Archive for the ‘Let Me Tell You About My Life’ Category

The Cary Listserv Needs Your Help Catching 10-year-old hooligans

Guys, I got the best email from the Cary Listserv yesterday!

Cary PD Wants Help in Wiping the Nose of Taggers Who’ve Sprayed “Snot” and “Booger” Throughout Town

CARY, NC – The graffiti that has covered at least 20 Cary businesses, apartment complexes, roadside signage and parks is nothing to sneeze at, and the Town of Cary Police Department is hoping the public can help sniff out the vandals. From January through April, citizens reported “Booger” and “Snot” tagged at locations inside or just outside of the Maynard Loop, including multiple Project PHOENIX communities, Lexie Lane Park, Dunham Park, and the bridge on NW Maynard Road. No graffiti caused permanent damage, and the phrases are not believed to be gang-related markings.

I just find it hard to believe that anyone over the age of 10, when deciding to graffiti a building, would go with “snot”. Maybe a gang of really sheltered teens, finally trying to rebel but with no idea how? Either way, love it.

Town of Cary Public Works

You guys. Wednesday I got a tour of the Town of Cary Public Works department and it was the best thing ever. There were garbage trucks, snow plows, a garage just full of traffic lights, a camera on a rope that takes video of sewers, SNOW COMMAND… If these things don’t excite you, I don’t know what you’re doing with your life, but probably having less fun than me. Check it:

Me inside Snow Command!!!!

Me inside Snow Command!!!!

I told you it was the best day ever. It started with a talk by the water guys.

Fire hydrants whaaaaat

Fire hydrants whaaaaat

Then I got to try my hand at emptying the trash with the automatic arm of a garbage truck.

Spoiler alert: I was terrible at it

Spoiler alert: I was terrible at it

It was joystick controlled, and I guess I was a little too excited to be in an actual garbage truck controlling the actual giant arm. I asked the guy if he would give me a job and he said he would be fired so another prospective career path is closed to me.

In a room full of traffic lights!!!

In a room full of traffic lights!!!

We got to see the computer systems that the road sensor data feeds into: how many cars in the last hour went through a certain intersection in town, what the lane capacity was, etc. Plus cameras to check for accidents and icy conditions!!!

This is one of the trucks that cleans the sewers!!

This is one of the trucks that cleans the sewers!!

And here's the sewer robot camera to look for problems!!!

And here’s the sewer robot camera to look for problems!!!

All the Town of Cary vehicles chillin

All the Town of Cary vehicles chillin

Yes, that is definitely a fire truck up on a jack!

Yes, that is definitely a fire truck up on a jack!

Giant igloo of road sand/salt!!!

Giant igloo of road sand/salt!!!

Me in front of Town of Cary's massive stack of road sand/salt!!!

Me in front of Town of Cary’s massive stack of road sand/salt!!!

I don’t know why they still have so much in April. ALWAYS PREPARED

Ready to load up the trucks at Snow Command's call!

Ready to load up the trucks at Snow Command’s call!

Apparently, one of Cary’s priorities is to look better than Raleigh, which, naturally, we always do because if relocated yankees know one thing it is how to wage unceasing war against winter’s fury. That, and loving the shit out of tennis apparently.



I got a cool Town of Cary hat, which I will absolutely wear with pride, and an awesome Town of Cary glass stein.

What an amazing trip!!!

A Year With Pink Hair

Well, it’s been about a year since I dyed my hair hot pink. It’s grown out a little and faded a little, but it still looks pretty cool:

It's weird how it didn't grow or fade evenly either

It’s weird how it didn’t grow or fade evenly either

Obviously it’s nowhere near as striking as it once was:

I miss you, all hot pink all the time

I miss you, all hot pink all the time

It’s pretty amazing how quickly you get used to something like this, how easy it is to forget there’s anything weird about you. It was hardly a month before I was wondering why people were staring at me in the store. I don’t get as many stares now that I’m less bright, but still some. And even though it’s not as exciting and dramatic as it once was, I still feel really happy every time I look in a mirror. It can make me smile, even if there’s nothing else to smile about, and that’s worth something. I’m looking forward to a time when unnatural-colored hair is more accepted by dress codes everywhere so more people will be free to express themselves. I haven’t redyed it for two reasons: future job searches and money. I hope within my lifetime, both of those issues will resolve themselves, and I’ll have the most awesome hair of any 50-year-old space pirate ever (hey, we all have plans for the next 25 years).

This might be my favorite picture of it because it's the only bright thing in a drab world

This might be my favorite picture of it because it’s the only bright thing in a drab world

Even though I’m not continuing my awesome look, I don’t regret getting it for a second. It makes me happy, and it seems to make other people happy too. One of the best things about having unusual hair is that strangers talk to you way more. Most of the time to say “I like your hair!” or ask questions about it, but also often on some other topic entirely. Maybe having hot pink hair broadcasts the message that I’m a cool person and that makes people more likely to talk to me. Maybe I seem friendlier and happier since I dyed my hair. Maybe both!

