Times I Have Almost Died: Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe

Today, unlike the many more harrowing Times I Have Almost Died, I was nearly killed by sheer joy. The Culprit? Chapel Hill’s Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe. The Weapon? The M&M Waffle.

This isn’t the first encounter I’ve had with the joy that is M&M Waffles. The theory occurred to me in the Wiess Servery when morning when I realized some SCIENTIFIC FACTS upon which to base this experiment in the tasty sciences:

1) The Wiess Servery has a waffle iron.
2) The Wiess vending machines have M&M’s (sometimes)

Hypothesis: I could put M&M’s in the waffle batter and get M&M waffles!!!

Unfortunately this was in the early days of my scientific career so I had failed to take a few vital parts of the experiment into consideration.

1) I hate waiting in lines so the waffle iron was pretty much out of my reach.
2) M&Ms can burn and melt and things. Though they seem magical, they are essentially chocolate.

Thankfully, Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe has my back! A narrow diner with waffles, pancakes, eggs, and hashbrowns, this would TOTALLY have been a Breakfast Club Destination had it been in H-Town during my three-year tenure as Breakfast Rep. The M&M waffles were maybe the closest mortal man can be to heaven. At least if your version of heaven involves waffles and candy. MINE DOES.

Unfortunately by the time I realized this was a life-changing experience, all of the food was gone. I will probably have to make several more research trips to this location and eat several more M&M waffles. You know, FOR SCIENCE.

2 responses to “Times I Have Almost Died: Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe”

  1. Mom Ladd says:

    I want one! Can’t wait to visit there with you.

  2. Uncle Bill says:

    Does this mean I should break out the Waring “Professional Belgian Waffle Maker” we received as a Christmas gift last year. It has never been used, and looks just like the machines used for hotel breakfast bars. The box touts “Extra deep waffle pockets to produce thickest Belgian waffle in the industry.” and “Rotary feature ensures even baking on top and bottom.” You bring the batter and I’ll supply the iron and M&Ms. Looking forward to y’alls visit to Duck Ditch.

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