Archive for the ‘Things I’ve Made’ Category

Cupcake Lasagna

It’s a proven scientific fact: everything tastes better as a cupcake. And, as hard-hitting investigator Roque has long suspected, I have recently been diagnosed with cupcakephilia. That’s right; I can only eat things in cupcake form. It’s a terrible debilitation, but somehow I soldier on.

I used the recipe I found here at Can You Stay for Dinner? and it was so much easier than normal lasagna! The hardest part was definitely finding wonton wrappers, which are used instead of noodles. I ended up finding them at the Harris Teeter in the fancier, professor-populated part of town, in the produce section near the polenta and tofu. I thought stacking the ingredients in the cupcake tins would be hard or too messy but it ended up being really easy! I wish I had taken pictures of the process, but I was too hungry at the time!

Here is the finished product:

Like a tiny basket of tastiness!

I’m thinking about planning a party where everything is a cupcake. And inviting Roque.

Art Show Solidarity!

So RIGHT NOW my beloved illustrator (remember that book I wrote? Yeah, me neither) is having her amazing glitter and cupcake filled first art show! Unfortunately it’s in Minneapolis, so I can’t go (because of my fear of polar bears). Luckily Steven and I were able to celebrate in solidarity!

First, I decided to make the most Natalie kind of cupcake I could think of:

Pink frosting+glitter sprinkles+something called "cake pearls"!

“Wow, Patricia,” you are saying. “Those cupcakes are SO FANCY! There is no way the inside could be as great as the outside.” WRONG AGAIN, dear reader. Read the rest of this entry »

13 Adventures: #12 Rainbow Bookcase

I’ve always wanted to rearrange my books by color. Especially when someone comes to the library and asks something along the lines of “I can’t remember the title or the author or what it’s about but the color is dark blue”. Unfortunately, I can’t rearrange the whole library by color (amazing April Fool’s Day prank idea, though), but I can do my bookshelves!

A lot of my books are still in boxes in a closet at home, but Steven brought most of his so we still have a lot here. Luckily Steven also brought some sizable bookshelves that he made, which is where most of our books live; the rest are in stacks in Steven’s office upstairs. Here is what the bookshelves looked like before:

Vaguely arranged by subject/author

So I took everything down and made stacks of colors, generally following good old ROY G BIV, except adding white on one side and brown, black, and gray on the other.

It doesn't really look like a rainbow because I was arranging by spine color, not cover color

Then, after giving everything a quick dust, Tra-la!:

Turns out, black is our most predominant book color

I noticed most of those were Steven’s science fiction books, and some Penguin Classics as well. Plus a lot of my composition books, natch.

The light in our living room is kind of weird, so you may have to trust me on how awesome it looks in person

At first I was really bothered about shades and spines with more than one color, but when you step back and look at it as the whole, that stuff doesn’t matter as much. I’m really happy with how it turned out!! You should totes try this is you have enough time/books.

13 Adventures: #11 Peanut Butter Blossoms

Peanut butter blossoms are, hands down, my favorite Christmas cookie, and have been for as long as I remember. Since I’m not going home for Christmas, I decided to make my own today! My favorite part, besides eating them, is taking all the Hershey’s Kisses out of their foil wrappings. It’s like unwrapping a bunch of tiny presents!

I put them in this box so I could pour them over Steven later and shout "It's snowing shininess!"

Putting the kisses on top after they’re right out of the oven is also really fun! They turned out great:


13 Adventures: #7 Puzzle!

Today I woke up feeling sick; it’s weird how colds can descend on you so quickly. Of course, it might have something to do with the heinous “wintery mix” that’s been going on all night–the worst kind of combination of snow/rain/sleet/ice.

There's no way I'm going outside to get a better picture

It might be hard to tell from the picture, but everything not covered in ice is covered in slush.

So even if I were feeling great, I would probably not be into going outside. As it is, the only thing I feel like doing is lying in bed and demanding soup. But I knew that wasn’t much of an adventure, so I decided to do a puzzle! Okay, that’s not much of an adventure either, but at least I was lying on the dining room floor instead of bed. Plus, it’s not Christmas without a puzzle!

It was only 550 pieces


Now for some tea and a restorative nap.

