New Blog Design!

You have probably already noticed a change unless you’re reading this by RSS, but Steven Wiggins has been working tirelessly on weekends to get this blog redesign done! Yay!!! The coolest feature is probably that there are actually two new designs, one for night and one for day, which will change around 6 or 7 in the morning and at night Eastern time. If you want to see the other design, click the cloud above the D in Pladd (day view), or the yellow star in the top right of the page (night view). Exciting times!!

The stuff that used to be in the sidebar has either 1) been deemed unnecessary like “recent comments” or 2) been moved to the Archive page, where you can browse by date or category. I’ve cleaned up the categories a little bit too. Natch you can always search with the search bar or click on tags like always, since I know everyone loves to read vintage Plaid Pladd.

Also, if you highlight something on the page, it’s PINK!!! This is not something I asked for so it was even MORE amazing when I discovered it.

Now I have to take Steven out for celebratory fancy chocolate! It’s important to reward your in-house developer/designer/tech support at frequent intervals.

5 responses to “New Blog Design!”

  1. mom Ladd says:

    Love IT!! Way ta go Steven!!

  2. Bova says:

    It looks awesome!

  3. Barb says:

    Ahhhsome! Is this your Pi Day gift from Mister W.?

  4. Brian says:

    1. Okay, it looks pretty awesome after all.
    2. Is there a reason that the T in “The” is off the page?
    3. I barely started reading before highlighting the whole post and WALL OF PINK

    • PLadd says:

      Yeah, the problem with the title is still being adjusted by Steven, because he has, like, the biggest screen it is possible to have and keeps having to adjust things so they also work on tiny screens like mine.

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