Happy Pi Day!!

You may recall me writing last year about how important Pi Day is in my family. Sometimes it’s a little sad to be away from home and the rest of my family on such an important holiday, but luckily Steven has embraced Ladd tradition and is completely willing to spend tonight doing word problems, making bad math puns, and eating pie. Particularly that last part.

This year I went with traditional apple, like the founding fathers made for their Pi Day celebrations

Remember, according to Ladd family lore, if you don’t eat pie on Pi Day, your math skills will be cursed for the rest of the year. I hope you’ve also done all you can to avoid this terrible fate.

I know I have

Experts disagree about whether pie-like foods count, such as “pizza pies” or turnovers. Better be safe than forget how to divide fractions!

2 responses to “Happy Pi Day!!”

  1. mom ladd says:

    What Gorgeous Looking Pies!! Way ta go Trish! So Proud, so very proud.

  2. M wiggins says:

    BAH! perhaps THIS is why my math skills have always been so lacking… hm… is there any way you can rebuild math skills by eating extra pie or sharing the love of pi with others??

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