First Day of Class Poetry

Do Not Buy Book
Bookstore doesn’t have it
We read 1/3rd of the pages
violate copyright law
wee little things
Yahoo!Answers for a grade!!!!!!!
The Wild West of Reference
laugh in the face of danger librarianship
only librarians like to search everyone else likes to find

I decided, since first day of class is never about anything you can’t look up online later anyways, to take notes in the form of a poem. I bet you can tell everything we talked about just from that. Two cool things:

1. He decided we didn’t have to buy the book because the bookstore didn’t order them. Once again my lack of initiative pays off!

2. One of the assignments is to answer questions on Yahoo!Answers and other social Q&A sites. I realize it will probably be impossible to limit myself to anything involving the Jonas Brothers and inane dating advice (preferably both), but a girl can dream.

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