This was last May, already lighter!

This was last May, already lighter!

I thought the most disapproving group would be older people, but they actually talk to me the most (besides children!). At the community center where I work out, there are always senior citizens waiting for other programs, who’ll often say things like “Look at that!” or “That’s the brightest hair I’ve ever seen!” Maybe they’re old enough to not care so much about being the Appearance Police, or maybe there are just way more cool old people in the world than I realized. I’ve had a lot of conversations with them this year, and it’s been awesome.

The other conversation I most often become a part of is when some child stares, points, and says “Mommy, that lady has pink hair!” The mom will respond with “Yes” or sometimes “Yes, isn’t it pretty?” or just kind of pull them away depending on how much they think I’m a Bad Example. This is Cary, so I expected a lot of the latter, but actually the first two are way more common! Also, there’s a lot of people in college or high school who compliment me and then ask questions like:

How long has it been? One year
WHAT? How is that possible? It’s a permanent dye and I’m part magic
What dye did you use? Elumen
Where did you get it done? Atomic Salon
Did you have to bleach it first? Yes:

WHERE MY DRAGONS AT? Maybe I should go back to this next!

WHERE MY DRAGONS AT? Maybe I should go back to this next!

It’s weird, because now I only notice people staring at me when I’m out of town, like a recent trip to Asheville or in Florida. I guess this could be because I’m more aware of my surroundings in an unfamiliar location where maybe I already feel somewhat like I don’t belong. But I prefer to think it’s the same reason I gave Rob when he remarked, at a Cary festival, that no one was really staring at me like he expected: “Well, they’re used to me by now.”

Yes, everyone in the Triangle has already seen my weird hair and gotten over it. This actually might be kind of true, at least around here, since the other HUGE perk to having weird hair is that you only have to go to a place once to be a regular. People remember you, and it’s the best. I’ll be a little sad to give up this Instant Regular status, but hopefully my favorite waitresses and grocery store clerks will gradually get used to the non-pink me.

This is from November. You can definitely see it's much lighter, but I like that shade too

This is from November. You can definitely see it’s much lighter, but I like that shade too

The only sort of negative consequence I can think of is that you have to start taking a different attitude to your wardrobe. Before I had pink hair, I knew some colors looked better on me than others, but nothing looked automatically hideous, just less flattering. Now, not so much. A lot of things clash with hot pink. It’s a bright color! You can’t avoid it. There’s a whole section of my closet now that’s basically in quarantine till “after pink.” Almost everything I’ve bought in the last year has been black or gray or a kind of turquoise or some shades of blue. Black is the best, because it’s the most striking against the pink. I definitely don’t wear as many busy prints as I used to either, just because it can easily be sensory overload. But I’m okay with that, and it doesn’t really affect my life that much. If you have a desire and the chance to dye your hair an amazing color, I say go for it!!! I have no regrets. It’s been the best year ever!

Previously: Pink Hair!
Two Weeks In


So maybe you’ve heard about North Carolina’s recent duel with icy winter death. Which isn’t just me being overly dramatic–Cary has sent me like 5 emails a day with titles like “SNOW COMMAND ACTIVATED: IT’S GO TIME” because that’s how the Town of Cary rolls. And I’m totally okay if you want to take this time to say something like “Why are people panicking over six inches of snow? Where I’M from we don’t cancel school unless children are eaten by polar bears and also I’m an ice road trucker and you are a wuss.” That’s fine. I get that saying things like that is the one consolation you get when you choose to live somewhere that turns into a barren frostscape of despair for half the year, so you do whatever you gotta do to avoid falling into a pit of Seasonal Affective Disorder or whatever. Call me if climate change brings another hurricane to the Northeast and you need tips. No hard feelings.

Anyway, Steven and I have both been safely at home for most all of it. The power’s been going off and on, and I definitely heard some transformers are Maynard blow up last night, but if you’re not immediately worried about freezing to death, it can be really pretty:

This was the view out my window yesterday around 5

This was the view out my window yesterday around 5

It had slowed down by then (started around noon), although it continued to periodically rain icy pellets throughout the night.

Our apartment complex's ancient AC units bedded down in the snow!

Our apartment complex’s ancient AC units bedded down in the snow!

Of course, I had to go out to check on Trixie. Earlier we’d had the harrowing experience of driving home from the community center in the first blast of the storm, and she still might be traumatized.

We're both from Florida, okay?

We’re both from Florida, okay?

Which is probably why I couldn’t figure out how to get my windshield wipers to stand up like that. I actually tried this time, though, which is a first.

