2015: The Bad

I guess it’s a good sign that there were only 16 books I gave 1 star to in 2015, and some of those were for Hate Book Club and my Reading Things I Disagree With project. It’s hard to pick the WORST book, but I’m going to have to go with:

Don't Be That Girl by Travis Stork

Don’t Be That Girl by Travis Stork

Maybe because I can’t even get past the cover without being insulted. I read this in February as the book I disagree with. Travis Stork backs up his claims on why you should probably quit your job because men are intimidated by a woman with a career by repeating that he’s a doctor a lot. Ugggggggh.

The 40 Laws of the Alpha Male: How to Dominate Life, Attract Women, and Achieve Massive Success by Derren Nash

The 40 Laws of the Alpha Male: How to Dominate Life, Attract Women, and Achieve Massive Success by Derren Nash

This book I got for free on Amazon for my Books I’ll Disagree with Project. Maybe because I went into it with such low expectations, but it wasn’t AS bad as I thought. It talked a lot about how you need to be confident in your relationship with Jesus?? Which is not something I thought MRAs were into, but whatever.

The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump

The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump

Read the full review here. In summary, Donald Trump was way more boring than offensive in the 80s, at least by comparison.

I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You by Courtney Maum

I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You by Courtney Maum

This book is terrible. It got some good reviews, but the characters are all horrible, particularly the narrator, who whines a lot about how he just wants his wife and kid back while also pining for his mistress. I only kept reading in the hopes that he would die horribly. Alas.

Here's the Situation: A Guide to Creeping on Chicks, Avoiding Grenades, and Getting in Your GTL on the Jersey Shore "by" Mike Sorrentino

Here’s the Situation: A Guide to Creeping on Chicks, Avoiding Grenades, and Getting in Your GTL on the Jersey Shore “by” Mike Sorrentino

Read the full review here. Another excellent Hate Book Club choice.

My Unfair Lady by Kathryne Kennedy

My Unfair Lady by Kathryne Kennedy

Okay, I had to give this book one star because of what it is, but it was actually pretty hilarious to read. Summer Wine Lee grew up as a half-Native American prospector’s daughter in The Wild West before her dad found silver and became totally nouveau riche. She hires the English Duke of Monchester to turn her into a proper lady so she can marry into old money, but of course he ends up falling in love with her instead. Basically, her fakey Old West accent changed my life.

Grey by ELJames

Grey by ELJames

I was coerced into reading this by tumblr. You can see a PAINSTAKINGLY DETAILED review compiled over several months there.

Love and Miss Communication by Elyssa Friedland

Love and Miss Communication by Elyssa Friedland

I tried to read this book because it looked like a modern epistolary novel, and you know I’m a sucker for epistolary novels. But I’m pretty sure the author wrote a novel about “detoxing from modern technology” without really understanding modern technology. I think the main character is supposed to read as “delightfully over-the-top” but instead I hate her.

The Island of Lost Maps by Miles Harvey

The Island of Lost Maps by Miles Harvey

I thought this was going to be one of those great non-fiction books that read like a novel, but instead it was one guy’s rambling.

How to Fight, Lie, and Cry Your Way to Popularity (and a Prom Date) by Nikki Roddy

How to Fight, Lie, and Cry Your Way to Popularity (and a Prom Date) by Nikki Roddy

This book looked like it was going to be a funny parody of teen movies, maybe with some analysis thrown in, but instead it was a bland summary of them

Gender Blender by Blake Nelson

Gender Blender by Blake Nelson

I read a lot of books about gender identity, but this… is not one of them. It’s about a middle school boy and girl who switch bodies Freaky Friday style. Hello, outdated gender stereotypes.

The Internet is a Playground by David Thorne

The Internet is a Playground by David Thorne

This book was free on Amazon. That is the extent of my memories about it.

The Frazzled Female by Cindi Wood

The Frazzled Female by Cindi Wood

I read this book in March as the Book I Disagree With. It’s basically an article from Ladies Home Journal stretched to 122 pages with an extra dose of Jesus.

The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger

The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger

Another epistolary novel that let me down. This book was WAY boring. You can tell this was written by someone with a lot of law experience, because she chooses to include WAY more information about contracts, court documents, and legalese than a normal author would. The story itself was pretty bland and uninteresting.

101 Things You Need to Know and Some You Don't by Richard Horne

101 Things You Need to Know and Some You Don’t by Richard Horne

This was aimed at teens, but would probably be more appropriate for a 3rd grader. I remember nothing else about it.

How to Spice up Your Marriage in 7 Days by Imogen Barnet

How to Spice up Your Marriage in 7 Days by Imogen Barnet

This was free on Amazon, and I was desperate to read a book I disagreed with. It’s best advice was to stare unblinkingly into someone’s eyes for four whole minutes. “Set your phone alarm.” Okay, creeper.

Previously: 2015 The Good, 2014 The Bad
Next: 2015 The Ugly

One response to “2015: The Bad”

  1. Haha wow

    How to spice up your MARRIAGE sex life

    wouldn’t want anyone to think they were advocating premarital sex

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