Lost Book Letter and Other Short Stories

So when I came in yesterday, this letter was taped to the front desk, written in shaky pencil, but with good spelling:

Dear Librarian,
I am very sorry that I lost the book Great Citizen’s of the U.S.. It was a good book and I enjoyed reading it but now because of me no one else will get to enjoy it like I did. I don’t know where it is but I would like to buy the library another book with the money from the first book. I hope you will forgive me. I will keep my eye out for it.

[Overly Contrite Child Whose Mom May or May Not Have Forced Him To Write This Letter]

“I want a book about a dinosaur that doesn’t like the other dinosaurs and just wants to be an astronaut but then the other dinosaurs make fun of him and he thinks it’s impossible but then he finds out it’s not impossible because Santa tells him he can do it so he goes into space and meets aliens and Dora the Explorer.”

My attempts to encourage this kid to write this book instead of expecting me to find it for him alas were met with much chagrin. The look on his face clearly said, “What kind of a library is this, anyway?”


My heart

The Korean girl I tutor wears a shirt that says this all the time. Sometimes I think she wears it just for me because it has “English” on it, although clearly the kind of English you find on shirts in Korea. Other times I think it might be some kind of secret incantation. Nature… Sportysm…. Socistyle… My heart for you. Of course, I suspect mysticism anytime I’s appear to be replaced with Y’s.

4 responses to “Lost Book Letter and Other Short Stories”

  1. mom Ladd says:

    You might have to write a book about interaction with kids at the library. Priceless!
    I have missed your posts. Glad to see one new today.

  2. Alex Crompton says:

    I remember when I was a kid I took one of a set of illustrated American patriotic history books for some reason from the school’s little library that nobody used. Then I left the school to go to another without ever returning the book. I was very guilty and anxious about it. I would scheme how I could return the book without anyone seeing me doing it. Then I would forget the whole thing, remember again, and make another scheme.

    I don’t think I ever did return that book.

  3. Clearly YOU should write that book so that the next time the kid comes in you can be all OH WHAT

  4. Erika says:

    Omg, that second story is too funny. It completely made my day! Why can’t libraries just magically have the book I’m secretly imagining in my head?! I can’t be expected to write anything!

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