Archive for January, 2011

Letter Writing During a Blizzard!

The best part about this New Year’s Resolution is that I have blog fodder for at least the rest of the month. Although some blog-worthy things happened yesterday. For one, snow!

Some of it had already melted by the time I woke up!

It wasn’t that much snow here, but of course people were all freaking out beforehand. Apparently there’s still “icy conditions” on the roads so it will be a fun drive to work later!

Also, my friend Meghan and I discovered that we were also BFF in preschool before we both moved away! Then her mom found all these preschool pictures of us! Crazy times.

Also, I’ve been writing letters!

Two of the letters I wrote this week were sort of unusual. One was to my brother in Houston, which will arrive in my signature cloud envelopes in a box, since I also had to send him this:

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The Letter Writing Continues

I think I’m just starting to realize that 31 letters is a lot of letters. When I decided to do this, I was adapting the idea of writing a letter every day for a year, so in comparison a month sounded like a piece of cake. As it turns out, it’s one of those cakes at the Chocolate Bar which have like ten layers and you can never finish a piece and even if you do you feel kind of ill afterwards. Okay, not quite like that. I haven’t felt ill yet. But this is only Day 7!

Luckily some people responded to my facebook plea for their addresses because otherwise this would have stopped on, like, Day 4. I was happy and a little bit surprised with some people who volunteered their whereabouts since I haven’t talked to some of them in a really long time. This initially made the letter writing kind of awkward; should I try to sum up the past six years of my life somehow? How much do they even know about my life now, gleaned from facebook status updates and random, ninth-hand gossip? Is it as little as I know about theirs? What do they even care about now that I can write about? No idea! But eventually I decided that was okay, and just kind of went with it.

For some reason it’s easier for me to say things in letters than in conversation or email. I guess it’s the time you get to compose your thoughts that you don’t get face to face, plus the time delay in their receiving it which lends a measure of distance too. Not that every letter I’ve written so far has contained dramatic confessions. Or at least true dramatic confessions. Sometimes I get bored and just make up gossip about shared acquaintances, such as when I revealed to Trevor that someone in our O-Week group is an undercover CIA operative. Although I’m not sure that’s made up; it seems pretty obvious. Bet you can’t guess who!

Here is the current letter map, as of today!

Hopefully the first few people I wrote to will be getting their letters today or tomorrow! Just because I promised to write one a day doesn’t mean I actually mail one a day. Sometimes it’s dark and I’m afraid if I walk to the mailbox I’ll literally freeze to death! My greatest regret would be not finishing my New Year’s Resolution. That, and dying.

New Year’s Resolution Update!

I know it’s only been 4 days, but so far my New Year’s Resolution to write a letter every day has been a success! So, yeah, I’ve written four letters. Here are where my letters are on their way to right now!

I realize I should maybe have bought some real stationary instead of plain computer paper. Also probably some up to date stamps instead of putting on more postage than necessary because I only have 41 cent stamps for some reason:

Although my cloud envelopes are killer

I assume if you receive such a letter you will just think “WOW! Two stamps! So much better than one! Patricia is amazing!” Exactly.

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