International Librarian Corps Signet Ring!!!!

Steven’s way too hopped up on his own genius to keep things secret sometimes, which is why I got one of my Christmas presents early!!! Yay!!!

It's a ring!

It’s a ring!

An International Librarian Corps signet ring! The International Librarian Corps has been appearing in my NaNoWriMo novels since forever. At first it was just a joke from a minor character:

Talwyn rolled her eyes at him and whipped a metal badge out of her pocket. It had an emblem that featured a quill pen writing the word KNOWLEDGE! in big letters, with the exclamation point and all, in an open book. The words “International Librarian Corps” were written across the top, and then “Librarian—First Class” along the bottom. “Suck it,” Talwyn said, putting the badge away.
“Yeah,” Amos said, turning back to the screen. “I’m still not convinced you didn’t have that made just to perpetrate this elaborate subterfuge that librarians matter.”

But eventually I wrote a whole book about a girl being sent to the ILC’s academy, the John Cotton Dana School for the Worryingly Gifted.

“You fight made up monsters?” she asked, glancing at the battle axe hanging high on the wall of the librarian’s office. “Like Where The Wild Things Are?”
“Ever since they developed the taste for human flesh, yes,” Miss Pin confirmed. “But it’s mostly not about physical confrontation. We use books to harness them. Otherwise we’d have an even greater problem on our hands. Once you write it down, it’s more or less tied in place. Of course, they try to escape all the time. Especially in libraries. Which is where I come in.”

Anyway, based on my description, Steven made this baller logo:

Based on the books, there's no way I'm experienced enough at bookaneering to be considered a Librarain--First Class, but whatever

Based on the books, there’s no way I’m experienced enough at bookaneering to be considered a Librarain–First Class, but whatever

Using that, he had it 3D printed!!!! With this app. Truly, we live in the future.

2 responses to “International Librarian Corps Signet Ring!!!!”

  1. Caitlin says:

    Well that’s amazing!

  2. Uncle Bill says:

    I will now expect all future mail correspondence to be sealed with wax and imprinted from the ring to ensure authenticity!

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