Misguided Travel Guides: the World’s Second Largest Pecan

Okay. Here is something you may not be aware of.

Texas is so freakin huge.

We’ve been driving all day and only ended up in Comanche Springs, STILL 219 miles from El Paso. And most of it after San Antonio looked a lot like this:



And, okay, maybe I’m lying when I said we’ve been driving ALL day. We did stop in Seguin, Texas, a town whose promotional posters claim that it is “Aged to Perfection”, which is true if here “perfection” means “peeling paint and abandoned buildings”. Why stop here? To see the World’s Second Largest Pecan.

Oh, Seguin. Even your novelty landmark glory is second-rate.

Oh, Seguin. Even your novelty landmark glory is second-rate.

Here is a video Steven Wiggins took (badly) of me explaining the glory of the pecan. I assume the shakiness is due to pecan excitement.

Shocking surprise ending: there is NO Dairy Queen in Seguin. Sad times.

4 responses to “Misguided Travel Guides: the World’s Second Largest Pecan”

  1. Rob says:

    I ate a bigger pecan than that at lunch today, take that Seguin

  2. Brian says:

    Looks like they haven’t painted their pecan in a while. Posers.

  3. Bova says:

    LOL!!! This is amazing! The video is awesome…my only problem is your slight mispronunciation of “pecan.” Clearly it should be “pe-caaan”! 🙂 But that’s okay. Sequin looks awesome. Have fun!

  4. Arin says:

    lol. I used to compete in science fair against kids from Seguin… I will never think of them the same way again. You have tainted my perception.

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