Archive for April, 2010

I am now half a librarian. Also: fancy chocolates!

Today I turned in my last papers of the semester, meaning I’m done with my first year of grad school!! Since I’m now half a librarian, I can recommend the beginning of a good book to you! Plus some other stuff I learned in school that isn’t applicable to the real world! Yay!

I decided the best way to celebrate would be to buy chocolate from Miel Bon Bons, the classy “patisserie & confiserie” in Car Mill Mall. I’ve definitely wanted to check out their chocolates before, but was always intimidated by the extreme fanciness. I am just a humble grad student, albeit in the finest flip flops the mens shoe section of Target can provide (I have abnormally large feet). Nevertheless, today I felt I deserved it. In the end, Steven and I decided upon three.

Steven chose the one on the left, as you probably could have guessed from its lack of prettiness.

Steven chose the one on the left, as you probably could have guessed from its lack of prettiness.

The ugly one on the left is a muscadine truffle. Apparently a muscadine is a kind of grape. It was DELICIOUS, essentially what Chocovine wishes it tasted like. The one on the right is sea salt caramel, equally delicious and rich, not annoyingly sticky like most caramel. Then, the weirdest one:

The purple one: clearly the best

The purple one: clearly the best

Pineapple basil flavored! I know, weird. But oddly good. The pineapple provided a smooth background taste, whereas the basil and chocolate mingled in a nice blend I wouldn’t have expected. Yes, it was kind of strange to be eating basil in dessert form, but I’m not going to argue with purple tastiness.

Fanciness well earned!

Fanciness well earned!


Last Days of Class

I’m typing this on my iPod touch in a classroom on the third floor of the library science building, where I’ve spent too much time over the past year. I have two classes in a row here this semester and today is the last day of them. It’s weird how sentimental professors here get about saying goodbye to their grad students. Especially for these large, required classes that everyone is only lukewarmly interested in. I don’t remember anyone at Rice ever getting all weepy like that, even in my four person seminar class. Maybe grad students are more lovable. At least at UNC.

Finals Time

It’s finals week and I am writing a giant paper on children’s information seeking behavior. I’m also writing an 100 page screenplay with James Fox as part of Script Frenzy. I don’t know why NaNoWriMo always decides that the best months to interfere in my life are the same months that bring finals. Not that they’re forcing me to write anything but, like the bad ass time traveling super hero I’m writing about, I can never turn down a CHALLENGE. Since I don’t really have that much time to give you all the exciting details, I’ve decided to do this soap opera recap montage style:

Last Week on: Patricia’s Life
The seminar class wanders one-by-one into the room, yawning because it’s so early. Since they’re the only class in the entire School of Information and Library Science that meets on Friday, the halls are eerily quiet and echo ominously.

Why are you wearing shorts when it’s cold outside all of a sudden?

You’ve got to commit to shorts at some point in the year and never look back
This is exactly how they dress at the Australian stock exchange. It’s business casual.

PATRICIA sits on the floor working on her research at the giant coffee table she uses as a regular kitchen table.

PATRICIA sits on the floor working on her research at the giant coffee table she uses as a regular kitchen table.

PATRICIA sits on the floor working on her research at the giant coffee table. She pauses briefly to write a hurried three more pages of Script Frenzy script. It involves space dinosaurs for some reason.

PATRICIA gets up to start making meatloaf cupcakes for dinner when she hears something at the front door.

PATRICIA (v. o.)
Hmmm… it’s still light outside so that can’t be Steven yet. INTRUDER!!!

Patricia looks around for a weapon to defend herself. Suddenly, STEVEN walks into the room.

Hey girl hey!

(sets down chair) Oh.

For some reason, UNC still does paper course evaluations that are on a scantron. PATRICIA is annoyed that she doesn’t have a pencil and is forced to write her detailed explanation of how this class could be greatly improved by not requiring it with a tiny golf pencil that won’t even fit in her hand.

PATRICIA is reading another book about children’s information seeking while waiting for the bus. Its cover has a strange picture of a child in a library looking AS CONFUSED AS IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE.

So whatchya reading?

This stupid book about child information seeking behavior.

(confused and slightly repulsed–the appropriate reaction)

I guess because I’m a librarian.

Huh. You’re kinda hot for a librarian.

Ummm… What?

Like… you’re not old.

And I’m not shushing you?



Stay tuned next week for:

Your plan to steal all of the world’s gemeralds to power your evil space station is foolproof, Dr. Fiend.

Dr. Fiend cackles evilly and strokes his pet mongoose.

But there’s ONE thing you DIDN’T COUNT ON!

Close up on PATRICIA’s narrowed eyes:



You see, I had to leave my job at blockbuster, even though I loved answering your inane questions about which movies would be best for a “Burned as a Witch” drinking game.

But… but WHY?



Come on, Steven, just come down from here with me and no one will get hurt


It’s gonna be great.

My Latest Obsession: Polka Bands

I know I’m the kind of person who usually gets way into traditional music and dance no matter how ridic, but I’ve always hated the polka, ever since we learned it in Southern Belle School. It seemed like no one else really knew how to do it either, and we’d all end up awkwardly hopping around the room not knowing what to do. Then a guy who looked just like Mr. Clean got on my dance card at the ball and it was ALL KINDS OF POLKA DRAMA.

Anyway, I have decided to change my mind:

Polka bands are clearly AWESOME. I want to form my own to cover Lady Gaga songs. I call accordion!

Also, I’ve been getting so much Russian spam on my blog that when I signed on Google was all: “We’ve noticed this page is in Russian, do you want us to translate it for you?” and I was all “STOP OVERRIDING MY DEFAULTS BY SHEER NUMBERS, SPAMBOTS.” Don’t worry, I won’t give up the good fight.

