Archive for February, 2011

Valentine’s Day v. Pi Day

So I meant to post this earlier this week, but I have been alternately busy and sick for a lot of it. Mostly I wanted to just share this picture of the awesome present I got from my dad on Valentine’s day:

Yay! A pi ice tray! Any drink tastes better when chilled with the best irrational number!

I am not really a fan of Valentine’s Day, I think because I’m always annoyed when people tell me how I should feel (that means you too, High School Pep Rallies). I remember one year telling someone about how I dislike Valentine’s Day when they asked about my plans and having them reply, “But now you have a boyfriend!” as if all my objections in previous years were a mask for my own bitterness at having FAILED AS A WOMAN through my inability to attract a mate. Sorry, team, but I am still opposed to needing commercialism as an excuse to be nice to someone whether I am alone or married to the CEO of Hallmark. At least birthdays and anniversaries have some kind of meaning outside of societal pressure! On the other hand, I am a big fan of baking things with pink frosting, so this has always been a moral/hungry dilemma.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure my dad sent me a pi ice tray, not so much for Valentine’s Day, but to pre-game Pi Day, which occurs exactly one month later on March 14. It is by far the most important day of the year in my family. At home, Valentine’s Day would often be forgotten entirely in the excitement and anticipation of Pi Day. It is even more important than Christmas and Talk Like A Pirate Day combined. If you don’t eat pie on Pi day, so the Ladd legend goes, you are CURSED to make careless math errors for the rest of the year. Doing taxes, calculating tips, paying bills, halving recipes, measuring anything… it would be TERRIBLE! Especially for my mom, who is a math teacher, and would probably have to quit her job! So we religiously observe Pi Day every year, exchanging small gifts of new protractors and calculators and solving festive word problems long into the night. I can’t wait! 23 more days!

Servery Challenge: Sushi Edition

To celebrate Rob’s extremely brief pass through Carrboro for an interview, we had a new Servery challenge last weekend!! Steven is a pro at making sushi rice, so we decided to see exactly how far you could push its deliciousness with a Sushi Servery Challenge! Unfortunately, I was too busy being outraged for a lot of the competition to remember what people named theirs, so I’ve had to make some up:

1. Mexican Roll–Patricia

Scrambled eggs, salsa, sushi rice, seaweed

I was legitimately shocked when this ended up tasting kind of good. Maybe because all you could really taste was the salsa. I would eat this again, actually.

2. Minimalist Roll–Joe

Craisins, Rice, Seaweed

Joe seemed to suffer from a fit of indecision while waiting to wrap his roll and ended up only putting dried cranberries in. So it tasted pretty much like sushi rice with a little sweetness. Luckily I love sushi rice!

3. Pantry Attack Roll–Rob

Pretzels, peanut butter, sprinkles, Heath Bar Shell ice cream topping, rice, seaweed, probably some other things

This roll was ridiculous. Also, didn’t really hold together so it was hard to eat. In consequence, the bite of it I got was mostly pretzel and heath bar ice cream topping, which tasted okay. I’m not sure what all ingredients tasted together would have been like.
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Wedding Planning: I Don’t Know Why It Gets a Bad Rap

Okay, I do. I can see how it would be way stressful if you were planning something big and fancy with lots of important details and things you can’t control like the weather. But if it rains on my wedding, the ten of us at the ceremony will just stand under umbrellas. Since I was planning on wearing flip-flops anyway I don’t envision myself freaking out.

The most trying decision I will probably have to make is what costume to wear to the amazing Halloween party we are having in celebration at my house afterwards. For guests, costumes are optional (but awesome!) but Steven and I of course will take any excuse to dress up and we’re thinking of matching somehow. Here are some ideas I’ve already had:

1. Pirates
Dressing as pirates would have some precedent, since it was “how we met” (here is why that has to be in quotes), and is always fun. Plus, Steven suggested we could up the ante by dressing as STEAMPUNK pirates, which would be even more exciting.

I am a fan of tradition. Especially pirate tradition.

2. Princess Bride
My favorite costumes are literary characters being, you know, a librarian. Plus, Steven seems really into wearing one of those puffy shirts.

Of course, if I could get a ridic crown it would be my top choice

However, I’m not sure I am as into any of Buttercup’s dresses. Or just the idea of wearing a big fancy dress in general. How am I supposed to hop around playing Rock Band in that? Yeah, Rock Band requires hopping. You haven’t seen how great I am at it.

