Adding to the List of Things I Quit

List of Things I’ve Quit: And reasons

Ice-skating: Moved to Florida. Bummer.
Karate: Sick of getting punched in the face.
Jazz dancing: No rhythm. Also, cannot understand jazz music.
Horseback riding: Allergic to horses. Surprise!
Playing piano: No rhythm. Also, teacher maybe died?
Writing fanfiction: Shame.
Playing guitar: No rhythm. Also, teacher mostly just told stories about armadillos and bands I’d never heard of.
Babysitting: Vow to never let some kid ride on my back and pretend I’m a horse again.
Singing in any kind of public setting: someone at a library Halloween Caroling event told me I should “never sing again ever”. Middle School Girls have fragile feelings.
Going to math competitions: Realized enthusiasm is not the same as actual math skills.
Writing novels: ???
A history class about somewhere in Europe in the 1200s: Could not understand professor at all.
Biking in Beer Bike: Traumatized the year before by having to chug at Beer Run
That English class about art: Prof=sweatiest person I’ve ever seen; plus, know nothing about art.
Road Trip: Really needed to do laundry; tired of eating fast food.
Math Tutoring: Pretty much just sick of driving to Cary
NaNoWriMo 2010: Decide to spend time instead on 10-12 page research papers suddenly do in every class. This was not part of the deal.
Volunteering at the library in November 2010: See above. At least with this one I can guarantee that the quitting is only temporary.

2 responses to “Adding to the List of Things I Quit”

  1. And yet you still have more words in your unfinished novel writing month novel than I do. IT’S LIKE I’M TRYING TO REACH AN EVENT HORIZON AND TIME IS SLOWING DOWN EXPONENTIALLY AS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN OUR WORD COUNTS DECREASES

  2. mom Ladd says:

    Sad about the writing novel comment. The entire history department and Room 152 read your “Death Before Dishonor” story about grandpa on Thursday. Ms. Faris said you are amazing. I already knew that. James, like your use of math terns in the above post.

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