13 Adventures: #6 Red Velvet Whoopie Pies

It seems like red velvet has been a big deal lately; more people I know are baking it in different iterations so I was pretty pleased about a month ago when I found this recipe for Red Velvet Sandwich Cookies. Finally I would jump on this bandwagon! I made them, and they turned out awesome. They were exactly the right consistency–cakey, but not gooey–and the frosting tasted great. I was in love, and vowed to make them again around Christmas time, maybe dyeing the frosting green to be festive.

So, because the YA Book Club Holiday party is today at my house (I always volunteer so that I can stay in pajamas till the last possible moment) I thought it was the perfect time to try!

Unfortunately, I was wrong. This recipe seemed so easy the first time I made it! I have no idea why this time was filled with mistakes. Probably I should have made them a day ahead so that I would not also be trying to vacuum/dust/sweep at the same time. But I haven’t given up on this recipe yet! It produced some passable cookies that I will still be putting out tonight. Okay, so some of them are a little bit crispy… okay, maybe a little bit blackened on the bottoms, and yeah I ran out of powdered sugar so the frosting isn’t as sweet and is a weirder consistency. But I bet no one will notice the difference.
Read the rest of this entry »

13 Adventures: #5 Homemade Christmas Tree

So Steven buys so much Coke that we have more Coke points than those polar bears. If only we could pay rent in Coke points. If only Coke points gave you anything I actually want. Alas.

In the category of things I don’t actually need, but now have because of Coke points, is a subscription to Cosmo. I have something of a sick fascination with Cosmo because I can’t believe they’re getting away with pretending to be “fun and fearless” while the underlying message of every single thing in their magazine is “Change yourself to be like everyone else.” Change yourself because you’ll never be happy with that haircut/makeup/boyfriend. Change yourself, because your irrational and underlying fears about your life are TRUE. Change yourself, because it’s your job as the woman to “decode” the men in your life, who, by the way, are always strange 1950s/Cave Men archetypes. I’m always surprised at the new angles they find to make women feel bad about themselves.

For instance, my personal favorite part of the January 2011 issue is a chart titled “What Your Ex’s Next Girlfriend Reveals About You”, which lists categories of women he might choose, and then explains what that reveals about you and, most importantly, what about yourself and your dating style it shows you need to improve. From this chart I also realized that Cosmo would categorize me “The Plain Jane” which is defined as someone who wears jeans and a t-shirt and “her idea of a beauty routine is a quick shampoo”. What does that say about the people who choose to date me after Cosmo’s apparent target audience? “His bland choice means that your beauty (and brains) intimidated the hell out of him.” I love how they worked that parenthetical implication that not wearing make up is for stupid girls in there. Anything to sell more sparkely eyeliner.

Anyway, since I am the bland choice, I do not actually want to keep these copies of Cosmo around to cherish for all time so lately I’ve been coming up with ways to recycle them in an artistic manner. I’m used pictures/words from them for collages and things before, but I wanted to do something that would knock a good chunk out of the stack. Unfortunately, a lot of the ideas I want to try involve a glue gun, but then I found this tutorial on how to make a tabletop Christmas tree by folding pages. Yay! Easy enough to accomplish while watching Arrested Development!

Okay, so it's more like a Christmas cone, whatever

This did require folding every page, so it took awhile, but other than that it was super easy.

The covers were a little harder, that's why there's a slight gap in the back

Just in time for my book club’s holiday party tomorrow!

13 Adventures: #4 Sock Monster

I’ve been looking for an excuse to use my beautiful new sewing machine ever since I got it at Thanksgiving! Today at the library I found this cool book:
Stupid Sock Creatures!
I figured I could not go wrong with trying to make a monster out of old socks. After all, I already have the materials and any mistakes would probably add to its charm!

So I got home and rummaged around in my sock drawer till I found two socks I don’t ever wear anymore:

Those are weird, tiny dogs on the ankles. And obv they don't match since my socks never do

This project definitely took way longer than I thought, even though I was following “one of the easiest monsters”. A lot of the instructions were less clear than I would like, and I ended up making a lot of really dumb mistakes towards the end, like attaching things inside out. I think my main problem was that my socks were too thin and stretchy, they were really hard to hand sew, and a lot of hand sewing was required. So this may actually fall apart in a week, we’ll see. However, all the parts I got to use my sewing machine for were awesome!! It has a bunch of cool settings and features that I am just getting used to, since I learned on my mom’s old machine. Here is the finished product:

I have a bunch of purple tulle randomly, so I gave her hair and a scarf!

Here are where those two dogs ended up:

A leg tattoo...

And a tail tattoo!


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