Archive for August, 2012

The Supper Club Tour

Music seems to happen to me by accident.

Like a lot of things that everyone else seems to know about effortlessly, I stopped trying to keep up somewhere around eighth grade. Before that, I’d dutifully bought NSYNC and Backstreet Boys cds, learning their names so I could participate in “Who’s hotter?” conversations at lunch. But after awhile I fell further and further behind until it didn’t seem to be worth the effort to pretend anymore. I never listened to the radio. As with make up and celebrities, the effort of blending in with everyone else just didn’t seem worth it, so I quit. Defiantly. I guess you have to do something defiantly when you’re 15, and I defiantly read the complete works of Charles Dickens instead of watching MTV. I know, what an exciting rebellion! I guess I didn’t realize that most people rebel against their parents instead of their peers.

Anyway, since I wasn’t seeking it out, most music comes to me completely by accident. My favorite band in high school was a folk-rock band from New Foundland who play sea shanties with electric guitars. I only discovered them by mistakenly downloading the wrong song one night (Don’t worry, Great Big Sea, I’ve bought enough of your albums since to more than make up for this small crime). Things got a little better–or at least more normal–when I went to college and had to contend with the peer-pressuring juggernaut that is Rob, convincing me to listen to his favorite songs until I liked them to, through familiarity. I never minded so much, really, although I think my lack of strong opinions about music has made some people question my sincerity. Am I really just agreeing to anything because I lack a strong personality? Am I pretending? For some reason it’s harder to believe that someone could be musically ambivalent. Why do I have to have strong and narrow musical tastes if I’m not required to have much of an opinion about cars or curtains? I don’t know, but I’ve accepted that to most people it makes me pretty weird.

So here is the story of probably my greatest musical-acquisition accident. I think it was my senior year at Rice, maybe in the fall of 2008. I was walking through the Rice Memorial Center with some time between classes, but not enough to actually do anything constructive. I was contemplating buying a smoothie. I noticed the ballroom was full of tables because KTRU, the Rice student radio station, was having a cd sale. I went in because I wanted one of their bumper stickers. I wasn’t interested in any of the cds–KTRU’s musical tastes have never really interested me.

Mission accomplished, by the way. I put it where I put all stickers.

I didn’t own a radio, so I’d only had a few opportunities to decide this, but even I with my eclectic taste didn’t really feel like owning “Experimental Didgeridoo Concertos” or “Mozart played entirely with sounds from nature” or whatever it is KTRU plays (played? I’ve heard they are no more, maybe because of this). Still, while I was there, I might as well look, and maybe I would like something KTRU was getting rid of for being not weird enough, right? There was no way to actually listen to the tables of CDs they had, so I was judging primarily based on cover art. As a librarian, you’d think I’d be against this, but I actually do it all the time. We all do. Here’s the cover art that I’m glad caught my eye:

The Silver City by Jeremy Messersmith

I don’t know what it was about this. Maybe the fact that it looked sort of like a children’s book. For whatever reason, I bought it. It was a pay-whatever-you-want type of fundraiser, so I think I paid a dollar. I didn’t know who Jeremy Messersmith was, what he looked like, anything about him. Only later would I discover that we have Minneapolis in common, which only made me love him more. At the time, though, all I had was his music. And for the rest of the year I woke up to it every morning. It’s the perfect thing to wake up to: soft, mostly acoustic, a little bit sad. Here’s one of my favorites:

It’s amazing how waking up to Jeremy Messersmith everyday can improve your mood! Anyway, he’s going on tour soon and actually coming to North Carolina, so maybe I will get to see him in person! If he finds a host, that is. See, this tour is the Supper Club Tour, which is probably the greatest idea in all of music history ever. From the website:

This fall I’ll be embarking on a solo house show tour.

There’s one thing though-I want you to bring food to share! I want to try your best, most mouthwatering dishes- the kind passed down through battered cookbooks, the recipes you’ve sworn to keep secret.

Yes!!! I am so into this concept!! I love trying other people’s favorite recipes and sharing my own! Plus, I am usually the most awkward concert attender ever. It’s like I don’t know how to sit still and just listen, probably because I’m only used to listening to music while doing something else (driving, cooking, cleaning, working out, writing). This idea sounds like the perfect solution! If I lived in a suitably-sized house instead of a tiny apartment you can bet I would be volunteering to host in a hot second! Even if I don’t get to go to one of the events, I love that this is a thing! So I thought I would spend today informing you that something awesome is happening in the world. In case you hadn’t realized.

