole Middle School who read The Knight, the Wizard, and the Lady Pig and then went across the street to Seminole High School, where the musical theater class was doing dress rehearsals of my one act, “The Secret Life of Planets”. It’s been slightly tweaked from my original version, written for the Wiess Freshman One Acts, to accommodate more speaking parts, more singing, and an costumes made of things besides what you can steal from the Servery. Observe:

Another key difference: I was not eating pie while watching it

Another key difference: I was not eating pie while watching it

Also, no one turned up drunk. But I am totally digging the costumes: (image heavy)
Read the rest of this entry »

Things I’ve Made: Spaghetti and Meatball Cupcakes

Because I managed to buy two packs of Ferrero Rochers right after Valentine’s Day, I decided it was time to try one of the cupcake decorating ideas in my Hello, Cupcake! book.

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of snipping the hole in the piping bag too large so the “noodles” ended up being gigantic.

They still taste good though

They still taste good though

The “sauce” is really just strawberry preserves.

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