Banned Books Week 2017: Make Something Up

Title: Make Something Up: Stories You Can’t Unread
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Challenged In: A SECRET
Because of: profanity, sexual explicitness, being “disgusting and all around offensive”

Confession: I checked this book out but couldn’t finish it. Not because of how ~scandalous~ it was, but because I find Chuck Palahniuk’s writing to be really tiresome. I’ve tried to read another of his books and had the same reaction. His whole deal is for you to find him SHOCKING and it’s pretty clear to me that he puts more effort into that than character development or plot. So yeah, all those allegations in the challenge are true, and that’s what Chuck Palahniuk wants. Obviously a lot of people want it too, since he’s a best-selling author, and since none of his books are shelved in the children’s section, I don’t see what people are complaining about. If you don’t like his books, don’t read them. Which I guess I could say about every book that gets challenged.

Previously: Big Hard Sex Criminals
Next: Eleanor and Park

One response to “Banned Books Week 2017: Make Something Up”

  1. I love that the people challenging these managed to get their challenges declared confidential. I understand the importance of being able to anonymously complain but like if you aren’t the kind of braindead moral crusader who cannot possibly imagine people will disagree with your clearly correct opinion then how do you manage to be dumb enough to think a kid is gonna want to read the literary equivalent of Howard Stern

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