3. Paper Bag Princess
This is something I thought of recently, based one of my favorite books ever, The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch.

I don't know why feminism is not all over this book

Basically, Elizabeth’s beautiful clothes and jewels and castle are all burned down by a dragon, who prince-naps Prince Ronald, who she’s going to marry. So she puts on the only thing she can find, a paper bag, and goes off to save him. She outwits the dragon with her cleverness, but then decides, when her prince is like “ELIZABETH, WHAT are you WEARING?” that he is a jerk and she doesn’t need him anyway. Now that I think about it, Elizabeth the Paper Bag Princess has maybe been my secret role model all my life. Anyway, I could TOTALLY make an awesome dress out of paper bags. A bunch of people have done it out of newspaper and paper bags are more durable! Steven could be the dragon! I outwit him all the time, and we all know Steven is all about dragons! It would be perfect. This is maybe my favorite choice so far.

My mom told me that when she told a few people about my wedding plans they said, “You must be so disappointed!” I think she responded, as I would have, “How could I be disappointed with SHEER AWESOME?” Those people are just being Prince Ronald and are no fun. I’m going to steal some paper bags from the grocery store next week and practice!

January Reading List

Finally it’s February! Finally I can stop writing letters and obsessively checking my mail for replies (four people have replied so far–yay Bova, James Fox, Barbara, and Mom Ladd!!) I would put up a finished letter map, but most of the latter letters have not been sent from not knowing people’s addresses. Spoiler alert: a bunch of them are probs going to Houston anyway. It’s apparently my favorite place to send mail.

You might think I will be sad to finish my New Year’s Resolution already, but I have two SECRET other New Year’s Resolutions to concentrate on! The main one I thought of midway through January while totally failing at recommending a 5th grade fantasy book despite all the 5th grade fantasy books I’ve read, is to keep better track of the books I read. Normally I average about 3-4 per week, more if you count graphic novels. In the past I’ve tried posting reviews of books that I thought were interesting for whatever reason, but those were long and so only represented a small percentage of my actual reading. I’m hoping to keep track by month, although January is kind of sketchy because most of the list I constructed from memory. Here’s what I got:

January Reading List

With Steven
Secret, possibly embarrassing fact: Steven and I read to each other almost every day. It started just during car trips, and just trashy romance novels, until one trip I decided to bring along a ridiculous fantasy series from my past that I thought Steven might find hilarious. Unfortunately, there are ten books in the full series, and only 10 hours in the drive, so we ended up finishing it over a period of months by reading a few chapters every night. I am, of course, a total rock star librarian and do all the voices. Steven–to all appearances–is also completely into this whole idea, since we’ve been reading various books together ever since. Pretty much right up until the day I left for college I did the same thing off and on with my parents, like reading Terry Pratchett books to my dad while he cut up oranges and grapefruit in the kitchen, so this does not seem weird to me at all. However, various people–like Steven’s sister–have pointed out that this is actually kind of strange, by asking “Are you guys…. reading?” like this is the weirdest thing we could be doing in a room alone together. Clearly she does not know Steven Wiggins very well–he is all about playing The Floor is Made Of Lava.

Anyway, lengthy explanation aside, here are the books Steven and I have read together in January:

Master and Fool by J. V. Jones

The third and final book in the kind of vaguely titled Book of Words Trilogy, which we started last year. It is tightly plotted fantasy and it is awesome. Steven’s favorite part was the terrible relationship advice offered by Bodger and Grift, the two drunken castle guards (ex: “The only way to tell a girl is a virgin is to lock her in a room with a badger. If it falls asleep in the corner, she’s not. If it falls asleep in her lap, she is. If it bites her, she probs has VD”.)

The True Meaning of Smekday by Adam Rex

This is a 423 page book we finished in two nights because it is SO AWESOME. Steven shed tears of joy at the end.

Books I’ve Read On my Own

Already Dead by Charlie Huston

A hardboiled vampire detective negotiating the vampire gang violence of New York City to solve a zombie murder/missing person case? Or an excuse for Charlie Huston to write about incest? Can’t really tell. This book was ridiculous, and kind of awful.

The Wedding by Danielle Steel

Allegra is a strong, beautiful, confident, amazing, talented, effortless entertainment lawyer who falls in love with a member of New York’s literary elite. Countless comparisons between the “Eastern attitude” and “Western lifestyle” are made. Also her little sister gets teen pregnant and various adoption/secret wedding drama happens. I read this for class, and to say that I had read something by Danielle Steel.
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