If you’re interested: all of his albums are currently pay-whatever-you-want downloads! I’m surprised to see he also has his latest album available for real-life purchase on CD, vinyl, AND cassette. So hipster right now! But also awesome.

And here’s a song about Tatooine amazingly stop-motion animated with paper cut outs:

New Apartment!

The blog-worthy thing I was planning on doing today kind of fell through when, among other things, I had to spend way longer than expected at the post office. And not the fun Carrboro post office where everyone loves Mark Twain and teaches you dance moves while you wait in line. The Cary post office, where everyone’s annoyed and won’t stop talking about rising crime rates. But our new place isn’t all bad! Here are some good things about it! Or, at least, new things!

1. This park

Not pictured: the pedal boats

There’s this park near my house with lots of hiking trails that are really pretty!

In Carrboro this would have been a frisbee golf course, but whatever

2. Fireplace!

Complete with fun wedding pictures on the mantel!

3. Display Case!

So far I’m using it to keep my tea sets and other cool things

4. Bluebell!

Okay, this is more of a recent development for all of North Carolina, but still

Still don’t have them at either Harris Teeter or Food Lion. We finally found these at Walgreens.

5. New Book Case!

It was too small for any one section, so we decided to stock it with everything we had to read for school at some point

Mine is the top shelf and Steven has the other two. He’s a hoarder. I arranged my shelf in chronological order. Here are the titles if you’re curious: Read the rest of this entry »

Steven’s Hair Round 2: Spitfire

You probably remember that for the last two months Steven has had rainbow hair. But his roots were growing out, and some of the colors (particularly the green) had faded to look kind of weird so it was time for a change. Here are some before shots:

I wonder how often Rainbow Dash has to touch up her roots

This side looks better, but the yellow and orange have kind of become one

There was much debate about what he should do. Melissa was all for a full on Gilderoy Lockhart, but then he would have to wear only lavender-colored wizard robes, which would be kind of hard to play tennis in. Both Vinyl Scratch and Twilight Sparkle had color combos that would have looked really cool, but it turned out to be impossible to dye them on top of the yellow he already had going on. So, he decided on Spitfire!!

She’s the captain of the Wonderbolts!! They do tricks and fail to save people from dragons.

I think it turned out pretty great:


The back

This side has the most flames

I feel like I’m married to an anime character and it is awesome.

Some wedding dresses that confuse me

Sorry I’ve been absent for the past week–I’ve been having some trouble with the wireless on my laptop. However, I’m expecting an EXCITING ADVENTURE tomorrow, complete with photographic proof, so stay tuned!!!

To tide you over, here are some pictures of wedding dresses that confuse me. I ripped them out of Brides magazine. Before you get kind of weirded out that someone who’s been married for 10 months is buying Brides magazine, I should explain that the person who lived in this apartment before me apparently forgot to change the address on their subscription. I can’t decide if I will be pleased or sad when they realize their error.

This dress may actually be normal, but I can’t tell because the model has buried her face in plants.

Maybe it’s for really shy brides. Or maybe she’s way hungry.


This is not a veil, lady, it’s a blindfold. And if you feel like you need one to get through “your big special day” you might be marrying the wrong person.

Okay, but how are you going to walk?

Really, even if you do not having a Wedding Tank or Wedding Swings like an awesome person, you are still planning something that requires movement besides standing perfectly still, right? I guess there are lots of brides way more coordinated than me, but this seems to be just asking for a hilarious face-plant. But then you’d probably become briefly youtube-famous, so worth it?

What the F is on your head?

No, seriously, WHAT is on your head?

Because I think it’s still alive. But wishes you would put it out of its misery.

I guess I’m not really in the target demographic for this magazine, even when I was planning a wedding.

Cosmo’s Bad Advice: Blueberry Yogurt Hair

You probably think making fun of Cosmo is taking the easy path to a blog post, and you’d be right. Everyone knows that their 1950s-era stereotypes of men and women are ridiculous and offensive. Their idea of gender relations is women changing themselves and working to “decode” men, who mostly just want to watch football and belch. Their language usage is almost its own pidgin–no word for “lesbian”, but 5000 strange euphemisms for “penis”. I’ve complained about all this before.

But I’ve decided to give Cosmo another chance. True, we may never agree on gender equality, body image, and what constitutes a good time, but that doesn’t mean everything they advise is complete crap. Right?