Library of Congress Archiving Tweets?!?

For real real!! There is a CNN article about it and everything. Apparently they will have every public tweet ever tweeted since Twitter’s creation in 2006! They cite the need to save important tweets as well as uses for the data to study human interactions in an increasingly digital world.

More importantly, it means that I have to add a new job to my Possible Job Ideas list:
Twitter Librarian of Congress

How awesome would that be? I will be watching for that job posting and will apply by tweet to seem authentic.

Keith Richards & DC

I have always known that librarianship is awesome, but apparently Keith Richards agrees:

SHHH! Keith Richards, the grizzled veteran of rock’n’roll excess, has confessed to a secret longing: to be a librarian. After decades spent partying in a haze of alcohol and drugs, Richards will tell in his forthcoming autobiography that he has been quietly nurturing his inner bookworm.

He has even considered “professional training” to manage thousands of books at his homes in Sussex and Connecticut, according to publishing sources familiar with the outline of Richards’s autobiography, which is due out this autumn. He has received a reported advance of $7.3m (£4.8m) for it.

The guitarist started to arrange the volumes, including rare histories of early American rock music and the second world war, by the librarian’s standard Dewey Decimal classification system but gave up on that as “too much hassle.”

The rest of the article can be found here.

Also, I’m going to DC today! I hope to relive my childhood and also show Steven what is what. It will be just like The Roadtrip, but much shorter.

I am miraculously cured and kind of miss JerBear

It sometimes feels like I have spent my entire life suffering from allergies. I’ve learned to live with it as best I can, knowing that I can’t visit my grandparents in the country without either taking so much medication that I get woozy or being unable to breathe. Cats are the main offenders and, like the slightly sinister, prescient beings they are, they naturally gravitate towards me because of this. But even if I avoid them like graduate students fleeing a hornet-infested classroom (funny story…), I still have to contend with all of this nature that seems to have sprung up everywhere.

At least, until now.

The trees here are greeting the return of warm weather by bathing us all in smoky clouds of yellow. I washed Trixie yesterday afternoon and when I went out to get the mail just after dinner it already looked like she had had some kind of run in with the car version of Goldfinger. Everyone in my classes is hacking and sniffling. And yet, I am fine. I at first assumed that I had died without noticing.

Then the girl sitting next to me told me that the best way to fight allergies is to eat the local honey, since it has been made with that same pollen. Like a tasty, tasty vaccination. It occurs to me that I have been eating extremely local honey bought at the farmer’s market for months now. Could my allergies finally have been cured from homeopathic, hippie folk wisdom?? Has my interest in farmer’s markets from my Literature and the Environment class at far off Rice actually saved my life? I assumed so.

Then I called my parents and they were all like “Allergies take a while to kick in, wait till next year and you’ll feel like you’re DYING”. Thanks, Mom and Dad.

Whatever, in the face of logic, I am going to embrace my smelly, hippie brethren and believe that they know what they’re talking about. You can tell how long it’s been since I’ve seen Jeremy Caves, the force of his good-natured, Parmesan-loving, eco-pushing personality is starting to wear off. I don’t think I’m prepared to punch someone for not recycling anymore as JerBear so often recommended. You’ll notice that JerBear has his own tag on my blog, though he would probably be too busy contesting this nickname to feel honored. Brian Reinhart is the only other person to have won this achievement (through his treachery).

New Moon or Unnecessary Dramatic Pause: The Movie

As I was sitting in class Thursday, pondering the intricacies of library science professorship, my friend Erin told me that she was attending a showing of New Moon with RiffTrax over the weekend since she’d gotten a facebook invitation. This led me to have two thoughts almost simultaneously. The first was:

“I love facebook invites. They’re so easy for everyone involved and you can upload hilarious pictures. I wonder if I can just make facebook invites for my wedding? And then everyone who clicks ‘Maybe’ won’t get food. It’ll be awesome.”

The second was:

“NEW MOON RIFFTRAX ARE OUT?????? Why didn’t Mike Nelson inform me PESRONALLY??? I am there.”

In case you are uninitiated, RiffTrax is a lot like my beloved Mystery Science Theater 3000 in that it’s a track you can play along with a movie that makes fun of it AND IT IS WRITTEN BY THE SAME PEOPLE. It’s different in that the movies are often real, theatrical releases and not The Incredibly Strange Creatures who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-up Zombies. The Twilight RiffTrax was definitely the funniest I’ve seen–probably because A) Twilight is horribly written AND horribly acted, and B) there is so much dramatic pausing to leave plenty of room to make jokes in between dialog.

So today Rachel and I (and Steven) experienced New Moon: The Movie: With Rifftrax. And it was so painful. I cannot imagine seeing it in the theaters without someone making fun of it in the background. Here is a rundown in case you are curious:

Bella: can best be described as—DRAMATIC PAUSE–“noodley”, we decided, since, like many toddlers, she seems to have trouble–DRAMATIC PAUSE–developing these gross motor skills and often ends up falling down or–DRAMATIC PAUSE–just going limp on the nearest available surface.

Edward: is incredibly squinty. Rachel thinks that may be–DRAMATIC PAUSE–Robert Pattinson concentrating to say his lines in an American accent. I think that he just can’t stand–DRAMATIC PAUSE–being near Kristin Stewart’s equally bad acting.

The Effeminate Background Elf Characters from Lord of the Rings: are now effeminate Italian vampires, apparently.

Now just imagine about 300% more dramatic pauses, and it’s like you ACTUALLY WATCHED New Moon. But 24 times shorter.

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