Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

Baby Got Back: The Illuminated Codex

A while ago I took a Coursera course on medieval manuscripts, covering both their history and construction. It was super interesting! The (optional) assignments revolved around making your OWN medieval manuscript using whatever text you wanted. It seemed like my classmates picked poems or Bible chapters, but I obviously chose the lyrics to “Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix-A-Lot. It was my gut reaction when told to submit ideas, and I didn’t even question it. Here is a step-by-step look at the process.

Part 1: Making “parchment”

The first step was making our own “parchment” leaves by painting posterboard with a mixture of coffee, water, and vinegar. After drying, they were stained and kind of curly, sort of like the real treated skins would be:


We were also encouraged to “deface” them with holes, cuts, random vein lines etc because a lot of medieval parchment would have similar inconsistencies depending on the quality of the hide used.

I cut a big old hole in one

I cut a big old hole in one

The way medieval manuscript makers dealt with such holes is pretty cool. Some incorporated them into the illustrations of their text like this rad illustrations of a dude looking through a telescope:


Or others would repair the hole with colorful embroidery thread:

I already know how to embroider so I was pumped to try this

I already know how to embroider so I was pumped to try this

Spoilers: my plans were for naught because I didn’t realize how I would need to fold and trim the parchment for use, so the holes I made never were in the middle of a page in the finish manuscript.

Part 2: Parchment to Quires

Next it was time to fold the parchment into quires. One big sheet makes what will be 8 leaves:

They alternate "hair" side vs. "flesh" side

They alternate “hair” side vs. “flesh” side

The quires are kept together with chords (I used embroidery thread), and marked for the order they are to be used in faintly at the bottom:


Part 3: Mise-en-Page
Next a medieval copyist would have prepared the quires for writing by setting up margins, blocking off areas for text and illustrations, deciding how many columns of text to use etc. There are A LOT of different ways of doing this, depending on things like text length and parchment area, but also things like which mystical numbers were most favorable. I wanted to try out something called THE SECRET CANON, because obviously. It has a lot to do with Pythagorean ratios.



Like many monks of old, I used a compass to mark off the distance between lines of text:

A fancy compass

A fancy compass

Read the rest of this entry »

Watercolor Practice!

It’s been awhile since I took that watercolor class, and I’ve for the most part been ignoring the leftover supplies that stare guiltily at me every time I open my closet. I guess it’s my lack of drawing skills that have been holding me back, and my lack of watercolor paper. But I finally found some for like $3 at Target. It’s not as nice as the kind we used in class, but definitely better for a newb like me anyway. Inspiration came while watching TV, when I realized Adventure Time characters are actually made of really simple shapes. Especially:

Lumpy Space Princess, or part of her

Lumpy Space Princess, or part of her

You’d be surprised how difficult it is to draw half a star.

Then I was on a roll:

Ice King probably turned out second best

Ice King probably turned out second best

I have two different color blue paints, so there wasn’t as much mixing involved. That’s the part that’s still tricky to me, getting the exact color you want, and being able to tell what it will look like in the painting. I think I use too much water.

Princess Bubblegum's three different shades of pink didn't turn out exactly right, but whatevs

Princess Bubblegum’s three different shades of pink didn’t turn out exactly right, but whatevs

The other annoying thing about watercolor is that most pictures take awhile, since you have to wait for the water to dry between coats or when doing adjacent sections. If you’re not careful they’ll bleed all into each other. That’s what happened to Marceline’s hair here:

I tried to fix it when I outlined later in marker, but it's still my least favorite one

I tried to fix it when I outlined later in marker, but it’s still my least favorite one

I plan on doing more later!! They can be an Adventure Time family on my wall!

Watercolor Round 2

Turns out, flowers are way easier than vegetables!!!

STEP ASIDE, MONET. There's a new flower-painter in town

STEP ASIDE, MONET. There’s a new flower-painter in town

Sorry, Rob, but Monet is literally the only painter who does flowers I know, and that is only because once I ended up at his house.

Go Big or Go Home: Art

So I’m terrible at art, and always have been. My mom would always tell me that it was genetic and I shouldn’t worry about it because she sucks at art too. I don’t know if that’s actually true or part of the trauma incurred when a bitchy art teacher told her to never take another art class again, but I’ve been hearing it my whole life. The last time I had an art class in school we were gluing pieces of tissue paper to other paper and drawing hand turkeys, so no real help on that front either.

I'm just going to leave this here as evidence

I’m just going to leave this here as evidence

I wish I could draw. It’s something I’ve wanted to change about myself for a long time. So this summer I decided to do something about it. I decided to take an art class. And instead of beginning drawing or whatever, I signed up for watercolors because, hey, go big or go home. This may have turned out to be a terrible mistake. The first day was fun, all painting squares blue. I can totally do that. Then the second day it became “draw this apple and make it look real with shadows and three dimensions and everything” and I felt like I had skipped a few classes. I’m still trying my best, but it’s hard.

My fruit has more mold than shadows, but that's realistic too, I guess

My fruit has more mold than shadows, but that’s realistic too, I guess

At least you can kind of tell what all these are, right? Unlike week three, where I spent a careful 30 minutes painting a gross green blob:

It's an artichoke, actually

It’s an artichoke, actually

But, really, when am I ever going to want to paint an artichoke? I’m okay with being bad at that. This week we start flowers!!

Art Show Solidarity!

So RIGHT NOW my beloved illustrator (remember that book I wrote? Yeah, me neither) is having her amazing glitter and cupcake filled first art show! Unfortunately it’s in Minneapolis, so I can’t go (because of my fear of polar bears). Luckily Steven and I were able to celebrate in solidarity!

First, I decided to make the most Natalie kind of cupcake I could think of:

Pink frosting+glitter sprinkles+something called "cake pearls"!

“Wow, Patricia,” you are saying. “Those cupcakes are SO FANCY! There is no way the inside could be as great as the outside.” WRONG AGAIN, dear reader. Read the rest of this entry »

An Art Apology

It’s been a long week. So here’s some art I did by way of a wedding card!

It's supposed to be a kite

It's supposed to be a kite

And then inside…

There was a check inside

There was a check inside

I’m thinking about starting a greeting card company if this librarian thing doesn’t work out.

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