Clearly it means I'm becoming a Northerner

Clearly it means I’m becoming a Northerner

Yesterday evening when I went for a walk (to get the mail! Which had arrived! Neither snow nor rain nor glom of nit! Good job, USPS!) the snow was still all soft and crunchy and mostly pristine. Here it is near the mailbox, coming up around my ankles in my nice snow boots:

I don't often get to use them for their intended purpose

I don’t often get to use them for their intended purpose

This morning when I went out, the ice-rain overnight had hardened everything. Now instead of crunching down on the snow, your feet punch through a layer of ice:

That's what it feels like, too, a punch. It makes for slow going

That’s what it feels like, too, a punch. It makes for slow going

But I still walked around and took some pictures of things

Here's Trixie, all covered in icicles

Here’s Trixie, all covered in icicles

And here's a pine tree, needles all icy and pretty when the wind blows

And here’s a pine tree, needles all icy and pretty when the wind blows

Here's some dude's truck all full of snow

Here’s some dude’s truck all full of snow

Here's the main road leading into my apartment complex!

Here’s the main road leading into my apartment complex!

It was looking pretty good this morning, thanks to Snow Command and Town of Cary’s A-Team (I have yet to really figure out the relationship between the two. The emails give clues, but nothing definite). Unfortunately, my apartment complex’s parking lot was still a sheet of ice:

Maybe it cleared up after I went back inside

Maybe it cleared up after I went back inside

Although I kind of doubt it because then this afternoon:

More snow!

More snow!

Bring it, I hate leaving the house anyway.

Well, it's true

Well, it’s true


I like to take people to the Cary Arts Center when they visit me, because there’s usually something cool in their art gallery. Right now, it’s “Coded Responses” by Mark Nystrom, an interesting collection of artistic data visualization, mostly of wind measurements. But, no matter what’s currently showing in the gallery, the best part of the visit is just outside, at the Art-o-Mat.

It's a vending machine for art!

It’s a vending machine for art!

Art-o-mats repurpose old cigarette vending machines to dispense art! They’re really cool and retro-looking, and there are a bunch of different locations nationwide. Maybe there’s one near you! At the Cary Arts Center, you pay $5 to get a token from the desk, and select your artist. Each of the slots normally taken up by brands is for a different artist (most local), plus one “mystery surprise” slot, which is, of course, always tempting. Last time I went, there were clay beads, abstract painting, kits for folding paper monsters, and wire sculptures as choices. But I had to pick the one tab that just said “Crystal Ladd”:

This is what you get--they come in little boxes just like cigarettes

This is what you get–they come in little boxes just like cigarettes

It turns out Crystal Ladd is someone’s name! She makes earrings:

They're cute!

They’re cute!

The box usually has the name, email address, and maybe other contact info on it for the artist. In this case there was a link to her etsy store. Also, unlike on other occasions, the box also had candy and a fortune inside!

I'm bad at taking pictures

I’m bad at taking pictures

I was really happy with this outcome–sometimes the Art-o-mat can vary in terms of quality and/or weirdness, but it’s always worth it for entertainment value alone. For instance, I was able to drag Steven to the “Coded Responses” exhibit because it was about data, and he chose the “Mystery” art slot, to receive:

A block with a drawing of Abraham Lincoln?

A block with a drawing of Abraham Lincoln?

Truly, the ways of the Art-o-mat are mysterious and fascinating. You should come to Cary to experience them for yourself!

Christmas 2013!!

Christmas 2013 was pretty rad. Here are some of the best things that happened to me:

My mom freaking out over the quilt I made

My mom freaking out over the quilt I made

There was a lot to freak out about

Baking cookies!

Baking cookies!

Peanut butter blossoms are my favorite Christmas cookie! Unfortunately, I dropped a whole pan of them while taking them out of the oven. The soft smooshing noises they made on the tile were both beautiful and tragic. These are the ones that survived. Until they were eaten, I guess.

My dad breakfasting like Christmas is Beer Bike

My dad breakfasting like Christmas is Beer Bike

Except with higher quality liquor, of course. What an ugly hat someone made for him!

Mr. Biffle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Biffle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Delicious food!

Delicious food!



A hotel room on the beach!!!

A hotel room on the beach!!!

Waking up to this every morning is no bad thing

Perfect view of the sunset too!

Perfect view of the sunset too!

Steven, being surprisingly chill about confronting his ancient enemy (natural light)

Steven, being surprisingly chill about confronting his ancient enemy (natural light)

Playing Take Off!!!!!!!!!!

Playing Take Off!!!!!!!!!!

