The Three Best Things To Do In North Dakota

Most people think that North Dakota is a barren wasteland, continually buried under a thick blanket of snow and ice. Though this is mostly true, there is a two week window where it is habitable which doesn’t get that much publicity. Speaking of publicity, North Dakota’s current advertising strategy is a picture of an empty interstate, fields on either side, with the caption “North Dakota: The Morning Commute”. Since I only saw these ON THE INTERSTATE that was pictured, I think it was a great way to drive the point home: “Nothing here! Our state is totally empty!”

Which is strange, because it’s not ENTIRELY true, and you’d think the state tourism board would want to capitalize on these exceptions. Here they are, the best three things to do in North Dakota:


There are a number of ways to do this but the best option is Fort Lincoln where the tour guides are all wearing period costume and pretend that it is 1876 to the point of being kind of annoying.

Me in front of Custer's house IN THE YEAR 1876!!!

Me in front of Custer's house IN THE YEAR 1876!!!

Steven at the infantry blockhouses IN THE YEAR 1876!!!

Steven at the infantry blockhouses IN THE YEAR 1876!!!

Me watching out for Indian attack IN THE YEAR 1876!!!

Me watching out for Indian attack IN THE YEAR 1876!!!

Steven as a Mandan IN AN HISTORICALLY INACURATE 1876!!!

Steven as a Mandan IN AN HISTORICALLY INACURATE 1876!!!


2. Make the Acquaintance of Interesting Locals

Like this!

A porcupine in a tree!

A porcupine in a tree!

Apparently they often hang out in trees. And I was told this by a girl wearing a paisley bonnet, so you know it’s true.


As fun now as when I was seven

As fun now as when I was seven

2 responses to “The Three Best Things To Do In North Dakota”

  1. Rob says:

    That porcupine is terrifying!

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