Banned Books Week 2017: Big Hard Sex Criminals

This cover pretty much says it all

This cover pretty much says it all

Title: Big Hard Sex Criminals
Author: Matt Fraction
Challenged In: It’s a secret, apparently
Because of: Sexually explicit

Sex is a plot point in this comic, so obvs it’s going to involve sex. The two main characters have the rare ability to stop time after an orgasm. They end up trying to use their powers to rob a bank and are apprehended by the TIME STOP COPS lol. It’s kind of ridiculous and silly, and I think if it were a normal book instead of a graphic novel, it wouldn’t be on this list. It’s shelved in the adult section (see the back cover above), but graphic novels always get more grief than regular ones because ~the children could just open it up and see a penis~. So maybe watch your children in the library instead of trying to tell the rest of us what to do.

Previously: George
Next: Make Something Up

One response to “Banned Books Week 2017: Big Hard Sex Criminals”

  1. Yeah for real it seems like the majority of these cases could be resolved by the parent just watching their children instead of assuming that all public employees are basically babysitters

    But I guess if they were self-aware enough to realize this they probably wouldn’t be the kind of asshole who tries to get a book titled FOR MATURE READERS DUH banned in the first place so

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