Take Off is my family’s (well, my brother and my) favorite game, which is ridiculous since it was made to teach geography in like 1991. You have to guide your planes across the globe by rolling multi-colored dice and heartlessly sabotaging each other. Seriously, it may have been made for 8-year-olds, but it is the world’s best game. My only regret is that we only have one of it, which will inevitably lead to a decades-long Ladd family feud between my brother and I if it isn’t specifically addressed in my parents’ will. Maybe we will have to PLAY FOR IT ohhhhhhhh.

I won this year, by the way.

BERN'S STEAKHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BERN’S STEAKHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m thinking about doing a whole post on Bern’s because it’s ridiculous. It’s like what I would have described as a child if asked to imagine how rich people live (“…And then you have a separate room JUST FOR DESSERT…”).

Also, presents!!!!!

Signet Ring!

Signet Ring!

What a cool gift!

Hobbit Pez!!!

Hobbit Pez!!!

Look how the dwarves are tinier! It’s the best!!

Girl+conman+attack goose is the best combination

Girl+conman+attack goose is the best combination

I’m so glad to finally own my favorite Frances Hardinge books



One of my mom’s students keeps bees, which is the coolest thing ever! Even cooler, I got a big jar of honey!! I’ve already tried some, and, of course, it’s delicious!

Drafts of my books!!!

Drafts of my books!!!

This wasn’t technically a Christmas gift, but they arrived at Christmas and going over them took a lot of work so it felt like a present! Thanks, Brian!!! And Brian’s Mom!



I’m drinking water out of the Lady Rainicorn one right now, it makes everything taste more adventurous.

Now that I’ve used up my all the remaining exclamation points I’d saved up in 2013, on to New Year’s!

Epic Solo Roadtrip of Self-Discovery!

Sunday I drove like 10.5 hours by myself! Definitely the longest solo roadtrip I’ve ever done–well, obviously Trixie was there so I wasn’t entirely alone. Like other roadtrips in our past, we fought constantly for control of the stereo (she only wanted ABBA, because of course). However, we managed to agree that the audiobook I’d picked out was completely fab. Finally:



I actually meant to take selfies at each state Welcome Center sign, but this didn’t work out because:

South Carolina: raining
Georgia: no sign???
Florida: pack of ravenous mockingbirds made the parking lot too dangerous to remain stationary for long

Florida gets a bad rap from everyone, of course, as like some crazy lawless place, and I can’t deny that a bunch of weird shit goes down here. But it’s because Florida is basically the US version of Australia. In no other state does nature want to kill you quite so much. You’ve got your weirdass weather: hurricanes, daily torrential storms in the summer, lightning capital of the world some years, freak hail, waterspouts etc. And you’ve got your ridiculous wildlife: snakes, freaking gigantic spiders, alligators, birds that literally have no fear, stingrays, jellyfish, and maybe killer bees.

Last time I visited there was this news story about a guy stopped by the cops for running a stop sign, who leapt out of his car and ran into the wilderness, where he promptly fell into a mangrove and was mauled by an alligator. That kind of thing can’t happen anywhere else, because nowhere else are you living right on top of a swamp that wants its land back.

On the other hand, the welcome center was full of slightly tipsy old people, so some stereotypes are true.

International Librarian Corps Signet Ring!!!!

Steven’s way too hopped up on his own genius to keep things secret sometimes, which is why I got one of my Christmas presents early!!! Yay!!!

It's a ring!

It’s a ring!

An International Librarian Corps signet ring! The International Librarian Corps has been appearing in my NaNoWriMo novels since forever. At first it was just a joke from a minor character:

Talwyn rolled her eyes at him and whipped a metal badge out of her pocket. It had an emblem that featured a quill pen writing the word KNOWLEDGE! in big letters, with the exclamation point and all, in an open book. The words “International Librarian Corps” were written across the top, and then “Librarian—First Class” along the bottom. “Suck it,” Talwyn said, putting the badge away.
“Yeah,” Amos said, turning back to the screen. “I’m still not convinced you didn’t have that made just to perpetrate this elaborate subterfuge that librarians matter.”

But eventually I wrote a whole book about a girl being sent to the ILC’s academy, the John Cotton Dana School for the Worryingly Gifted.

“You fight made up monsters?” she asked, glancing at the battle axe hanging high on the wall of the librarian’s office. “Like Where The Wild Things Are?”
“Ever since they developed the taste for human flesh, yes,” Miss Pin confirmed. “But it’s mostly not about physical confrontation. We use books to harness them. Otherwise we’d have an even greater problem on our hands. Once you write it down, it’s more or less tied in place. Of course, they try to escape all the time. Especially in libraries. Which is where I come in.”

Anyway, based on my description, Steven made this baller logo:

Based on the books, there's no way I'm experienced enough at bookaneering to be considered a Librarain--First Class, but whatever

Based on the books, there’s no way I’m experienced enough at bookaneering to be considered a Librarain–First Class, but whatever

Using that, he had it 3D printed!!!! With this app. Truly, we live in the future.

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