Today this blog is 4 years old! Which is basically middle aged in Internet years! I’m really surprised and pleased that something that started as an innocent suggestion from a tearful list serv rep could last this long! To celebrate, I made these amazing cupcakes!!
Also, here is the blog version of a clipshow:
The Best of the Plaid Pladd
Roadtrip: The Epic Journey, May-June 2009

Weirdly Steven and I never got a photo together that whole month, so here are Trixie and I intimidating a buffalo
The roadtrip posts are still some of my favorites ever, possibly because they are the most legitimately exciting thing that has happened since this blog began. I particularly like when we were still dedicated enough to take videos in the early days of the trip, even if they were about pecans. Not only did we get some great pictures and have some great adventures, but I confirmed that I could spend 8000 miles and 21 days with Steven Wiggins without either of us abandoning the other in Montana.
That Time A Goddess Girls Author Commented On My Blog, June 2012
I’m actually a big fan of all of Steven and my joint book reviews about this tween girl greek mythology series, and I think Steven likes reading them too, despite all of his grumbling to the contrary.
My evidence for this is that yesterday we were driving somewhere and he asked, “So when does the next Goddess Girls book come out?” You asked for it, Steven, I am #3 on the hold list.
I start owning being man-footed, December 2011
I don’t write serious posts very often, and, before this one, I’d never really thought about how much anxiety I had tied up in my big shoe size. It still stands out to me as one of my favorite posts I’ve ever written, maybe because of the way it made me feel more than the words themselves.
Every Chocovine Challenge
We’ve had 4 Chocovine challenges so far (Original, Raspberry, Espresso, and Whipped Cream). Each one has brought laughter, tears, and occasional indigestion.
A while ago one of my uncles told me “I bought some of that drink you like so much, that chocolate wine stuff, and I tried it. It was terrible” and I was like “You can’t believe everything you read on the Internet.”
I hope we have four more years of awesome adventures together!!