International Letter Writing!

This week I wrote two letters whose arrows won’t fit on my map because they’re going to the UK! One for Brian and for my ex-flatmate in Scotland! Although now she lives in North Yorkshire. Exciting times that necessitate an actual trip to the post office for correct postage!

Most of the letters I’ve written have been about 1.5-2 pages, front and back, but Brian’s is definitely the longest so far, at around 3.5! I think because I was sort of tired when I wrote it, and felt it started off kind of strangely, so kept trying to write more to offset that. Then I just got bored and decided to write down ALL OF MY DARKEST SECRETS because something about sending it to London means it will be too far away for judgement. I will, of course, be sorry when a week from now Brian writes a dramatic expose on his blog titled: “Patricia Ladd: SECRETLY ILLITERATE??” Best kept secret ever! Who would suspect a librarian?

4 responses to “International Letter Writing!”

  1. mom Ladd says:

    Christmas Letters were mailed yesterday. So, you actually sent out about 60 letters yesterday.

  2. Brian says:

    I am so excited to see arrows going off the map! I’ve done the tired=long letter thing before to people, but they have been kind enough not to publish scandalous accounts. Silly fools.

  3. Uncle Bill says:

    Yes! The new purple line pointing to the Charleston area was intended for us, and we are now members of a truly elite group of correspondees….. Wait a minute….. correspondence requires an exchange of letters… do you see what you have started?

    Thanks for including us!

  4. Karol says:

    YOU MADE MY DAY! We got our letter today! Thanks Tricia –

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