Calculus and Cocktails

Steven and I are brushing up on our calculus. For a variety of reasons, including my childhood association of math with family and fun. And something about Steven’s work? I don’t know, the point is calculus and cocktails are alliterative, which gives me permission to do this:

Oh yeah

The Calculus

My mom lent me the annotated teacher’s edition of this text book, Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic. AP* Edition. Plus a solution’s manual! Combined with my vague memories of junior year, we should be all set!

The answers are in blue, but we usually hide them with a card

We’ve actually been doing this for a little while (before we thought of the cocktails part, see below) so this was section 2.2 Limits Involving Infinity. It involved a lot more looking at graphs to decide things than either of us remember doing in highschool, but maybe that’s because I’ve blocked out everything before chapter 3.3 (I peeked ahead) and Steven went to highschool back when calculators probably filled entire rooms.

I mean, he is turning 27 this weekend; so old right now!

The Cocktails

Of course, Steven has always been into making fancy drinks (and food, for that matter), but things really took off two weeks ago, on Carrboro Day(!), when he bought an in-depth book about cocktails from the Carrboro branch library book sale.

A dollar well spent.

It not only has lots of recipes (and good pictures!) but information on how various liquors and liqueurs are made, how to make fancy garnishes, and the history of liquor and specific cocktails. Exciting!

These were the two he made yesterday:

For me, a Jamaica Sunday

So maybe I drank half of it before remembering to take a picture

Ingredients: 2 measures dark rum, 1/4 measure honey, 1/2 measure lime juice, 2 measures sparkling lemonade

You combine the honey and rum first, then add the lime juice, and finally the lemonade.

This drink was great, especially since I really like lime. It wasn’t too sweet or sticky like some cocktails, and the honey+rum combination made both of them taste better. Steven thought it was too strong-tasting, but he never had his taste buds sanded off by Taaka, so there it is.

For himself, Steven unashamedly made the Pink Pussycat.

Totally confident in his gender identity

Ingredients: 2 measures gin, 3 measures pineapple juice, 2 measures grapefruit juice, 1/2 measure grenadine

Just shake em all up together.

Steven really liked this drink and recommends it to anyone who doesn’t like tasting alcohol, but likes grapefruit. I didn’t, because all I could taste was the pineapple juice, a flavor I like, but not on its own.

In conclusion, this is the best combination of things ever!!! Thank you, alliteration.

Next time: Chapter 2.3, Continuity and probably something involving sweet tea vodka

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