While moving recently I found myself using my bountiful collection of old Cosmos to pad things like dishes and picture frames, and there was something so satisfying about ripping out those photoshopped images and vapid articles, crumpling them up, and sticking them around all my tea sets. But, in the process, I actually ended up glancing at some of their brightly colored, bullet-pointed lists, where one piece of advice in particular caught my eye. It seemed kind of weird, so I thought I would try it. Here was the advice, from a list of beauty tips:

“Feed your (blond) hair–Fair-haired chicks can temporarily tweak their look with organic blueberry yogurt. Its violet-red juice makes blond hair look more Nicole Kidman-esque blush. Comb the yogurt through damp hair from roots to tips, then rinse after five minutes, says Knight. You’ll be a strawberry sexpot for a week and–bonus!–the nourishing yogurt will soften your strands.”–March 2010, Vol. 248, issue 3, pg 114

You know I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to dump something weird on my head! Even if I do trust Cosmo about as much as any other robot programmed with makeup knowledge and barely-concealed misogyny. I’m not sure if my hair is blonde enough for this experiment, being already an indecisive mix of blonde/dark blonde/red, but I tried anyway. Here’s a before shot:

Steven was home when I took these, but his caffeine tremors make it impossible to operate a camera, so they’re all self-shots

So after taking a normal shower and toweling off my hair a little so it was just damp instead of sopping, it was time to get to work with my yogurt and comb:

They didn’t specify how much you would need, so I went for this larger individual sized cup.

Combing it through was messier than you would think. I did it twice around, but had so much yogurt left over, I eventually just stood in the bathtub and spooned dollops onto my head, massaging it in like you would conditioner.

It was really cold.

This particular yogurt had actual blueberries in it, so I tried to smash those a little to release the juices onto my hair. Probably this was the weirdest sensation my scalp has ever felt, and picking squished blueberries out of my bathtub was definitely a new experience. Anyway, I eventually rinsed it out and waited for it to dry. Cosmo didn’t say anything about the drying process, although in hindsight I suspect they probably just assumed I would blow dry since what “fun, fearless female” doesn’t? Me, Cosmo, sorry. I know there’s a trick to it, but I always feel like I don’t have enough hands to accomplish this seemingly simple beauty feat, so air drying it was. Here’s the after shot:

Results… inconclusive?

This may have worked. Steven and I both studied my hair for awhile, unable to make a decision. Like I said, my hair’s already kind of darker and reddish, so it’s possible that this only works for lighter blondes who can use a blow dryer without hurting themselves. They were right that it did feel a little softer though! Although Steven complained that it smelled a lot like cheese. So, if you have some yogurt lying around and want your head to feel super weird, you might as well give this a shot. But if you’re actually banking on a noticeable change, I would recommend something else.

Spam Report: July 2012

This month has been a pretty great one for Spam!! For the first time in awhile, I got some spam comments from an actual human caught in the filters! Clearly James was just upset that I waste more time responding to spam than I do my actual comments:

On the May spam post TheJamesFox writes:

I can’t get over how hilariously vague the spam form-letter replies are. Who could POSSIBLY think this is going to result in revenue? Like EVER


And, because quitters never produce Internet profit:



It’s funny to me that James’ fake spam posts are actually less imaginative than some of the actual spam I receive. For instance, on that same post, Jane wrote:

what a wonderful world we are living, i still wonder this spell caster how he did it!!!
My mouth is full of testimony, Am Christabel Philips my husband left the home for two years to south Africa for a tourist,he meant a prostitute and he was bewitch be the girl my husband refuse to come back home again, i cry day and night looking for who to help me, i read a news paper about a powerful spell caster called [let me save you from yourself by deleting the contact info that was here–pladd] and i contacted the spell caster to help me get my lover back to me and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods we fight for me.. he told me by mid-night when all the spirit is at rest he will cast a spell to reunite my lover back to me. and he did in less than 3 days my husband came back to me and started crying that i should for forgive him, i,m so happy for what this spell caster did for me and my husband. [okay, so I’m actually censoring the email address so you can’t use Internet magic against me, so what?–pladd] is the best spell caster in the whole wild world.

Wow, Jane! What a dramatic story! I had no idea emailing your credit card info to a sketchy gmail account could bring such quick results! But is it really so easy to forgive your husband after he left you for a tourist/prostitute in South Africa? Are you sure he wasn’t just “bewitched” by her in the same way that Luscious Malfoy was “totally under the Imperius Curse, you guys”? As in, not really at all? Sometimes guys make excuses because they want to cheat on you or kill all muggles, and we can’t let them get away with it by slut shaming some poor working girl or an evil wizard when we all know who’s at fault. Don’t let him shift the blame!

Also, yeah, whenever I read Harry Potter I call Malfoy’s dad “Luscious”. Jason Isaacs totally looks like he should be in a shampoo commercial, it works.

soehnle küchenwaage retro writes about this Sam Neill post:

Hi, Neat post. There’s a problem with your website in internet explorer, may test this? IE nonetheless is the marketplace chief and a huge portion of other folks will omit your magnificent writing because of this problem.

