I don’t do my normal shopping at Trader Joe’s, because Food Lion is closer and cheaper, but there are some things you can only get there that I can’t live without.
1. Cookie Butter

I always buy crunchy, but smooth seems to be more popular?
Holy crap cookie butter is good. I decided to try it after reading this article, which mentioned a store needing to limit them at two per customer. While mine doesn’t seem to care, I can see what all the hype is about. It’s a dessert spread that tastes like cinnamon cookies. Steven will literally just eat it plain off a spoon. I like it best on apples, and have been trying it in place of peanut butter in some desserts, to great success. It’s less sticky than peanut butter, which makes it easier to eat too. Everyone should try it at least once–it will probably change your life.
2. Bite-size chicken samosas

Steven bought these because, why not? Indian food!
We made these one Sunday to eat while chilling out rewatching Veronica Mars. Then the episode was over, the plate was empty, and I was like “What should we do now?” We both kind of looked at each other, at the empty plate, and decided instantly, “Go back to Trader Joe’s and buy more of those”. So we did. They are awesome. Not spicy at all, and the outside is more like phyllo dough than other samosas I’m used to. I’m obsessed.
3. Chai Tea Latte Mix

I usually just buy regular kind, but certain times of year there are also pumpkin, salted caramel, and others
You know me: I’m an insufferable tea snob. I have even been known to look askance at even Teavana because you’re buying tea from a chain in the mall you philistine and I bet you let it steep too long too. Actually, you might not know this because I pretty much keep it on the DL. Let’s just say, that once I was sixteen and passed up every fun thing you could do in London to visit the Tea Museum instead. And there a strange old man ambushed me near an exhibit of mustache cups and ranted for like fifteen minutes about how “the art of tea is dead–everyone is just drinking brown water and, the worst part is, they think they like it.” Instead of being alarmed, I decided he was the best and have made his snobby tea opinions my own. It wasn’t hard, since I was a pretty snobby 16-year-old. I like to think I’m not anymore–about everything that’s not tea.
Which is why it’s shocking, shocking that I ever bought this in the first place. It’s tea from a mix! And the shameful secret is, I REALLY like it. I don’t know if that means I’ve just been pretending all this time, or it’s something special or what. Most likely, it is just 100% sugar with some cinnamon on top, but I don’t care. Plus, the containers are really useful for keeping buttons/paperclips/whatever after they’re empty.
4. Mango and Cream bars

There are also raspberry and coffee flavors, but why would you choose that when there is mango
These are the perfect size–they’re about as long as your palm! With slightly more mango to cream, they are a perfect, light dessert when you feel like something sweet, but don’t want anything too big or heavy. Plus, mango!!!!
5. Pear Cinnamon Cider

Unfortunately I think this guy might be seasonal?
I’m not as into apple cider as Steven, but I love this pear version!! It’s subtler than apple, which I like, though it’s still as warm and spicy on a cold day. How often do you get to eat pear at all, let alone in juice form? Look for it when it starts to get chilly!!
Okay, now I’m hungry.