As often happens when my parents visit me, I’m left with a giant sack of oranges and grapefruit. They are delicious, but numerous, so Steven and I have to conscientiously try to eat them all before they go bad. To that end, we once again had a ORANGE CHALLENGE SURPRISE dinner on Sunday. It’s kind of like Iron Chef, and the secret ingredient was orange. I’m not sure which of us won this one. Here’s what I made:

I’m not giving you the recipe, because it sucked
On the plus side, it used up three oranges and one grapefruit, so it beat Steven’s on that score. If only it had used them well. It was supposed to be a kind of orzo pasta salad with citrus, red onion, mint, and basil. Yeah… Mint and basil are a super weird combo, and I’m not sure which was the main flavor problem or if it was somehow both of them. Also, red onion always tastes unpleasantly like acid to me, no matter how finely chopped, so each bite basically just tasted like eating raw onion. Bleh.
Luckily, Steven’s was more successful:

He made homemade truffles, like a fancy person
Usually when Steven tackles these fancy, difficult projects, they end up kind of weird if they end up as anything at all. So you can imagine my shock when it was my easy, sensible recipe that failed hardcore, and his that was a delicious success. He made two kinds: the ones pictured, an orange liqueur truffle, and some orange ginger ones. The process was long, and fraught with peril and messiness, but they are incredibly delicious. Almost too delicious, like I can barely eat a whole one, they’re so rich. This project only took one orange, but it used it wisely.
Back to eating them for breakfast and snacks for me!