Art Show Solidarity!

So RIGHT NOW my beloved illustrator (remember that book I wrote? Yeah, me neither) is having her amazing glitter and cupcake filled first art show! Unfortunately it’s in Minneapolis, so I can’t go (because of my fear of polar bears). Luckily Steven and I were able to celebrate in solidarity!

First, I decided to make the most Natalie kind of cupcake I could think of:

Pink frosting+glitter sprinkles+something called "cake pearls"!

“Wow, Patricia,” you are saying. “Those cupcakes are SO FANCY! There is no way the inside could be as great as the outside.” WRONG AGAIN, dear reader.

Nothing says party like funfetti!

Then, to further pay tribute to the amazingness that is Natalie, we made our own art! I learned two things about making art when I was a kid, and I still try to follow them both when I can: 1) cover up EVERY BIT of white space, and 2) use every single art tool at your disposal.

So I used: markers, colored pencils, crayons, water color pencils, cut up magazines, glitter glue sheen. Ta-dah!

So much art right now!

Steven decided to go the recognizable route:

Granted, I'm not an art expert, but I'm not sure it counts if you can tell what it is

Yay Natalie!!!

3 responses to “Art Show Solidarity!”

  1. mom Ladd says:

    Totally Awesome!

  2. natalie says:


    those cupcakes are SO ME.

    !!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T SAY ANYTHING ELSE BUG OMG.

  3. natalie says:


    damn it.

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