Ceremonies are boring.
Parties are awesome!


You’ve been invited to celebrate Patricia and Steven’s wedding! Or, as I have been calling it, Wedding: Just the Good Parts. Let me explain:

If you know us at all (which hopefully you do!), you know that we hate anyone telling us what to do, especially if that person is not even a person but “society”.

The same thing applies to weddings, of course! Who says you have to have bridesmaids? Or a fancy venue? Or uncomfortable shoes? We’re just happy to be getting married and don’t really need all that extraneous stuff to celebrate! Just some food, some music, and some fun people (that’s where you come in).


The Ceremony
Not being a huge fan of pageantry, we decided on a short, very private ceremony with our immediate families before the big event! Some people might consider a marriage ceremony more of a “big event” than the party to celebrate it, but those people clearly have weird priorities.


The Party (the part you’re invited to)
When: 7:00pm October 29th, 2011
Where: Chez Ladd
8555 125th Court N.
Seminole, FL 33776
For more information about the location and how to get there from wherever you might be, check our location page.
More deets: Costumes are not required, but HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. Especially if you want to win the costume contest. Buffet style food will be provided.


This Website
Has lots of info about the glories of Seminole, hotels, and the event. All of the content was written by me (Patricia), and the template was designed by Steven.