So far I’m thinking a phalanx of animated gifs, and giving everyone free unicorns

The Internet is Steven’s job, but it’s also what he does for fun. Usually when he talks about it all I hear is either:

“GRUMBLE GRUMBLE GRUMBLE backwards compatible GRUMBLE GRUMBLE IE IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE GRUMBLE GRUMBLE why am I the only one in the world who can spell GRUMBLE GRUMBLE code.”

or, the slightly more upbeat:

“GUESS WHAT??? {white noise} jquery {white noise} website {white noise} streamline {white noise} ostriches.”

Because comprehension AND empathy combined take too much energy and I am a weary grad student. I usually settle for apologizing for the Internet and/or humanity or saying “Yay! Good job! Can I have a sandwich?” A good mood is the secret to superior Steven Sandwich Making.

However, earlier this week I was able to comprehend a whole sentence, without caps lock or curly brackets. It was something like “I am reconfiguring like crazy! Major updates for your blog are coming! Tell me what you want it to do–literally, anything!–and I will make it do that!”


The problem is, when offered LITERALLY ANYTHING there is too much to choose from and I can’t even decide what to demand first. So you should totes help me think of LITERALLY ANYTHING that we can demand Steven make my blog do.

He is also going to change the design because this look is SO a year and a half ago.

1 So these may or may not have been his exact words, but I learned from my stint as Wiess Secretary that people rarely remember their exact words, so you can claim pretty much anything if you are willingly to claim it strongly enough. Or if it’s funny.

3 responses to “So far I’m thinking a phalanx of animated gifs, and giving everyone free unicorns”

  1. Uncle Bill says:

    I was going to be a total suck up and write “don’t change anything, I love Plaid Pladd as it is”, but that’s not how I roll.

    So, if you really want to change it up…..

    How about music to accompany individual posts.

    Set the mood with music.

    Maybe clicking on the header for the post could start the link to an appropriate music clip.

    I don’t know if that makes it hard enough for Steven or not……..

    or, perhaps an automated stuxnet loader?

  2. Katelyn says:

    IE really is the bane of everyone’s existence.

    For April Fools this year a friend posted a sign on my door that said “I ♥ [internet explorer logo]”.Apparently I complained enough that ALL of my friends thought that was hilarious…

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