Times I Have Almost Died: MY BIRTHDAY!

A birthday is a horrible time for a near death experience but, as my mother feared, the day I turned 22 I faced a twofold threat in Seattle–suspiciously close to Canada. The first was the insidious threat of crepe or nutella overdose at lunch:

The tastiest way to die

The tastiest way to die

The second was far more overt:

Behold the seagull mafia!

Behold the seagull mafia!

Luckily, I am from Florida and narrowly avoided death by making myself look as unappetizing as possible and losing myself in a far more pliant tour group. Another narrow animal-escape.

One response to “Times I Have Almost Died: MY BIRTHDAY!”

  1. Marianne says:

    Think that restaurant has enough flavors of Snapple?

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