
Happy Friday, friends, frenemies, and spambots!

I don’t have time to write much because my BFF James Fox is coming to visit today!!!! No doubt I will soon bring you tales of our dramatic exploits. An important part of any James Fox visit is The Patriciagenda, a magical document kind of like the fabled List from way back at the beginning of this blog. The Patriciagenda currently has 114 items on it, and I usually print it out (or at least the ones we’ve yet to accomplish) and tape it to the wall to give us motivation to be completely awesome at every waking moment. Yes, the Patriciagenda can be exhausting, but it is always worth it. Here are some things we may or may not be able to accomplish in the next few days:

2. BOY BAND (writing? singing?) CONTEST
16. Dictate a novel while playing Just Dance just to show James it can be done
20. Find the Holy Grail. Drink Cheerwine from it.
30. Destroy-a-bear!!!!
90. Decide which of the three corn mazes is the best
91. Visit Steven at work!!! Cause all kinds of drama
94. Get James pumped for NaNoWriMo in a training montage!!!
100. Go on a hike!!! Pretend we are Lewis and Clark (I CALL LEWIS!!!)
101. Take cyberbullying old school with postal bullying
105. Dramatically throw something into the sea
108. Celebrate Rice’s Centennial; do something for the glory of the R-Man

Get ready for adventure!!!

I always am!

3 responses to “Patriciagenda”

  1. WMR says:

    celebrating Rice’s centennial should be #100, obviously. go coyote!

    • pladd says:

      Are you referring to the urban coyotes legend has it inhabit the Rice campus? If so, I join you in cheering them on. Take back the night, coyotes. Those shiftless academs need to be kept on their toes.

  2. WMR says:

    yes! or the enemy of the team mascot that…nevermind. I like your idea better! shiftless…

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