I am strangely okay with losing “a huge portion of other folks” if they all use Internet Explorer. I guess if there actually is a problem with my site in IE I would actually never know because neither Steven nor I (nor any of my real readers? I don’t know, just a hunch based on the fact that I respect them) ever use it, but I have a feeling soehnle kuchenwaage retro is just being cheeky.

Cheap email marketing commented on the same post with slightly better news:

Greetings from Australia. You helped me with my university assignment. Thank so much.

It actually doesn’t surprise me that a university in Australia would have you do assignments about Sam Neill. I assume it’s just that and how to fight cane toads, right?

My bronycon coverage garnered an enthusiastic (if confused) response from spam bots! Khaerani writes about Bronycon costumes:

Wow! I just came across your page on faebocok, I am a state above (KY!) and your work is . amazing to say the least! How, may I ask, do you achieve such perfection and sharpness in the eyes and face? Is it the lens? Aperature? Editing??? I have strived for those kind of eyes, and any tips would be GREATLY appreciated~!

Khaerani is not only confused about geography (Kentucky is not above North Carolina), but also reality. The only pictures with eyes in the post it commented on are drawings of cartoon ponies. That perfection and sharpness is from animation, Khaerani. My only tip is to check a How To Draw Anime and Manga book out from the library.

Some other spambots had me confused with someone else (namely a photographer). Rama writes:

LORA!!!!!! I seriously cried when I saw these imegas! You know what that means?!?!?!? That means that you captured all the emotion from the day. It means that you looked for moments that mattered when no one else was. It means that YOU ROCKED that wedding!!!! I am so flippin’ proud of you!!!!! Love ya girl!

I feel like these messages are maybe coming from an alternate Internet dimension where is owned by a photographer named Lora. Is that this other dimension’s version of me? There’s no way to be sure. Somewhere I hope Lora is checking her comments, really confused about why no one cares about her wedding pictures and why everyone’s complaining about how much she talks about Sam Neill and her sewing machine.

Alternate Dimension Commenter Parikshit writes:

Lora, Your email made me cry this morning. It was so iniredcbly inspiring and heartfelt. Thank you for writing me, you have no idea how much you blessed me. I clicked on your blog, and my jaw dropped. Your work is BEAUTIFUL. My heart is full just thinking about the fact that you are giving your creative gift to the world, and in turn it is giving people life. The world is so much fuller and richer with you sharing your creative eye. I can’t imagine how much your clients love to see themselves through your eye. We would love to have you featured on the blog. Either me or Genie will send you an email on what we need, but THANK YOU for sharing your beautiful story. It made my day.Much love and respect, Me Ra

Another opportunity Alternate Dimension Photographer Me will miss out on because an Internet Space Time rift has funneled the comments here! I assume she is reading Sam Neill’s praise for my reviews as we speak.

Rachel writes:

And – I think the nekkid lady elaevted it – yes, it is kind of a “yikes” design, but at least they put a nekkid lady with an exploding flower head on it. I can respect that.

Again, I have no idea what alternate dimensional post Rachel is looking at, but it sounds way more exciting than anything I’ve put up in the past month. I’ll work on getting a naked nekkid lady with an exploding flower head for August.

Ilesanmi was kind of confused about freezer paper stenciling and wrote:

I haven’t done freezer cooknig in awhile, but I need to get back to it. One of my favorite things is having ground beef (or venison, etc.) already browned and frozen so that it’s easy to add to a casserole, soup or other dish.I hadn’t thought of freezing chocolate butterhorns, but they would be great to have on hand as a quick snack (or even breakfast!)

See, James? Not all spam is meaningless shouting into the void with some attached links! Sometimes they give cooking advice!

Santosh is craftier than any spambot James could imagine:

Those comments were from me, Josh those weren’t spam. I rellay thought you might be interested in well, I can’t say it or your word censoring will catch it and automatically delete it.I’m glad you found something that works for you, Josh. Speaking of working for you how would you like to make more money in just five easy steps?

A spambot that insists it’s not spam?? And also that my name is Josh? What brilliant strategy will they think of next?

Turns out, just more stories about skunks.

Silver account writes:

While out on a “romantic walk” with my husband last night, a skunk decided to run in our path towards the water. My husband, being the inquisitive individual that he is, JUST had to take a better look at the skunk. BAD IDEA.

Your husband sounds a little clueless, Silver account, but then, he is married to a spambot, so what do you expect?

Previously: June Spam Report

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